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Droit à un procès dans un délai raisonnable

De Le carnet de droit pénal
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Principes généraux

Le droit à un procès dans un délai raisonnable est garanti par l'article 7 et l'alinéa 11b) de la Charte.

Droit à un délai raisonnable pour le procès garanti par la Charte

Section 11(b) of the Canadian Charter entitles any "person charged with an offence ... the right ... to be tried within a reasonable time". Where there is a breach of this right, the available remedy to a court is a stay of proceedings.


En 2016, la Cour suprême du Canada a remanié l'analyse relative à l'al. 11b) en établissant des plafonds présumés de 18 et 30 mois selon le choix de la défense. La nouvelle analyse « Jordan » a éliminé de la prise en compte le préjudice causé à l'accusé et la gravité de l'infraction.[1]

  1. see R c Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2016] 1 SCR 631, par Moldaver, Karakatsanis and Brown JJ


Les objectifs de l'art. 7 et de l'al. 11b) de la Charte comprennent notamment le fait d'assurer « le fonctionnement équitable et opportun du système de justice pénale ».[1] La rapidité d'exécution est « l'une des caractéristiques d'une société libre et démocratique ».[2]

Le droit protège à la fois les droits individuels et les droits de la société.[3]

L'article 11(b) protège trois droits individuels :[4]

  • le droit de l'accusé à la sécurité de sa personne en minimisant l'anxiété et la stigmatisation liées aux procédures pénales ;
  • le droit de l'accusé à la liberté en minimisant l'effet de la détention provisoire ou des conditions restrictives de mise en liberté sous caution ; et
  • le droit de l'accusé à un procès équitable en veillant à ce que la procédure ait lieu pendant que les preuves sont fraîches et disponibles.

Elle protège également les droits de la société :[5]

  • l'intérêt du public à ce que nos lois soient appliquées en faisant en sorte que ceux qui enfreignent la loi soient jugés rapidement ;
  • l'intérêt du public à ce que les personnes accusées d'un crime soient traitées équitablement ; et

Les procès en temps opportun ont également une incidence sur les intérêts de la société en bénéficiant aux victimes et aux témoins, et renforcent la confiance du public dans l'administration de la justice.[6]

Cadre jordanien

Le nouveau cadre est conçu en partie pour « éliminer les préjugés comme facteur explicite dans l'évaluation des retards ». Il a été considéré comme « déroutant, difficile à prouver et hautement subjectif ».[7] Elle n'ignore cependant pas l'existence d'un préjudice, elle crée simplement une présomption légale de préjudice une fois le plafond dépassé.[8]

La raison de ce changement était également de remédier à la « culture de complaisance » qui s'est développée au sein de la Couronne, de la défense et des tribunaux au cours des années modernes.[9] Cette culture se manifeste par des comportements qui entraînent des retards, notamment : Jordan, supra, au par. 40

  • des procédures inutiles ;
  • des ajournements inutiles ;
  • des pratiques inefficaces de la part de toutes les parties ; et
  • des ressources institutionnelles inadéquates.

Le message de Jordan est que « tous les participants au système doivent prendre des mesures proactives à toutes les étapes du processus judiciaire pour faire avancer les affaires et traduire les accusés en justice en temps opportun. »[10]

Les juges sont chargés de réduire les délais et de changer la culture judiciaire.[11] Les pratiques qui causaient des délais et qui étaient tolérées ne sont plus autorisées. Cela peut inclure le refus d’ajournements pour la défense lorsque cela pourrait entraîner un délai inacceptablement long, même si ce délai est imputable à la défense. [12]

  1. R c Dias, 2014 ABCA 402 (CanLII), 317 CCC (3d) 527, par curiam
    R c Sapara, 2001 ABCA 59 (CanLII), 41 CR (5th) 356, par Russell JA
  2. Jordan, infra, au par. 1
    R c KGK, 2020 SCC 7 (CanLII), 61 CR (7th) 233, par Moldaver J, au par. 25 ("Section 11(b) of the Charter provides that any person charged with an offence has the right . . . to be tried within a reasonable time. This provision reflects and reinforces the notion that timely justice is one of the hallmarks of a free and democratic society"[quotation marks removed])
  3. , ibid., au par. 25
    R c KJM, 2019 SCC 55 (CanLII), 381 CCC (3d) 293, par Moldaver J, au par. 38 ("This right serves both individual and societal interests...")
  4. R c Qureshi, 2004 CanLII 40657 (ON CA), 190 CCC (3d) 453, par Laskin JA, aux paras 8 to 10
    , ibid., au par. 25 and 27
    KJM, supra, au par. 38 ("At the individual level, it protects the accused’s “liberty, as regards to pre-trial custody or bail conditions; security of the person, in the sense of being free from the stress and cloud of suspicion that accompanies a criminal charge; and the right to make full answer and defence, insofar as delay can prejudice the ability of the defendant to lead evidence, cross-examine witnesses, or otherwise to raise a defence”")
    R c MacDougall, 1998 CanLII 763 (SCC), [1998] 3 SCR 45, par McLachlin J, au par. 19 ("The next question is whether the phrase “tried within a reasonable time” in s. 11(b) is capable of extending to sentencing. A purposive reading suggests that “s. 11(b) protects against an overlong subjection to a pending criminal case and aims to relieve against the stress and anxiety which continue until the outcome of the case is final”: R v Rahey, [citation removed], at p. 610 (emphasis added), per Lamer J., Dickson C.J. concurring. In the same case La Forest J., with whom McIntyre J. concurred, stated that “tried” means not “brought to trial”, but “adjudicated” (p. 632). Since the “outcome” of a criminal case is not known until the conclusion of sentencing, and since sentencing involves adjudication, it seems reasonable to conclude that “tried” as used in s. 11(b) extends to sentencing.")
  5. , ibid., aux paras 8 à 10
  6. KGK, supra, au par. 25
    KJM, supra, au par. 38 ("At the societal level, “[t]imely trials allow victims and witnesses to make the best possible contribution to the trial, and minimize the ‘worry and frustration [they experience] until they have given their testimony’”, and permit them to move on with their lives (see Jordan, at paras. 23-24, citing Askov, at p. 1220). Society also has an interest in seeing that citizens accused of crimes are treated humanely and fairly (see Morin, at p. 786), and timely trials help maintain the public’s confidence in the administration of justice, which is “essential to the survival of the system itself” (Jordan, at paras. 25-26). “In short, timely trials further the interests of justice” (ibid., at para. 28).")
  7. R c KN, 2018 BCCA 246 (CanLII), 362 CCC (3d) 288, par Fenlon JA, au par. 35
    R c Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2016] 1 SCR 631, par Moldaver, Karakatsanis and Brown JJ
  8. , ibid., au par. 35
    Jordan, supra, au par. 54
  9. Jordan, supra, aux paras 4, 40, and 135
    R c KGK, 2020 SCC 7 (CanLII), 61 CR (7th) 233, par Moldaver J, au par. 1 (the framework was "designed to overcome a culture of complacency that had grown in the criminal justice system and was causing excessive delays in bringing accused persons to trial. ")
  10. R c Thanabalasingham, 2020 CSC 18 (CanLII), 447 DLR (4th) 310, par curiam, au par. 9
  11. , ibid., au par. 9
  12. , ibid., au par. 9

Plafond présumé

Violation présumée

Il y aura violation présumée de l'al. 11b) de la Charte lorsque le délai entre la date du dépôt des accusations et la conclusion du procès est supérieur au plafond présumé.[1]

Durée standard

La durée du plafond présomptif dépendra du niveau du tribunal devant lequel l'affaire sera entendue. Le cadre « Jordan » établit un délai présumé acceptable entre l'inculpation et la conclusion du procès, soit « 18 mois » pour les procès devant les tribunaux provinciaux et « 30 mois » pour les procès devant les tribunaux supérieurs.[2]

La période est calculée à partir du moment de l'inculpation jusqu'à la fin réelle ou prévue du procès, moins les délais de la défense.[3] Lorsque le plafond est dépassé, il existe une présomption de caractère déraisonnable qui équivaudra à une violation de l'al. 11b) de la Charte.[4]

Plafond en cas de mise en accusation directe

Le plafond de 30 mois n'est pas affecté par la décision de la Couronne de contourner une enquête préliminaire en recourant à une acte d'accusation direct en vertu de l'art. 577 du Code.[5]

Ce délai fixé ne constitue pas nécessairement un « temps libre » pour la Couronne, car il s'agira toujours d'un facteur à prendre en compte dans une contestation non présomptive.[6]

Il a été suggéré que la Couronne devrait sérieusement envisager de présenter une mise en accusation directe afin de s'engager dans la durée maximale plus longue.[7]

Plafond lorsque la Couronne consent à une réélection

La durée applicable lorsque la Couronne consent à une réélection n’est pas encore déterminée. Une approche dit que la réélection peu après le début de l'affaire devant la Cour suprême entraînera un plafond de 18 mois.[8] Une deuxième approche dit que le plafond de 30 mois sera maintenu malgré une réélection.[9]

Plafond lorsque l'affaire est renvoyée pour un nouveau procès

Il existe une division dans les affaires quant à savoir si les plafonds normaux s'appliquent. Il existe bien sûr des arguments en faveur de la remise à zéro du plafond après le renvoi de l'affaire pour procès.[10]

Une autre approche stipule que le plafond présomptif de 18/30 mois ne s'applique pas lorsqu'une affaire est renvoyée pour un nouveau procès après un appel réussi, car toutes les affaires en nouveau procès devraient avoir la priorité sur les affaires ordinaires.[11] Peu de tribunaux ont fixé un nombre. Avec seulement quelques suggestions allant de 5 à 12 mois.[12]

Il n'y a que peu d'appuis à l'idée que les plafonds ne devraient s'appliquer qu'une seule fois, quel que soit le nombre de nouveaux procès.[13]

Plafond lorsque l'accusé est en détention

L'opinion dominante est que le plafond s'applique que l'accusé soit ou non en détention.[14]

Réfutation du plafond présomptif

La présomption peut être réfutée lorsque la Couronne peut démontrer l'existence de circonstances exceptionnelles.[15]

  1. R c Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2016] 1 SCR 631, par Moldaver, Karakatsanis and Brown JJ
  2. Jordan, supra (Judgement was rendered on July 8, 2016)
  3. , ibid., aux paras 47 et 48
  4. , ibid., au par. 68
  5. R c Carter, 2018 ABQB 657 (CanLII), 418 CRR (2d) 133, par Poelman J
    R c Jones, 2018 ABQB 691 (CanLII), par Nielsen J
    R c Wilson, 2017 ABQB 68 (CanLII), par Mahoney J, aux paras 71 à 78
    R c Nyznik, 2017 ONSC 69 (CanLII), par Nordheimer J
    R c Nasery, 2017 ABQB 564 (CanLII), par Gates J
    R c Schenkels, 2017 MBCA 62 (CanLII), 140 WCB (2d) 593, par Hamilton JA
    R c Wilson, 2017 ABQB 68 (CanLII), par Mahoney J
    R c Cabrera, 2016 ABQB 707 (CanLII), 372 CRR (2d) 62, par Poelman J
  6. Nyznik, supra, au par. 31
  7. R c Manasseri, 2016 ONCA 703 (CanLII), 344 CCC (3d) 281, par Watt JA ("the Crown should give very serious consideration to preferring direct indictments to fulfill its mandate under s. 11(b) and to ensure, to the extent reasonably possible, that criminal trial proceedings do not exceed the presumptive ceilings set by Jordan.")
  8. R c Teeti, 2018 ABPC 207 (CanLII), par MacDonald J
  9. R c Kaulback, 2018 NLCA 8 (CanLII), par Welsh JA
    R c DMS, 2016 NBCA 71 (CanLII), 353 CCC (3d) 396, par Quigg JA
  10. R c Ricard, 2017 MBQB 11 (CanLII), MJ No 46
    R c Gakmakge, 2018 QCCS 3279 (CanLII)
    R c Bowers, 2017 NSPC 21 (CanLII), par Tax J
  11. R c MacIsaac, 2018 ONCA 650 , 81b, par Nakatsuru J
    R c Bruno, 2018 ONCJ 627 (CanLII), par Pringle J
    Crowchild, supra
    R c Ferstl, 2017 ABPC 266 (CanLII), par Fradsham J
  12. Crowchild, supra
    Creglia, supra
  13. R c Windibank, 2017 ONSC 855 (CanLII), par Howard J
    R c Wu, 2017 BCSC 2373 (CanLII), par Watchuk J
    cf. R c Crowchild, 2018 ABQB 368 (CanLII), par Hall J, au par. 21
  14. R c Carman, 2017 ONCJ 11 (CanLII), par Duncan J, au par. 17
  15. , ibid., aux paras 47, 48, 69 à 81
    voir les exceptions ci-dessous

Plafond pour les jeunes accusés

Avant l'arrêt Jordan, il était bien entendu qu'il n'existait aucun droit spécial à un procès rapide différent de celui accordé aux accusés adultes.[1] Cependant, il a été clairement établi qu'il existe une attente selon laquelle Les affaires concernant les jeunes seront réglées plus rapidement que celles concernant les adultes, et l'analyse devrait être différente.[2] Some pre-Jordan courts have recommended guidelines within 5 or 6 months of charge or up to 15 months from charge.[3]

The shorter time to trial is necessary so that:[4]

  1. the young person can better appreciate the connection between behaviour and consequences;
  2. the distorted perception of time by a young person compared to adults;
  3. the need to deal with dispositions speedily while youth is still in their formative years.

There is some suggestion that for youth charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, the presumptive ceiling should be set at 12 months[5] , 15 months[6] , and 16 months.[7]

Others have suggested that there should be no change to the presumptive ceiling, rather can be dealt with an a non-presumptive breach.[8]

  1. R c GCM, 1991 CanLII 7057 (ON CA), [1991] OJ No 885 (CA), par Osborne JA, au par. 45
    R c TR, 2005 CanLII 18709 (ON CA), [2005] OJ No 2150 (CA), par MacPherson JA
  2. GCM, supra, au par. 23 ("youth court proceedings should proceed to a conclusion more quickly than those in the adult criminal justice system. Delay, which may be reasonable in the adult criminal justice system, may not be unreasonable in the youth court")
  3. GCM, supra, au par. 45
    TR, supra
  4. GCM, supra, au par. 115
    TR, supra
    R c DS, 1991 CanLII 7055 (ON CA), [1991] OJ No 1220 (CA), par Galligan JA, rev'd on other grounds at 1992 CanLII 58 (SCC), par Sopinka J
  5. R c DA, 2018 ONCJ 143 (CanLII), par O’Marra J
  6. R c ZN, 2018 ONCJ 501 (CanLII), par Webber J, aux paras 124, 132 to 133 R c JM, 2017 ONCJ 4 (CanLII), 344 CCC (3d) 217, par Paciocco J, aux paras 136 to 138 - recommends 15 month ceiling
  7. R c SM, 2016 ONCJ 793 (CanLII), par Gattrell J
  8. R c DMB, 2018 ONCJ 15 (CanLII), par Christie J
    R c RV, 2017 ONCJ 305 (CanLII), par Wadden J
    R c KM, 2018 ONCJ 8 (CanLII), par Vaillancourt J

Obligations on the Crown, Defence, and Judges

All parties, including the courts, have a "responsibility to ensure that criminal proceedings are carried out in a manner ... consistent with" the right under s. 11(d).[1]

  1. R c Cody, 2017 SCC 31 (CanLII), [2017] 1 SCR 659, par curiam, au par. 1

Crown Role

The Crown has an obligation to bring an accused to trial[1] and is also obligated to ensure that "the trial proceedings, once engaged, are not unduly delayed."[2]

It is also observed that "each charge that should not have been laid or pursued, deprives other worthy litigants of timely access to the courts."[3]

The Crown duties include:

  • "making reasonable and responsible decisions regarding who to prosecute"[4]
  • "making reasonable and responsible decisions" regarding choices of offences to prosecute[5]
  • "delivering on their disclosure obligations promptly with the cooperation of police,"[6]
  • "creating plans for complex prosecutions";[7]
  • use court time efficiently;[8]
  • use discretion to resolve cases;[9]
  • making "reasonable admissions";[10]
  • "streamlining the evidence";[11]
  • "anticipating issues that need to be resolved in advance."[12]

Where there is a re-trial the Crown has an obligation to expedite the matter to trial.[13] Expediting the matter can include agreeding to non-consecutive trial dates even where it is "suboptimal."[14]

  1. R c Heaslip, 1983 CanLII 3519 (ON CA), 9 CCC (3d) 480, par Martin JA, au p. 321
    R c Adam et al, 2006 BCSC 350 (CanLII), 70 WCB (2d) 1008, par Romilly J The crown has an obligation to"bring the accused to trial within a reasonable time”
    R c Godin, 2009 SCC 26 (CanLII), [2009] 2 SCR 3, par Cromwell J, au par. 11
  2. see R c MacDougall, 1998 CanLII 763 (SCC), [1998] 3 SCR 45, par McLachlin J, au par. 49
  3. R c Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2016] 1 SCR 631, par Moldaver, Karakatsanis and Brown JJ, au par. 43
  4. Jordan, supra, au par. 138 ("For Crown counsel, this means making reasonable and responsible decisions regarding who to prosecute and for what,...")
  5. Jordan, supra, au par. 138 ("For Crown counsel, this means making reasonable and responsible decisions regarding who to prosecute and for what,...")
  6. Jordan, supra, au par. 138 ("For Crown counsel, this means making reasonable and responsible decisions ... delivering on their disclosure obligations promptly with the cooperation of police, creating plans for complex prosecutions, and using court time efficiently. It may also require enhanced Crown discretion for resolving individual cases.")
  7. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  8. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  9. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  10. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  11. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  12. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  13. R c Creglia, 2018 ONCJ 262 (CanLII), par Pringle J, au par. 45
    R c MacIsaac, 2018 ONCA 650 (CanLII), 365 CCC (3d) 361, par Huscroft JA, aux paras 27, 59 to 65
    R c GVE, 2016 ONCJ 14 (CanLII), par Schwarzl J, au par. 76
  14. MacIsaac, supra

Defence Counsel Role

The defence counsel's duties include:

  • "actively advancing their clients’ right to a trial within a reasonable time"[1]
  • "collaborating with Crown counsel when appropriate"[2]
  • "using court time efficiently"[3]
  • making "reasonable admissions" [4]
  • "streamlining the evidence"[5]
  • "anticipating issues that need to be resolved in advance."[6]
  1. R c Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2016] 1 SCR 631, par Moldaver, Karakatsanis and Brown JJ, au par. 138 ("For defence counsel, this means actively advancing their clients’ right to a trial within a reasonable time, collaborating with Crown counsel when appropriate and, like Crown counsel, using court time efficiently. Both parties should focus on making reasonable admissions, streamlining the evidence, and anticipating issues that need to be resolved in advance.")
  2. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  3. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  4. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  5. Jordan, supra, au par. 138
  6. Jordan, supra, au par. 138

Judge Role

Judges role include "changing courtroom culture."[1] This would include denying adjournments even where it may be defence-attributed delay.[2]

Judges should be active to encourage parties to improve efficiencies by means including recommending proceeding "on a documentary record alone."[3]

Screening Applications

Judges should screen application by requiring counsel to prove the merit of an application by written summary of the evidence to show that it has a "reasonable prospect of success". Otherwise the application should be dismissed.[4]

  1. R c Cody, 2017 SCC 31 (CanLII), [2017] 1 SCR 659, par curiam, au par. 37
    R c Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2016] 1 SCR 631, par Moldaver, Karakatsanis and Brown JJ, au par. 114
  2. Cody, supra, au par. 37
  3. Cody, supra, au par. 39
  4. Cody, supra, au par. 38

Start and End of Jordan Ceiling

Jordan Delay Not Same as Total Delay

The Jordan rule does not represent a departure from the principle that "period of delay to be considered ... is not assumed equivalent to total delay."[1]

While there is a fixed "presumptive ceiling", there may still be compelling "case-specific factors" are still relevant considerations to reasonableness of the delay.[2]

Different Start Times

There are several views on when the "clock" starts for the calculation of delay. The dominant line of cases suggests that the calculation starts at the time of the laying of charges.[3] Many cases rely on the pre-Jordan approach which took the time to start at the laying of charges.[4] The second line of cases suggests that the time begins at the arrest and becoming aware of charges.[5] The rationale in the second line of cases relies on the notion that the police should not be able to seek protection behind their delays and errors in laying a charge reasonably promptly as required under s. 505.[6] There is a variation on the second line of cases which suggests that the time should be at the time the charges are sworn or when they should have been sworn.[7]

End of Clock

Under the presumptive Jordan ceilings, the time period ends once the deliberations begin.[8] The rights under s. 11(b) continues throughout the proceedings, but simply not under the Jordan timetable.[9]

Under the pre-Jordan framework, the delay clock ended only after sentencing.[10]

Effect of Crown Stay

A Crown of proceedings will stop the Jordan clock absent of element of "illegitimacy or manipulation."[11]

Effect of Guilty Plea

The right against delay is extinguished upon a guilty plea as it constitutes a waiver of trial rights.[12] The waiver however does not affect the right to speedy sentencing.[13]

  1. R c KN, 2018 BCCA 246 (CanLII), 362 CCC (3d) 288, par Fenlon JA, au par. 20 ("Jordan revised the analytical framework but did not depart from the longstanding principle that the period of delay to be considered on a s. 11(b) application is not assumed to be equivalent to total delay. In both Jordan and R v Cody, 2017 SCC 31, the Court assessed whether the remaining delay — not the total delay — was reasonable.")
  2. R c Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2016] 1 SCR 631, par Moldaver, Karakatsanis and Brown JJ, au par. 51
  3. R c Kalanj, 1989 CanLII 63 (SCC), [1989] 1 SCR 1594, par McIntyre J, aux paras 17, 54
    R c Akumu, 2018 BCCA 297 (CanLII), par Harris JA
    R c Thind, 2018 ONSC 1337 (CanLII), par Coroza J, aux paras 55 to 61
    R c Sundralingam, 2017 ONCJ 400 (CanLII), OJ No 3097, par Blacklock J
    R c Isaacs, 2016 ONSC 6214 (CanLII), OJ No 5225, par Lemay J
    R c Ashraf, 2016 ONCJ 584 (CanLII), 367 CRR (2d) 30, par Band J
    R c Gandhi, 2016 ONSC 5612 (CanLII), 133 WCB (2d) 29, par Code J, au par. 5 ("In R v Jordan, supra at paras. 49, 61 and 63, the majority held that the “most important feature of the new framework” for s. 11(b) analysis is that “it sets a ceiling beyond which delay is presumptively unreasonable.” The ceiling for an indictable trial in this Court is “30 months from the charge to the actual or anticipated end of trial.” However, the majority went on to hold that “delay attributable to the defence must be subtracted” and that this subtracted period includes both “delay waived by the defence” and “delays caused solely or directly by the defence’s conduct.”")
    R c Rice, 2018 QCCA 198 (CanLII), 44 CR (7th) 83, par Vauclair JA, au par. 41
    R c Millar, 2019 BCCA 298 (CanLII), 1 CTC 182, par Fitch JA, au par. 80
  4. Kalanj, supra, aux paras 17, 54
    R c Nguyen, 2013 ONCA 169 (CanLII), 2 CR (7th) 70, par Watt JA, au par. 49
    R c Milani, 2014 ONCA 536 (CanLII), 314 CCC (3d) 101, par van Rensburg JA, au par. 25
    R c McHale, 2010 ONCA 361 (CanLII), 256 CCC (3d) 26, par Watt JA, au par. 70
    R c Sanghera, 2012 BCSC 711 (CanLII), par Holmes J, au par. 39
    R c Carter, 1986 CanLII 18 (SCC), [1986] 1 SCR 981, par Lamer J, aux paras 11, 13
    Morin, supra, at para 35
  5. R c Gleiser, 2018 ONSC 2858 (CanLII), par KP Wright J - judge took into calculation three week delay between arrest and laying and information
    R c Albardy, 2018 ONCJ 114 (CanLII), par Doody J, au par. 9
    R c Luoma, 2016 ONCJ 670 (CanLII), par Schreck J, aux paras 19 to 31
    see also pre-Jordan case of R c Nash, 2014 ONSC 6025 (CanLII), par Bale J, au par. 7 ("From the date of the arrest, therefore, the accused was engaged in the criminal justice system. He was an “accused” as defined in section 193 of the Criminal Code, and was required to attend, on particular dates, both at the local police station (pursuant to the Identification of Criminals Act), and in court. ...Notwithstanding that no information had yet been laid, he was therefore subject to constraint, and stood accused before the community of committing a crime. The individual rights that section 11(b) seeks to protect, in particular, the right to security of the person, and the right to liberty, were then placed in jeopardy.")
  6. Luoma, supra
  7. Luoma, supra
  8. R c KGK, 2020 SCC 7 (CanLII), 61 CR (7th) 233, par Moldaver J, au par. 23 ("Although the right to be tried within a reasonable time enshrined in s. 11(b) of the Charter extends beyond the end of the evidence and argument at trial, I am of the view that the presumptive ceilings established by this Court in Jordan do not.")
  9. , ibid.
  10. R c MacDougall, 1998 CanLII 763 (SCC), 128 CCC (3d) 483, par McLachlin J, aux paras 33 to 37
    R c Gallant, 1998 CanLII 764 (SCC), [1998] 3 SCR 80, par McLachlin J
  11. R c Kanda, 2021 BCCA 267 (CanLII), par Grauer JA
  12. R c Naderi, 1996 CanLII 8168 (ONSC), 40 CRR (2d) 312 (Gen Div), par Marchand J
    R c Lachance, 2002 CMAC 7 (CanLII), 6 CMAR 274, per Letourneau JA
  13. , ibid.

Jordan Analytical Framework

Three Step Framework

The first step requires the court to "calculat[e] the total delay from the charge to the actual or anticipated end of trial."[1] The second step is to subtract the delay attributable to the defence.[2] The "net delay" is then compared to the presumptive ceilings. The third step will depend on whether the net delay is above or below the ceiling.[3]

Delay Under the Presumptive Ceiling

Where the net delay is below the presumptive ceiling the matter can still be stayed for delay.[4]

The onus is upon the accused to show that the net delay that is under the presumptive ceiling was "unreasonable."[5] This requires that the accused show that:[6]

  1. it took meaningful steps that demonstrate a sustained effort to expedite the proceedings; and
  2. the case took markedly longer than it reasonably should have.
Delay Over the Presumptive Ceiling

Where the net delay exceeds the presumptive ceiling, the burden is upon the Crown to establish the "presence of exceptional circumstances" otherwise the proceedings must be stayed.[7]

Recommended Approach

A recommended approach to Jordan analysis involves the following:[8]

  1. Calculate the total time between charge to actual or anticipated conclusion of trial[9]
  2. subtract from the total time, the defence delay, resulting in the "net delay"[10]
  3. compare the net delay to the presumptive ceiling[11]
  4. If the Net Delay exceeds the presumptive ceiling, it is presumptively unreasonable. To rebut the presumption, the Crown must establish the presence of exceptional circumstances [12]. If it cannot rebut the presumption, a stay will follow[13]. In general, exceptional circumstances fall under two categories: discrete events and particularly complex cases [14].
  5. Subtract delay caused by discrete events from the Net Delay (leaving the "Remaining Delay") for the purpose of determining whether the presumptive ceiling has been reached[15].
  6. If the Remaining Delay exceeds the presumptive ceiling, the court must consider whether the case was particularly complex such that the time the case has taken is justified and the delay is reasonable[16].
  7. If the Remaining Delay falls below the presumptive ceiling, the onus is on the defence to show that the delay is unreasonable[17].
  8. The new framework, including the presumptive ceiling, applies to cases already in the system when Jordan was released (the "Transitional Cases")[18].

One cannot usually take into account events occurring before the charges were laid.[19]

Anticipatory Delay

Anticipatory delay is generally not considered.[20]

Replacement Informations

Where a replacement information is laid charging effectively the same offence as an initial information, the time is still calculated from the time of the first information.[21]

Gap Time

Under the pre-Jordan framework, s. 11(b) does not apply to delays arising from an appeal from conviction (ie. appellate delay).[22]

The time between the discharge of an information by a preliminary inquiry judge and the re-commencement of a charge by a direct indictment does not count as delay time.[23]


Where there is cascading delay or rippling-effect resulting from a single small delay can be accounted for in the attribution analysis.[24]

  1. R c Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2016] 1 SCR 631, par Moldaver, Karakatsanis and Brown JJ, au par. 60
    R c Cody, 2017 SCC 31 (CanLII), [2017] 1 SCR 659, par curiam, au par. 21 ("The first step under this framework entails “calculating the total delay from the charge to the actual or anticipated end of trial” (Jordan, at para. 60). In this case, an information was sworn against Mr. Cody on January 12, 2010, and his trial was scheduled to conclude on January 30, 2015. This makes the total delay approximately 60.5 months.")
  2. Jordan, supra, au par. 60
    Cody, supra, au par. 22 ("After the total delay is calculated, “delay attributable to the defence must be subtracted” (Jordan, at para. 60). The result, or net delay, must then be compared to the applicable presumptive ceiling. The analysis then “depends upon whether the remaining delay — that is, the delay which was not caused by the defence — is above or below the presumptive ceiling”")
  3. Cody, supra, au par. 22 ("After the total delay is calculated, “delay attributable to the defence must be subtracted” (Jordan, at para. 60). The result, or net delay, must then be compared to the applicable presumptive ceiling. The analysis then “depends upon whether the remaining delay — that is, the delay which was not caused by the defence — is above or below the presumptive ceiling”")
    Jordan, supra, au par. 67
  4. Jordan, supra, au par. 48
    Cody, supra, au par. 23 ("If the net delay falls below the ceiling, ...then the onus is on the defence to show that the delay is unreasonable. To do so, the defence must establish that (1) it took meaningful steps that demonstrate a sustained effort to expedite the proceedings, and (2) the case took markedly longer than it reasonably should have.")
  5. Jordan, supra, au par. 48 ("If the total delay from the charge to the actual or anticipated end of trial (minus defence delay or a period of delay attributable to exceptional circumstances) falls below the presumptive ceiling, then the onus is on the defence to show that the delay is unreasonable. To do so, the defence must establish that (1) it took meaningful steps that demonstrate a sustained effort to expedite the proceedings, and (2) the case took markedly longer than it reasonably should have. We expect stays beneath the ceiling to be rare, and limited to clear cases.")
    Cody, supra, au par. 23 ("If the net delay falls below the ceiling, ...then the onus is on the defence to show that the delay is unreasonable. To do so, the defence must establish that (1) it took meaningful steps that demonstrate a sustained effort to expedite the proceedings, and (2) the case took markedly longer than it reasonably should have.")
  6. Jordan, supra, au par. 48 ("If the total delay from the charge to the actual or anticipated end of trial (minus defence delay or a period of delay attributable to exceptional circumstances) falls below the presumptive ceiling, then the onus is on the defence to show that the delay is unreasonable. To do so, the defence must establish that (1) it took meaningful steps that demonstrate a sustained effort to expedite the proceedings, and (2) the case took markedly longer than it reasonably should have. We expect stays beneath the ceiling to be rare, and limited to clear cases.")
    Cody, supra, au par. 23 ("If the net delay falls below the ceiling, ...then the onus is on the defence to show that the delay is unreasonable. To do so, the defence must establish that (1) it took meaningful steps that demonstrate a sustained effort to expedite the proceedings, and (2) the case took markedly longer than it reasonably should have.")
  7. Jordan, supra, au par. 47 ("If the total delay from the charge to the actual or anticipated end of trial (minus defence delay) exceeds the ceiling, then the delay is presumptively unreasonable. To rebut this presumption, the Crown must establish the presence of exceptional circumstances. If it cannot, the delay is unreasonable and a stay will follow.")
    Cody, supra, au par. 24 ("f the net delay exceeds the ceiling,...then the delay is presumptively unreasonable. To rebut this presumption, the Crown must establish the presence of exceptional circumstances. If it cannot, the delay is unreasonable and a stay will follow.")
  8. R c Coulter, 2016 ONCA 704 (CanLII), 340 CCC (3d) 429, par Gillese JA, aux paras 34 to 41
  9. Jordan, supra, au par. 47
  10. Jordan, supra, au par. 66
  11. Jordan, supra, au par. 66
  12. Jordan, supra, au par. 47
  13. Jordan, supra, au par. 47
  14. Jordan, supra, au par. 71
  15. Jordan, supra, au par. 75
  16. Jordan, supra, au par. 80
  17. Jordan, supra, au par. 48
  18. Jordan, supra, au par. 96
  19. R c AK and AV, 2005 CanLII 11389 (ON CA), 195 CCC (3d) 501, par curiam at 162
  20. R c Norman, 1988 CanLII 5407 (NLSCTD), 223 APR 177, par Noel J, au par. 7 ("It was an error in law to accept the anticipated delay as a breach of the respondent's right to be tried within a reasonable time")
  21. R c Travassos, [2003] OJ 1877 (ONCJ)(*pas de liens CanLII)
  22. R c Potvin, 1993 CanLII 113 (SCC), [1993] 2 SCR 880, par Sopinka J
  23. R c Milani, 2014 ONCA 536 (CanLII), 314 CCC (3d) 101, par van Rensburg J
  24. R c Pugh, 2021 BCCA 293 (CanLII), par JA, au par. 73 ("In R. v. Potter; R. v. Colpitts, 2020 NSCA 9, the court confirmed it appropriate for a judge to assess the “ripple-effect” of developments in a case (at para. 331). As noted at para. 332 of the decision, “[r]elatively small timing delays” that have a “cascading effect” may result in a significant attribution of delay, depending on the circumstances.")
    R c Colpitts, 2020 NSCA 9 (CanLII), 385 CCC (3d) 1, par curiam

Defence Delay

Extraordinary Circumstances

Breach Within the Presumptive Ceiling

Unreasonable Delay in Verdict

It has been suggested that there should be a 5 month ceiling between conviction and sentence.[1]

The reasonableness of the delay in rendering verdict must account for the realities that there are other commitments. The consideration should regard to their workload, different approaches to reasoning, and realities of daily lives.[2]

While there are significant limitations of judicial resources, judges “must work within these institutional restrictions and manage their workloads as efficiently as possible.”[3]

A dangerous offender application is considered an "exceptional circumstance" for the purpose of a delay ceiling.[4]

  1. R c Charley, 2019 ONCA 726 (CanLII) (hyperliens fonctionnels en attente)
  2. R c KGK, 2020 SCC 7 (CanLII), 61 CR (7th) 233, par Moldaver J, au par. 61 (“... a reasonable amount of verdict deliberation time must account for the practical constraints that trial judges face, both individually and institutionally. Reasonableness under s. 11(b) has always accounted for the reality that “[n]o case is an island to be treated as if it were the only case with a legitimate demand on court resources” ... verdict deliberation time that goes to one case cannot go to another. The appropriate division of time between cases therefore has regard to individual judges’ workloads, different approaches to reasons and reasoning, and the realities of their daily lives (see, e.g., K.J.M., at para. 102). That said, trial judges can and should consider proximity to the Jordan ceiling in determining how to prioritize cases in their workload.“)
  3. , ibid., at para j5zfd
  4. R c Valle-Quintero, 2021 ONCA 390 (CanLII), par curiam, au par. 24
    R c McLean, 2020 ONSC 1931 (CanLII) (hyperliens fonctionnels en attente), at paras. 12-18
    R c JT, 2021 ONSC 365 (CanLII), au par. 32

Application to Pre-Jordan Cases / Transitional Exception

Voir également: Morin Framework (Pre-Jordan 2016)

The "Jordan" framework came into effect on July 8, 2016. It should be applied "contextually and flexibly for cases currently in the system."[1]

Where the administrative guidelines are exceeded it is only a factor to consider and does not automatically compel a breach of s. 11(b) of the Charter.[2]

Courts cannot ignore the delay jurisprudence pre-existing Jordan. Jordan was a revisiting of the framework.[3]

The new framework does not apply strictly to traditional cases since "the analysis must be contextually sensitive to the law and the legal culture that exists at the relevant time."[4]


The burden is upon the Crown to show that the transitional exception applies.[5]


The Crown must show that the net time is justifiable on the basis of "reasonable reliance on the law as it previously existed."[6] This includes reliance on the acceptability of the speed of the case under the old rules in light of the old factors such as seriousness of the offence and prejudice to the accused.[7]

Factors that are considered include:[8]

  1. the complexity of the case
  2. the period of delay in excess of the Morin guidelines
  3. the Crown's response to institutional delays
  4. the defence efforts to move the case along
  5. the prejudice to the accused.

Like under the Morin framework, the existence of prejudice may be inferred by the passage of time. [9]

The seriousness of the case also continues to be a factor.[10]

Rarely will the transitional exception be permitted where the case would have failed under Morin.[11]

  1. R c Jordan, 2016 SCC 27 (CanLII), [2016] 1 SCR 631, par Moldaver, Karakatsanis and Brown JJ, au par. 94
  2. R c Swaminathan, 2016 ONSC 4913 (CanLII), OJ No 4150, par O'Marra J, au par. 13
  3. R c KN, 2018 BCCA 246 (CanLII), 362 CCC (3d) 288, par Fenlon JA, au par. 20
  4. R c Porter, 2016 ONSC 7173 (CanLII), par Pomerance J, au par. 7
    R c Cabrera, 2016 ABQB 707 (CanLII), 372 CRR (2d) 62, par Poelman J, au par. 42
  5. , ibid., au par. 43
  6. , ibid., au par. 43
  7. R c Cody, 2017 SCC 31 (CanLII), [2017] 1 SCR 659, par curiam, au par. 68
  8. R c C(J), 2018 ONCA 986 (CanLII), par curiam, au par. 21
  9. R c Rice, 2018 QCCA 198 (CanLII), 44 CR (7th) 83, par Vauclair JA, au par. 20
    C(J), supra, au par. 45
  10. R c Picard, 2017 ONCA 692 (CanLII), 354 CCC (3d) 212, par Rouleau JA
    R c Regan, 2018 ABCA 55 (CanLII), 359 CCC (3d) 53, par curiam
  11. R c Thanabalasingham, 2020 SCC 18 (CanLII), 390 CCC (3d) 400, par curiam, au par. 8

Remedy on Breach

Where a delay is unreasonable under s. 11(b) of the Charter, the only available remedy is a stay of proceedings.[1]

The standard for a stay in only the "clearest of cases" does not apply to s. 11(b) as a stay is the only available remedy.[2]

Where the breach is insufficient to warrant a stay of proceedings, the delay can still be a mitigating factor on sentence in limited circumstances.[3]

Postponement of a sentencing hearing can in some circumstances result in mitigation of sentence.[4]

  1. R c Mills, 1986 CanLII 17 (SCC), [1986] 1 SCR 863, par McIntyre J
  2. R c Thomson, 2009 ONCA 771 (CanLII), 248 CCC (3d) 477, par curiam
  3. see Sentencing Factors Relating to the Offender
  4. R c Patterson, 2000 CanLII 16873 (ON CA), 135 OAC 324, par MacPherson JA
    R c KN, [1999] OJ 4572 (ONSC)(*pas de liens CanLII)


Judge Cannot Raise Delay

The judge should generally not raise a Charter delay issue on behalf of the accused.[1]


The applicant must establish an evidentiary foundation for their application.[2]

Often counsel can draft an agreed statement of fact on the history of proceedings.[3]

The applicant should also file a transcript of the previous proceedings.[4]


The applicant must give sufficient notice to the Crown to allow them to respond with evidence.[5]


The trial process should generally be permitted to "run its carefully laid course" before a court should engage in an application under s. 11(b) of the Charter to stay proceedings.[6]

A failure to bring an application under s. 11(b) before or at trial will usually be fatal to the applicant.[7]

  1. R c Foisy, 2000 CanLII 16959 (ON CA), 138 OAC 188, par Finlayson J
  2. R c GCM, 1991 CanLII 7057 (ON CA), 65 CCC (3d) 232, par Osborne J ("Generally, s.11(b) applications are matters for the trial court. For it to succeed, there must be an evidentiary foundation for the application. Absent evidence, the alleged violation cannot be found."
  3. , ibid. ("In many cases, the history of the proceedings will best be dealt with by an agreed statement of fact.")
  4. R c Silveira, [1998] OJ No 1622 (SCJ)(*pas de liens CanLII)
  5. R c Firth, 1992 CanLII 2585 (NS CA), 70 CCC (3d) 376, par Hallett JA
    GCM, supra ("Notice should be given to the Crown. I do not think rigid rules should be established by this court concerning the amount of notice required. It should at least be reasonable - that is, sufficient to give the Crown an opportunity to respond.")
  6. R c Fast, 2016 ONSC 6426 (CanLII), par Leach J, aux paras 21 and 22
    R c Spears, 2017 NSPC 17 (CanLII), par Derrick J, au par. 21
    R c Colpitts, 2017 NSSC 22 (CanLII), par Coady J
  7. R c Rabba, 1991 CanLII 7073 (ON CA), , 3 OR (3d) 238, par Arbour JA (2:1), au p. 239 (CA) ("the failure to move for a stay of proceedings, either before or at trial, would, in most cases, be fatal. The failure to move for a stay of proceedings would normally amount to a waiver of any claim which may arise under s. 11(b) of the Charter.")
    R c Cortes Rivera, 2019 ABCA 62 (CanLII), par Costigan JA, au par. 4 (“ In Warring, this Court concluded that the record established the appellant sat on his s 11(b) rights until after he was convicted. The Court found support for this conclusion in R v Rabba ... where the court stated “the failure to move for a stay of proceedings, either before or at trial, would, in most cases, be fatal. The failure to move for a stay of proceedings would normally amount to a waiver of any claim which may arise under s. 11(b) of the Charter.””)

Appeals from Jordan Rulings

Voir également: Appeals Other Than Verdicts or Sentences#Crown Appeal of a Stay of Proceedings or Quashing of Charges

The standard of review of the analysis of the delay factors and allocation of time periods is reviewable on a standard of correctness.[1]

Allocation of Time

The characterization and allocation of time of periods of delay are reviewable on the standard of correctness.[2]

Concessions on Attribution

The appellate court is not bound by "erroneous concessions."[3]

Findings of Fact

Findings of fact underlying the delay however are reviewed on a standard of palpable and overriding error.[4]

Decision to Stay Owed Deference

The ultimate decision to stay a proceeding as a remedy under s.24(1) of the Charter on finding of a breach is owed deference.[5] However, it is a question of law reviewable on a standard of correctness.[6]

Appellate Consideration ab initio

Appellate courts should reluctant to make findings of s. 11(b) where the trial judge had not considered it on the merits.[7]

  1. R c Christhurajah, 2019 BCCA 210 (CanLII), 376 CCC (3d) 423, par curiam, aux paras 110 to 113
    R c KN, 2018 BCCA 246 (CanLII), 362 CCC (3d) 288, par Fenlon JA, au par. 13
    R c Khan, 2011 ONCA 173 (CanLII), 270 CCC (3d) 1, par Karakatsanis JA, au par. 18, appeal refused [2011] SCCA No 195
    R c Schertzer, 2009 ONCA 742 (CanLII), 248 CCC (3d) 270, par curiam, au par. 71, appeal refused [2010] SCCA No 3
    R c Williamson, 2014 ONCA 598 (CanLII), 314 CCC (3d) 156, par Lauwers JA (the characterization of delay is the application of a legal principle to fact)
    R c Komstantaskos, 2014 ONCA 21 (CanLII), 298 CRR (2d) 310, par curiam, au par. 5
    R c D(C), 2014 ABCA 333 (CanLII), 316 CCC (3d) 457, par curiam, au par. 5
    R c Vassell, 2015 ABCA 409 (CanLII), 331 CCC (3d) 97, par curiam (2:1), aux paras 5 or 7
    R c Widdifield, 2014 BCCA 170 (CanLII), 354 BCAC 237, par Frankel JA, au par. 76
  2. R c Horner, 2012 BCCA 7 (CanLII), 283 CCC (3d) 453, par Ryan JA, au par. 70
    R c KN, 2018 BCCA 246 (CanLII), 362 CCC (3d) 288, par Fenlon JA, au par. 13
    R. v. Jurkus, 2018 ONCA 489, 363 C.C.C. (3d) 246, at para. 25, leave to appeal refused, [2018] S.C.C.A. No. 325(citation complète en attente)
  3. R v Long, 2023 ONCA 679 (CanLII) per Pepall JA at para 38 ("It is well established that on an appeal from a decision on a s. 11(b) application, this court is not bound by erroneous concessions")
    R. v. Shaikh, 2019 ONCA 895, 148 O.R. (3d) 369, at para. 63(citation complète en attente)
    R. v. Tran, 2012 ONCA 18, 288 C.C.C. (3d) 177, at para. 31
    R. v. Steele, 2012 ONCA 383, 288 C.C.C. (3d) 255, at para. 19(citation complète en attente)
    R. v. Konstantakos, 2014 ONCA 21, 315 O.A.C. 123, at para. 10
    R. v. Picard, 2017 ONCA 692, 137 O.R. (3d) 401, at para. 102(citation complète en attente)
    Jurkus, supra, au par. 71
  4. Schertzer, supra, au par. 71
    D(C), supra, aux paras 5 to 6
    Horner, supra, au par. 70
  5. R c Bellusci, 2012 SCC 44 (CanLII), [2012] 2 SCR 509, par Fish J
  6. R c Conway, 1989 CanLII 66 (SCC), [1989] 1 SCR 1659, par L'Heureux‑Dubé J, au p. 1676
    Widdifield, supra
  7. R c Imola, 2019 ONCA 556 (CanLII), 439 CRR (2d) 352, par curiam, au par. 24 ("Appellate courts should be reluctant to determine a s. 11(b) application where a trial court has not done so on its merits")
    R c Rabba, 1991 CanLII 7073 (ON CA), , 3 OR (3d) 238, par Arbour JA

Delay Outside of Jordan Framework

The temporal scope of 11(b)du Charte canadienne des droits et libertés includes the verdict deliberation time, which is not part of the Jordan framework.[1]

Sentencing Delay

There has been proposed a separate ceiling for sentencing as being set at 5 months.[2] The suggested remedy for breach of this ceiling is not a stay of proceedings but rather sentence mitigation.[3]

The 5 month ceiling will not be counted as including time necessary to litigate a dangerous offender application regardless of its outcome.[4]

  1. R c KGK, 2020 SCC 7 (CanLII), 61 CR (7th) 233, par Moldaver J, au par. 26 ("On this appeal, no one disputes the temporal scope of s. 11(b). Specifically, the parties agree that the right to be tried within a reasonable time encompasses verdict deliberation time.")
  2. R c Charley, 2019 ONCA 726 (CanLII), 147 OR (3d) 497, par Doherty JA, au par. 3
  3. R c Hartling, 2020 ONCA 243 (CanLII), 150 OR (3d) 224, par Benotto JA
  4. R c JC, 2021 ONCA 131 (CanLII), 70 CR (7th) 38, par Paciocco JA

Morin Framework (Pre-Jordan, 2016 SCC 27)

Voir également