General Principles

See also: Statutory Maximum Penalties

The Criminal Code give judges a wide range of sentencing options that are to be guided by the sentencing principles rather than constrained by sentencing grids and minimums as occurs in other countries.[1] Judicial discretion is a "central feature of the sentencing process in Canada."[2]

Effect of Minimum on Range of Sentence

It has been agreed upon by several courts that mandatory minimums act as an "inflationary floor" and sets a new minimum punishment for the best offender.[3]

The mininum "introduces a higher starting point" which creates "a narrower range" within which sentencing principles operate. [4]

When Minimums are Applied

It would be wrong to impose the minimum on the least culpable offender in the least serious circumstances and then provide the same sentence upon someone who is more culpable and for a more serious offence where they would have received that sentence under the old regime.[5]

Raised minimums should not create a standard sentence to be "imposed on all but the very worst offender ... in the very worst circumstances".[6]

Minimums cannot be applied retrospectively.[7]

Remand Credit

Section 719(3) permits taking into account remand credit to sentence, and can have the effect of bringing a sentence below the mandatory minimum penalty.[8]


Mandatory minimums have been criticized by the Supreme Court for:[9]

  • "depriv[ing] the courts of the ability to tailor proportionate sentences at the lower end of the range";
  • impose unjust sentences that violate the principle of proportionality
  • shift the focus away from the offender;
  • modify the sentencing process that relies on review of all relevant factors of sentencing; and
  • change the "normal judicial process of sentencing".
  1. R v Thurairajah, 2008 ONCA 91 (CanLII), 229 CCC (3d) 331, per Doherty JA, at para 26
  2. Thurairajah, ibid.
  3. R v Morrisey, 2000 SCC 39 (CanLII), [2000] 2 SCR 90, per Gonthier J, at para 75 - discussed in minority decision
    R v Colville, 2005 ABCA 319 (CanLII), 201 CCC (3d) 353, per curiam, at paras 21 to 26
    R v Ferguson, 2006 ABCA 261 (CanLII), 212 CCC (3d) 161, per Fruman JA, at paras 71 to 72, 85
    R v BCM, 2008 BCCA 365 (CanLII), 238 CCC (3d) 174, per Neilson JA
    R v Newman, 2009 NLCA 32 (CanLII), 84 WCB (2d) 715, per Welsh JA
    R v Hammond, 2009 ABCA 415 (CanLII), 249 CCC (3d) 340, per Watson JA, at para 8
  4. BCM, supra, at para 31
  5. BCM, supra, at para 56
  6. Morrisey, supra, at para 75
  7. R v Serdyuk, 2012 ABCA 205 (CanLII), per Martin JA (2:1)
  8. R v Wust, 2000 SCC 18 (CanLII), per Arbour J
    R v Arrance, 2000 SCC 20 (CanLII), per Arbour J
    R v Arthurs, 2000 SCC 19 (CanLII), per Arbour J
  9. R v Nur, 2015 SCC 15 (CanLII), [2015] 1 SCR 773, at para 44

Notice for Minimum Sentences under the CDSA


8 The court is not required to impose a minimum punishment unless it is satisfied that the offender, before entering a plea, was notified of the possible imposition of a minimum punishment for the offence in question and of the Attorney General’s intention to prove any factors in relation to the offence that would lead to the imposition of a minimum punishment.
2012, c. 1, s. 42.


Note up: 8

Constitutionality of Minimums

See also: Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Certain mandatory minimums have been assessed on the basis of cruel and unusual punishments:

Offence Section Min Penalty Finding Cases
Using firearm while committing an offence 85(3)(a) 1 year   Constitutional R v Stephenson, 2019 ABCA 453 (CanLII), 382 CCC (3d) 285, per curiam

R v Superales, 2019 ONCA 792 (CanLII), [2019] OJ No 5008, per curiam
R v Al-Isawi, 2017 BCCA 163 (CanLII), 348 CCC (3d) 524, per Stromberg-Stein JA

Possession of a restricted or prohibited firearm 95(2)(a)(ii) 5 years   Unconstitutional R v Nur, 2015 SCC 15 (CanLII), per McLachlin CJ (on hypothetical)

R v Charles, 2013 ONCA 681 (CanLII), per Cronk JA (on hypothetical)

Possession of weapon obtained by crime 96(2) 1 year   Unconstitutional R v Robertson, 2020 BCCA 65 (CanLII), per Frankel JA (on hypothetical)
firearms trafficking 99(2) 3 years   Unconstitutional R v Trepanier, 2016 NBPC 2 (CanLII), per Jackson J (on facts and hypothetical)
Sexual Interference (until 2015) 151(a) 45 days   Constitutional R v Lonegren, 2010 BCSC 960 (CanLII), 260 CCC (3d) 367, per Barrow J

R v Craig, 2013 BCSC 2098 (CanLII), [2013] BCJ No 2518, per Bracken J

Sexual Interference (prior to 2015) 151(a) 45 days   Unconstitutional R v BJT, 2019 ONCA 694 (CanLII), per Feldman JA (on hypothetical)
Invitation to sexual touching (I) 152(a) 1 year   Constitutional

R v EMQ, 2015 BCSC 201 (CanLII), 329 CRR (2d) 29, per Pearlman J

Invitation to sexual touching (I) 152(a) 1 year   Unconstitutional R v Scofield, 2019 BCCA 3 (CanLII), 52 CR (7th) 379, per Harris J (on hypothetical)

R v Ford, 2019 ABCA 87 (CanLII), 371 CCC (3d) 250, per Martin JA (on hypothetical)
R v Hood, 2018 NSCA 18 (CanLII), 45 CR (7th) 269, per Beveridge JA and MacDonald CJ (on hypothetical)
R v JED, 2018 MBCA 123 (CanLII), 368 CCC (3d) 212, per Steel JA (on hypothetical)
Caron-Barrette c R, 2018 QCCA 516 (CanLII), 46 CR (7th) 400, per curiam (on facts and hypothetical)
R v ML, 2016 ONSC 7082 (CanLII), 367 CRR (2d) 268, per De Sousa J (on hypothetical)
R v AW, 2018 CanLII 94529 (NLPC), per Linehan J (on facts)

Invitation to sexual touching (S) 152(b) 90 days   Constitutional

R v CBA, 2020 BCPC 111 (CanLII), per Frame J
R v D(E), 2020 CanLII 42688 (NLPC), per Linehan J
R v Bisson, 2019 ONCJ 576 (CanLII), per Loignon J

Invitation to sexual touching (S) 152(b) 90 days   Unconstitutional

R v CGJ, 2020 BCPC 26 (CanLII), per McCarthy J (on facts and hypothetical)
R v Pye, 2019 YKTC 21 (CanLII) per Ruddy J (on hypothetical)
R v Drumonde, 2019 ONSC 1005 (CanLII), per Schreck J

Making of child pornography 163.1(2) 1 year   Unconstitutional R v Esposito, 2020 ABQB 165 (CanLII), per Gates J, at para 170 (on facts and hypothetical)

R v Joseph, 2020 ONCA 733 (CanLII), per curiam (on hypothetical)

Distribution of child pornography 163.1(3) 1 year   Constitutional R v Schultz, 2008 ABQB 679 (CanLII), per Topolniski J

R v Watts, 2016 ABPC 57 (CanLII), per FK Macdonald J

Distribution of child pornography 163.1(3) 1 year   Unconstitutional R v Mollon, 2019 BCSC 423 (CanLII), per Crossin J (on hypothetical)
Possession of child pornography (S) (prior to 2015) 163.1(4)(b) 45 days   Constitutional R v Walker, 2017 BCSC 1301 (CanLII), 386 CRR (2d) 222, per Brown J
Possession of child pornography (I) (prior to 2015) 163.1(4)(b) 6 months   Unconstitutional R v Alexander, 2019 BCCA 100 (CanLII), per MacKenzie JA (on hypothetical)
Possession of child pornography (S) 163.1(4)(b) 6 months   Constitutional R v Leroux, 2021 QCCQ 202 (CanLII), per Cote J

R v Redekopp, 2020 BCPC 29 (CanLII), per Morgan J

Possession of child pornography (S) 163.1(4)(b) 6 months   Unconstitutional

R v Nepon, 2020 MBPC 48 (CanLII), per Devine J (on facts)
R v Booth, 2019 BCPC 160 (CanLII), per J (on hypothetical)
R v Zhang, 2018 ONCJ 646 (CanLII), per Bentley J (on hypothetical)
R v Swaby, 2018 BCCA 416 (CanLII), 367 CCC (3d) 439, per Bennett JA (on hypothetical)
R v Cole, 2021 BCSC 293 (CanLII), per Williams J
R v John, 2018 ONCA 702 (CanLII), 366 CCC (3d) 136, per Pardu JA

Possession of child pornography (I) 163.1(4) 1 year   Unconstitutional R v Walker, 2021 ONSC 837 (CanLII), per Bryne J

R v Hamlin, 2019 BCSC 2266 (CanLII), per Winteringham J
R v Jenkins, 2021 PESC 6 (CanLII), per Cann J

Accessing child pornography (S) 163.1(4.1) 6 months   Constitutional R v Cvitko, 2021 ABPC 52 (CanLII), per Saccomani J
Accessing child pornography (S) 163.1(4.1) 6 months   Unconstitutional R v Doucette, 2021 ONSC 371 (CanLII), per Schreck J (on hypothetical)

R v Quested, 2019 BCPC 95 (CanLII), per Higinbotham J (on facts)

Accessing child pornography (I) 163.1(4.1) 1 year   Unconstitutional R v Walker, 2021 ONSC 837 (CanLII), per Bryne J

R v Hamlin, 2019 BCSC 2266 (CanLII), per Winteringham J
R v Hunt, 2019 CanLII 42426 (NL PC), per Gorman J

Householder permitting sexual activity under 18 171   Unconstitutional R v Johnson, 2019 ONCJ 224 (CanLII), per Konyer J
Making sexually explicit materials available 171.1(2)(a)   Constitutional R v Allen, 2018 ONSC 252 (CanLII), per DiTomaso J
Making sexually explicit materials available 171.1(2)(a)   Unconstitutional R v Koenig, 2019 BCPC 83 (CanLII), per Skilnik J
Making Sexually Explicit Materials Available to Child 171.1(2)(b)   Constitutional R v Clarke, 2018 CanLII 116038 (NL PC), per Gorman J
Making Sexually Explicit Materials Available to Child 171.1(2)(b)   Unconstitutional R v Demers, 2020 QCCQ 2656 (CanLII), per Magnan J
Luring a child 172.1(2)(a) 1 year   Unconstitutional R v CDR, 2020 ONSC 645 (CanLII), per De Sa J (on facts)

R v Melrose, 2021 ABQB 73 (CanLII), per Renke J

Agreeing to or arranging sexual offence against child 172.2(2)(a) 1 year   Unconstitutional R v CDR, 2020 ONSC 645 (CanLII), per De Sa J (on facts)
Possession for the purpose of trafficking 100(3) 1 year Unconstitutional R v Ayotte c R, 2019 QCCA 1241 (CanLII), per Gagnon JA
Criminal negligence causing death (firearm) 220(a) 4 years   Constitutional R v Morrisey, 2000 SCC 39 (CanLII), [2000] 2 SCR 90

R v Dockrill, 2016 NSSC 56 (CanLII), per Arnold J

Manslaughter (with firearm) 236(a) 4 years   Constitutional R v Penner, 2017 BCSC 1688 (CanLII), per Pearlman J

R v Lacroix, 2016 QCCQ 402 (CanLII), per Palletier J

Attempted murder 239(1)(a)(i) 4 years   Constitutional R v Forcillo, 2018 ONCA 402 (CanLII), 361 CCC (3d) 161, per curiam
Attempted murder 239(1)(a.1) 4 years   Constitutional R v Ziegler, 2017 ABQB 411 (CanLII), per Renke J
recklessly discharging a firearm (with a prohibited firearm or for a crim org) (without priors) 244.2(3)(a)(i) 5 years   Constitutional R v Abdullahi, 2014 ONSC 272 (CanLII), OJ No 701, per McWatt J
(with a prohibited firearm or for a crim org) (with priors) 244.2(3)(a)(ii) 7 years   Constitutional R v Mohamed, 2016 ONCJ 492 (CanLII), per Wadden J
recklessly discharging a firearm (other than prohibited firearm or crim org) 244.2(3)(b) 4 years   Constitutional R v Itturiligaq, 2020 NUCA 6 (CanLII)
R v Ookowt, 2020 NUCA 5 (CanLII), per Schutz JA

R v Nungusuituq, 2019 NUCJ 6 (CanLII) per Charlesworth J

Sexual Assault CBH / Weapon (Under 16) 272(2)(a.2) 5 years   Unconstitutional R v Trottier, 2020 QCCA 703 (CanLII), per curiam
trafficking in persons – no aggravated factors 279.01(1)(b) 4 years   Unconstitutional R v Antoine, 2020 ONSC 181 (CanLII), per Lemay J

R v Jean, 2020 ONSC 624 (CanLII), per R Smith J

Trafficking in Persons (Offence) ) [material benefit from trafficking, under 18] 279.02(2) 2 years   Unconstitutional R v Webber, 2019 NSSC 147 (CanLII), per Brothers J
Commodification of Sexual Services (Offence) [comm. to obtaining sexual services, under 18] 286.1(2)(a) 6 months   Unconstitutional R v CDR, 2020 ONSC 645 (CanLII), per De Sa J
Commodification of Sexual Services (Offence) [material benefit from sexual services, under 18] 286.2(2) 2 years   Unconstitutional R v Joseph, 2020 ONCA 733 (CanLII), per curiam
Commodification of Sexual Services (Offence) [procuring into sex serv., under 18] 286.3(2) 5 years   Unconstitutional R v JG, 2021 ONSC 1095 (CanLII), per Barnes J

R v Safieh, 2018 ONSC 4468 (CanLII), 142 OR (3d) 592, per McKelvey J

impaired driving 255(1) fine   Constitutional R v Luke, 2021 ONSC 3550 (CanLII), per Woodley J

R v Sabattis, 2020 ONCJ 242 (CanLII), per Henschel J

impaired driving 320.14(1)(b) fine   Constitutional R v Tebay, 2020 NSPC 43 (CanLII), per Sherar J
Robbery (Offence) [robbery with non restricted firearm] 344(1)(a)(i) 5 years   Constitutional R v McIntyre, 2019 ONCA 161 (CanLII)

R v McIvor, 2018 MBCA 29 (CanLII), 407 CRR (2d) 255, per LeMaister J
R v Stocker, 2017 BCSC 542 (CanLII), 376 CRR (2d) 361, per Rogers J

Robbery (Offence) [robbery with non restricted firearm] 344(1)(a)(i) 5 years   Unconstitutional R v Hilbach, 2020 ABCA 332 (CanLII), per curiam (2:1) (on facts and hypothetical)
Robbery (Offence) [robbery with restricted firearm or for benefit of criminal organization] 344(1)(a.1) 4 years   Constitutional R v Hailemolokot, 2013 MBQB 285 (CanLII), per Simonsen J
Robbery (Offence) [robbery with restricted firearm or for benefit of criminal organization] 344(1)(a.1) 4 years   Unconstitutional R v Hilbach, 2020 ABCA 332 (CanLII), per curiam (2:1) (on facts and hypothetical)
Robbery (Offence) [robbery with restricted firearm or for benefit of criminal organization] 344(1)(a.1) 4 years   Unconstitutional R v Hilbach, 2020 ABCA 332 (CanLII), per curiam (2:1) (on facts and hypothetical)
Extortion (Offence) 346(1.1)(a.1) 4 years   Constitutional R v Villeneuve, 2007 QCCQ 3748 (CanLII), per Lortie J
Drug Trafficking 5(3)(a)(i)(D) CDSA   Unconstitutional R v Lloyd, 2014 BCCA 224 (CanLII), per Groberman JA upheld 2016 SCC 13 (CanLII), per McLachlin CJ
importation of controlled substances (Sch I) 5(1) NCA 7 years   Unconstitutional R v Smith (Edward Dewey), 1987 CanLII 64 (SCC), [1987] 1 SCR 1045, per Lamer J

The mandatory minimum of 90 days (summary) and 12 months (indictment) for child luring was upheld as not cruel and unusual.[1]

Consequence of Unconstitutional Minimums

Where a mandatory minimum was found unconstitutional, the removal of a minimum "does not operate to diminish the whole previously established sentencing pattern" proportionate to the previous minimum.[1] The removal of the floor will have some "ameliorating effect" on sentencing but not a "wholesale" reduction, which would otherwise defeat the parliamentary intent to characterize the offence as serious.[2] This also means that the sentencing cases decided while the MMP was in force is not relevant to sentencing and those prior to the amendment should still be viewed with caution.[3]

However, elimination of minimums "permits the court to treat the less serious cases less seriously".[4]

  1. R v Mediratta (1988), 29 OAC 333(*no CanLII links) , per Zuber JA, at p. 334
  2. Mediratta, ibid., at p. 334
  3. R v Inksetter, 2018 ONCA 474 (CanLII), 141 OR (3d) 161, per Hoy ACJ, at para 24 ("even if the mandatory minimums are declared of no force and effect, Parliament’s legislative initiatives signal Canadians’ concerns regarding the increasing incidence of child pornography. Sentencing decisions that precede these amendments must be viewed with some caution")
  4. R v Saulnier, 1987 CanLII 2414 (BCCA), 21 BCLR (2d) 232, per Seaton JA, at para 6