« Pertinence et matérialité » : différence entre les versions

m Remplacement de texte : « |October| » par « |octobre| »
m Remplacement de texte : «  at pp.  » par «  aux pp.  »
Balises : Modification par mobile Modification par le web mobile
(4 versions intermédiaires par le même utilisateur non affichées)
Ligne 15 : Ligne 15 :
{{voir aussi | Acceptation des preuves}}
{{voir aussi | Acceptation des preuves}}
La pertinence est une preuve qui tend, « pour des raisons de logique et d'expérience humaine », à rendre une proposition plus susceptible d'être vraie.<ref>
La pertinence est une preuve qui tend, « pour des raisons de logique et d'expérience humaine », à rendre une proposition plus susceptible d'être vraie.<ref>
{{CanLIIRP|J-LJ|5246|2000 CSC 51 (CanLII)|[2000] 2 RCS 600}}{{perSCC-H|Binnie J}} ( {{Tr}}« Evidence is relevant “where it has some tendency as a matter of logic and human experience to make the proposition for which it is advanced more likely than that proposition would appear to be in the absence of that evidence” (D. M. Paciocco and L. Stuesser, The Law of Evidence (1996), at p. 19).")<br>
{{CanLIIRP|J-LJ|5246|2000 CSC 51 (CanLII)|[2000] 2 RCS 600}}{{perSCC-H|Binnie J}} ( {{Tr}}« Evidence is relevant “where it has some tendency as a matter of logic and human experience to make the proposition for which it is advanced more likely than that proposition would appear to be in the absence of that evidence” (D. M. Paciocco and L. Stuesser, The Law of Evidence (1996), au p. 19). » )<br>
{{CanLIIRP|Arp|1fqq7|1998 CanLII 769 (CSC)|[1998] 3 RCS 339}}{{perSCC|Cory J}}<br>
{{CanLIIRP|Arp|1fqq7|1998 CanLII 769 (CSC)|[1998] 3 RCS 339}}{{perSCC|Cory J}}<br>
{{CanLIIRP|Jackson|gmblf|2015 ONCA 832 (CanLII)|332 CCC (3d) 466}}{{perONCA-H|Watt JA}}{{atL|gmblf|122}} )“[r]elevance demands a determination of whether, as a matter of human experience and logic, the existence of a particular fact, directly or indirectly, makes the existence or non-existence of another fact more probable than it would be otherwise.”) <br>
{{CanLIIRP|Jackson|gmblf|2015 ONCA 832 (CanLII)|332 CCC (3d) 466}}{{perONCA-H|Watt JA}}{{atL|gmblf|122}} )“[r]elevance demands a determination of whether, as a matter of human experience and logic, the existence of a particular fact, directly or indirectly, makes the existence or non-existence of another fact more probable than it would be otherwise.”) <br>
{{CanLIIRT|Clarke|1v98k|1998 CanLII 14604 (ON CA)|112 OAC 233}}{{perONCA-H|Rosenberg JA}}, at pp. 241-2 ("[T]he test of relevancy in the law of evidence is not an exacting one and is not dependent upon scientific proof.")<br>
{{CanLIIRT|Clarke|1v98k|1998 CanLII 14604 (ON CA)|112 OAC 233}}{{perONCA-H|Rosenberg JA}}, aux pp. 241-2 ("[T]he test of relevancy in the law of evidence is not an exacting one and is not dependent upon scientific proof. » )<br>
{{CanLIIRT|B.(L.); R. v. G.(M.A.)|6hbz|1997 CanLII 3187 (ON CA)|116 CCC (3d) 481}}{{perONCA-H|Charron JA}}, at 492 (CCC) quoting Paciocco & Stuesser, Essentials of Canadian Law: The Law of Evidence  (1996), at p. 19: ( {{Tr}}« The authors explained that evidence will be deemed relevant "where it has some tendency as a matter of logic and human experience to make the proposition for which it is advanced more likely than that proposition would appear to be in the absence of that evidence.")
{{CanLIIRT|B.(L.); R. v. G.(M.A.)|6hbz|1997 CanLII 3187 (ON CA)|116 CCC (3d) 481}}{{perONCA-H|Charron JA}}, at 492 (CCC) quoting Paciocco & Stuesser, Essentials of Canadian Law: The Law of Evidence  (1996), au p. 19: ( {{Tr}}« The authors explained that evidence will be deemed relevant "where it has some tendency as a matter of logic and human experience to make the proposition for which it is advanced more likely than that proposition would appear to be in the absence of that evidence. » )

Ligne 54 : Ligne 54 :
; Pertinence limitée
; Pertinence limitée
Lorsque la preuve est d'une pertinence ou d'une admissibilité limitée, le juge du procès a le devoir d'indiquer au jury les utilisations autorisées et interdites de la preuve.<Ref>
Lorsque la preuve est d'une pertinence ou d'une admissibilité limitée, le juge du procès a le devoir d'indiquer au jury les utilisations autorisées et interdites de la preuve.<Ref>
{{supra1|Camara}}{{atL|jd1hr|52}} ( {{Tr}}« Where evidence of limited relevance or admissibility is received, the judge has an obligation to instruct jurors about the permitted and prohibited use of that evidence")<Br>
{{supra1|Camara}}{{atL|jd1hr|52}} ( {{Tr}}« Where evidence of limited relevance or admissibility is received, the judge has an obligation to instruct jurors about the permitted and prohibited use of that evidence » )<Br>
{{CanLIIRP|Calnen|hx9v5|2019 CSC 6 (CanLII)|[2019] 1 RCS 301}}{{perSCC-H|Martin J}} (dissenting different issue){{atL|hx9v5|113}}<Br>
{{CanLIIRP|Calnen|hx9v5|2019 CSC 6 (CanLII)|[2019] 1 RCS 301}}{{perSCC-H|Martin J}} (dissenting different issue){{atL|hx9v5|113}}<Br>
{{CanLIIRP|Ball|hx751|2019 BCCA 32 (CanLII)|371 CCC (3d) 381}}{{perBCCA|Dickson JA}}{{AtL|hx751|91}}<br>
{{CanLIIRP|Ball|hx751|2019 BCCA 32 (CanLII)|371 CCC (3d) 381}}{{perBCCA|Dickson JA}}{{AtL|hx751|91}}<br>
Ligne 65 : Ligne 65 :
Il n'y a pas de valeur probante minimale requise pour que les preuves soient pertinentes.<ref>
Il n'y a pas de valeur probante minimale requise pour que les preuves soient pertinentes.<ref>
{{ibid1|Arp}}{{atL|1fqq7|38}} ("...there is no minimum probative value required for evidence to be relevant.")
{{ibid1|Arp}}{{atL|1fqq7|38}} ( {{Tr}}« ...there is no minimum probative value required for evidence to be relevant. » )

Ligne 95 : Ligne 95 :
; Constitution
; Constitution
On a laissé entendre que l'admission d'éléments de preuve non pertinents est contraire aux principes de justice fondamentale énoncés à l'art. 7 de la Charte.<ref>
On a laissé entendre que l'admission d'éléments de preuve non pertinents est contraire aux principes de justice fondamentale énoncés à l'art. 7 de la Charte.<ref>
{{CanLIIRP|Hewitt|g9vsb|1986 CanLII 4716 (MB CA)|32 CCC (3d) 54}}{{perMBCA|Huband JA}} ( {{Tr}}« The admission of irrelevant and prejudicial evidence by virtue of s. 317(1) is surely contrary to the principles of fundamental justice. ")<br>
{{CanLIIRP|Hewitt|g9vsb|1986 CanLII 4716 (MB CA)|32 CCC (3d) 54}}{{perMBCA|Huband JA}} ( {{Tr}}« The admission of irrelevant and prejudicial evidence by virtue of s. 317(1) is surely contrary to the principles of fundamental justice.  » )<br>
{{CanLIIRP|Guyett|g9nxc|1989 CanLII 7202 (ON CA)|51 CCC (3d) 368}}{{perONCA|Brooke JA}}( {{Tr}}« It is sufficient to say that I agree with the judgment of the majority in Hewitt that s. 317 goes much farther than the general rules of admissibility and that under it, evidence of bad character can be introduced even if it shows nothing more. To this extent, the section violates the principles of fundamental justice and the guarantee in s. 7 of the Charter. In my opinion, this section cannot be read down.")
{{CanLIIRP|Guyett|g9nxc|1989 CanLII 7202 (ON CA)|51 CCC (3d) 368}}{{perONCA|Brooke JA}}( {{Tr}}« It is sufficient to say that I agree with the judgment of the majority in Hewitt that s. 317 goes much farther than the general rules of admissibility and that under it, evidence of bad character can be introduced even if it shows nothing more. To this extent, the section violates the principles of fundamental justice and the guarantee in s. 7 of the Charter. In my opinion, this section cannot be read down. » )
Ligne 112 : Ligne 112 :

Comme le montre ce diagramme, l'importance relative représente la proximité d'un fait avec un élément essentiel à prouver dans le cadre de la preuve de la Couronne. Le fait A est important lorsqu'il étaye un fait B qui, s'il est établi, établit une exigence juridique en cause.<br>
Comme le montre ce diagramme, l'importance relative représente la proximité d'un fait avec un élément essentiel à prouver dans le cadre de la preuve de la Couronne. Le fait A est important lorsqu'il étaye un fait B qui, s'il est établi, établit une exigence juridique en cause.<br>

; Pertinence limitée par l’importance relative
; Pertinence limitée par l’importance relative