Detention Order (Precedent)
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C A N A D A File# ________________ IN THE [LEVEL OF COURT] OF [PROVINCE] IN THE MATTER OF: An Application made pursuant to section 490(1), (2) of the Criminal Code to Detain Items Seized by Police BETWEEN: HIS MAJESTY THE KING – and – [ACCUSED NAME] INITIAL ORDER TO DETAIN I ORDER that pursuant ot s. 490(1), (2) that:
for a period not exceeding: _________ unless before the experation of that period:
I ORDER that the thing(s) detained be held in thecustody of ___________________________ at ____________________ and that ____________________ is to take reasonable care to ensure that the thing(s) detained are preserved until the conclusion of any invesitgation(s) or until it is required to be provided for the purpose of a preliminary inquiry, trial or other proceedings. DATED at ______________, in the Province of _______________, this _____ day of _____________, 20___. ___________________________________________