Stay of Proceedings (Cases)

Section 7: Prosecutor Abuse of Process

Case Name Result Summary
R v Chen, 2009 ONCJ 453 (CanLII), per Fairgrieve J stayed breach s. 7 for crown changing mind to stay charges. Stay upheld.
R v Arcand, 2008 ONCA 595 (CanLII), per Cronk JA denied alleged disclosure issues, laying additional charges, differential treatment of accused.

Section 7 - Disclosure

Case Name Result Summary
R v Vader, 2013 ABQB 68 (CanLII), per Ross J not stayed
R v Tweedly, 2013 BCSC 910 (CanLII), per Greyell J stayed Two police witnesses lost their notes. The notes were used in the ITO of a search warrant.

Section 12 - Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Case Name Result Summary
R v Tang, 2011 ONCJ 525 (CanLII), per Reinhardt J stay granted

Abuse by Police

Case Name Result Summary
R v Maskell, 2011 ABPC 176 (CanLII), per Groves J stay force used while arresting for driving while disqualified
R v Steele, 2010 ABQB 191 (CanLII), per Macklin J stay excessive force in arresting accused
