List of Criminal Code Amendments

From Criminal Law Notebook
This page was last substantively updated or reviewed January 2021. (Rev. # 74356)

Admendments to the Criminal Code. For amendments to other legislation see List of Legislative Amendments.


There are six versions of the Criminal Code since its inception:

  • Criminal Code, 1892, S.C. 1892, c. 29
  • Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1906, c. 146
  • Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1927, c. 36
  • Criminal Code, S.C. 1953-54, c. 51
  • Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1970, c. C-34
  • Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46

Parts of Code

The current sections of the Criminal Code, RSC 1985, c C-46 comprise of the following:

Part Subject Title Sections
Part I (1) General s. 3.1 to 45
Part II (2) Offences Against Public Order s. 46 to 83
Part II.1 (2.1) Terrorism s. 83.01 to 83.33
Part III (3) Firearms and Other Weapons s. 84 to 117.15
Part IV (4) Offences Against the Administration of Law and Justice s. 118 to 149
Part V (5) Sexual Offences, Public Morals and Disorderly Conduct s. 150 to 182
Part VI (6) Invasion of Privacy s. 183 to 196.1
Part VII (7) Disorderly Houses, Gaming and Betting s. 197 to 213
Part VIII (8) Offences Against the Person and Reputation s. 214 to 320.1
Part VIII.1 (8.1) Offences Relating to Conveyances s. 320.11 to 320.4
Part IX (9) Offences Against Rights of Property s. 321 to 378
Part X (10) Fraudulent Transactions Relating to Contracts and Trade s. 379 to 427
Part XI (11) Wilful and Forbidden Acts in Respect of Certain Property s. 428 to 447.1
Part XII (12) Offences Relating to Currency s. 448 to 462
Part XII.2 (12.2) Proceeds of Crime s. 462.3 to 462.5
Part XIII (13) Attempts-Conspiracies-Accessories s. 463 to 467.2
Part XIV (14) Jurisdiction s. 468 to 482.1
Part XV (15) Special Procedure and Powers s. 483 to 492.2
Part XVI (16) Compelling Appearance of an Accused Before a Justice and Interim Release s. 493 to 529.5
Part XVII (17) Language of Accused s. 530 to 533.1
Part XVIII (18) Procedure on Preliminary Inquiry s. 535 to 551
Part XVIII.1 (18.1) Case Management Judge s. 551.1 to 551.7
Part XIX (19) Indictable Offences-Trial Without a Jury s. 552 to 572
Part XIX.1 (19.1) Nunavut Court of Justice s. 573 to 573.2
Part XX (20) Procedure in Jury Trials and General Provisions s. 574 to 672
Part XX.1 (20.1) Mental Disorder s. 672.1 to 672.95
Part XXI (21) Appeals-Indictable Offences s. 673 to 696
Part XXI.1 (21.1) Applications for Ministerial Review-Miscarriages of Justice s. 696.1 to 696.6
Part XXII (22) Procuring Attendance s. 697 to 715.2
Part XXII.01 (22.01) Remote Attendance by Certain Persons s. 715.21 to 715.26
Part XXII.1 (22.1) Remediation Agreements s. 715.3 to 715.43
Part XXIII (23) Sentencing s. 716 to 751.1
Part XXIV (24) Dangerous Offenders and Long-Term Offenders s. 752 to 761
Part XXV (25) Effect and Enforcement of Undertakings, Release Orders and Recognizances s. 762 to 773
Part XXVI (26) Extraordinary Remedies s. 774 to 784
Part XXVII (27) Summary Convictions s. 785 to 840
Part XXVIII (28) Miscellaneous s. 841 to 849

Pending Amendments

Bill C-23

(Bill C-23)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
(Bill C-23) [1] [2] {{{8}}}
Amended Code Sec.

Bill C-22

(Bill C-22)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-22) [3] [4] {{{8}}}
Amended Code Sec.
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to, among other things, repeal certain mandatory minimum penalties, allow for a greater use of conditional sentences and establish diversion measures for simple drug possession offences."

Bill C-21

(Bill C-21)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-21) [5] [6] {{{8}}}
Amended Code Sec.
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to, among other things, (a) increase, from 10 to 14 years, the maximum penalty of imprisonment for indictable weapons offences in sections 95, 96, 99, 100 and 103; (b) establish a regime that would permit any person to apply for an emergency prohibition order or an emergency limitations on access order; (c) deem certain firearms to be prohibited devices for the purpose of specified provisions; (d) create a new offence for altering a cartridge magazine to exceed its lawful capacity; and (e) authorize employees of certain federal entities who are responsible for security to be considered as public officers for the purpose of section 117.‍07."

Bill C-13

(Bill C-13)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (single event sport betting) (Bill C-13) [7] [8] {{{8}}}
Amended Code Sec.
"This enactment amends paragraph 207(4)‍(b) of the Criminal Code to make it lawful for the government of a province or territory, or a licensed person or entity, to conduct and manage in the province or territory a lottery scheme that involves betting on a race — other than a horse-race — or fight, or on a single sport event or athletic contest."

Bill C-6

(Bill C-6)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy) (Bill C-6) [9] [10] {{{8}}}
s. 164(1), (3) to (5), (7), (8), 164.1(1), (5), (7), "offence" in s. 183, 273.‍3(1)‍(c), 320.‍101, 320.‍102, 320.‍103, 320.‍104, 320.‍105.
Amended Code Sec.
Creates criminal offence for engaging in any form of conversion therapy.

Bill C-7

(Bill C-7)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying) (Bill C-7) first reading text {{{8}}}
s. 241.‍2(2), (3), (3.1), (3.2), (3.3), (3.4), (3.5), (5.1), (6), 241.‍3, 241.‍31.
Amended Code Sec.

Bill C-3

(Bill C-3)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Judges Act and the Criminal Code (Bill C-3) first reading text {{{8}}}
s. 278.‍98.
Amended Code Sec.
" amends the Criminal Code to require that judges provide reasons for decisions in sexual assault proceedings."

Bill C-4

(Bill C-4)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to implement the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States (Bill C-4) March 13, 2020 final reading draft text {{{8}}}
s. 2.3(1)(a), 391, s. 1 of Part XXII.‍1 schedule.
Amended Code Sec.
Creates criminal offence for obtains and communicates trade secrets.

See also Unproclaimed Amendments below for more laws awaiting order in council.

2020 to Present

See also: List of Criminal Code Amendments (2020 to present)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Summary Amended Code Sec. Amendment Text

2010 to 2019

2000 to 2009

Amendments 1984 to 1999

Amendments Pre-1984

Unproclaimed Amendments

Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Summary Amendment Text
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (exploitation and trafficking in persons) S.C. 2015, c. 16 (Bill C-452) June 18, 2015 In force on OIC Amends s. 279.01 to 279.05 to create a presumption of culpability for those living with exploited persons. It also makes sentences under these sections consecutive.
NB: An Act to amend An Act to amend the Criminal Code (exploitation and trafficking in persons) (Bill C-38) amends the provision relating to the bill coming into force.

Versions of Criminal Code (2002 to Present)

Versions of Criminal Code as recorded by CanLII

Repealed Provisions by Part

See Also