Initial Appearance Checklist
- Arraignment
- ☐ Reading of Charges / ☐ Waiving of Reading of Charges
- Crown Election
- ☐ Crown Election (if applicable)
- ☐ Reading Election (if applicable)
- Publication Bans
- ☐ General Publication Ban (486.5)
- ☐ Sexual Offence Publication Ban (486.4(1))
- ☐ Publication Ban For Underage Victims (486.4(2))
- Representation
- ☐ Retained counsel of Choice / ☐ Applied for Legal Aid counsel
- Disclosure
- ☐ Adequate initial disclosure made
- Defence Election and Plea
- ☐ Language of Trial
- ☐ Defence Election (if applicable)
- ☐ Defence Plea
- Bail
- ☐ Consent Remand / ☐ Schedule a Show Cause
- ☐ contact conditions while in custody
- Not Guilty Plea
- ☐ Defence choice of language of trial (English/French)
- Not Guilty Plea - multiple informations
- ☐