Glossary of Terms Within the Criminal Law Notebook
- AB = "Alberta"
- ABCA = "Alberta Court of Appeal"
- ABCJ = "Alberta Court of Justice" (from 2023)
- ABPC = "Alberta Provincial Court" (ending 2023)
- ABQB = "Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta"
- BC = "British Columbia"
- BCCA = "British Columbia Court of Appeal"
- BCPC = "British Columbia Provincial Court"
- BCSC = "British Columbia Supreme Court"
- CA = "Court of Appeal"
- CCC or Code = "Criminal Code of Canada"
- CDSA = "Controlled Drugs and Substances Act"
- CEA = "Canada Evidence Act"
- Charter = "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms"
- CSO = "conditional sentence"
- DO = "Dangerous Offender" designation
- FA = "Firearms Act"
- FC = "Federal Court of Canada"
- FCA = "Federal Court of Appeal"
- IA = "Interpretation Act"
- Idem = "the same" (Latin)
- IRPA = "Immigration and Refugee Protection Act"
- J = "Justice" or "Judge"
- JA = "Appellate Justice"
- JP = "Justice of the Peace"
- LTO = "Long-term Protection Order"
- MB = "Manitoba"
- MBCA = "Manitoba Court of Appeal"
- MBPC = "Manitoba Provincial Court"
- MBQB = "Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench"
- NB = "New Brunswick"
- NBCA = "New Brunswick Court of Appeal"
- NBPC = "New Brunswick Provincial Court"
- NBQB = "Queen's Bench of New Brunswick"
- NCR or NCRDMD = "not criminally responsible due to mental disorder"
- NL or NLFD = "Newfoundland and Labrador"
- NL = "Newfoundland and Labrador"
- NLCA = "Newfoundland and Labrador Court of Appeal"
- NLSC = "Newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court"
- NLPC = "Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Court"
- NS = "Nova Scotia"
- NSCA = "Nova Scotia Court of Appeal"
- NSPC = "Nova Scotia Provincial Court"
- NSSC = "Nova Scotia Supreme Court"
- NT or NWT = "Northwest Territories"
- NTCA = "Court of Appeal for the Northwest Territories"
- NTSC = "Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories"
- NTTC = "Territorial Court of the Northwest Territories"
- NU = "Nunavut"
- NUCA = "Court of Appeal of Nunavut"
- NUCJ = "Nunavut Court of Justice"
- ON = "Ontario"
- ONCA = "Court of Appeal for Ontario"
- ONCJ = "Ontario Court of Justice"
- ONSC = "Ontario Superior Court"
- PC = "provincial court"
- PCJ = "Provincial Court Judge"
- PEI or PE = "Prince Edward Island"
- PESCAD = "Prince Edward Island Court of Appeal"
- PESCTD = "Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island"
- Prob. or PB = "probation order"
- QC = "Quebec"
- QCCA = "Quebec Court of Appeal"
- QCCJ = "Quebec Court of Justice"
- QCCS = "Quebec Superior Court"
- s. = Section(s) / Subsection(s)
- SC = "Supreme Court" or "Superior Court"
- SCAC = "Summary Convictions Appeal Court"
- SCC = "Supreme Court of Canada"
- SCJ = "Superior Court Justice" or "Supreme Court Justice"
- SK = "Saskatchewan"
- SKCA = "Saskatchewan Court of Appeal"
- SKPC = "Saskatchewan Provincial Court"
- SKQB = "Saskatchewan Queen's Bench"
- SPIO = "serious personal injury offence"
- SS or S/S = "suspended sentence order"
- YCJA = "Youth Criminal Justice Act"
- YK = "Yukon"
- YKCA = "Yukon Court of Appeal"
- YKSC = "Supreme Court of Yukon"
- YKTC = "Territorial Court of Yukon"
Law Reports
- ACWS =
- AJ No =
- Alta LR =
- APR = Atlantic Provinces Reports
- AR = Alberta Reports
- AWLD =
- BCAC =
- BCLR = British Columbia Law Reports
- BCTC =
- BLR = Business Law Reports
- CarswellAlta =
- CarswellMan =
- CarswellOnt =
- CCC = Canadian Criminal Cases
- CPC = Carswell's Practice Cases
- CR = Criminal Reports
- CRNS = Criminal Reports: New Series Annotated
- CRR = Canadian Rights Reporter
- CTC = Canada Tax Cases
- DLR = Dominion Law Reports
- DTC = Dominion Tax Cases
- FTR = Federal Trial Reports
- JQ =
- MJ = Manitoba Judgements
- MR/Man R = Manitoba Reports
- MVR = Motor Vehicle Reports
- NBR = New Brunswick Reports
- NBJ =
- NR =
- NSJ =
- NSR = Nova Scotia Reports
- NWTR = Northwest Territories Reports
- OAC = Ontario Appeal Cases
- OJ = Ontario Judgements (unreported)
- OR = Ontario Reports
- OWN = Ontario Weekly Notes
- OWR = Ontario Weekly Reporter
- QLR = Quebec Law Reports
- Sask R =
- SCJ No =
- SCR = Supreme Court Reports (Canada)
- WCB = Weekly Criminal Bulletin
- WAC =
- WWR = Western Weekly Reports
Foreign Law Reports
- UK
- Cr App R = Criminal Appeal Reports
- Cr App R (S) = Criminal Appeal Reports (Sentencing)
- Cox CC = Cox's Criminal Cases
- Australia
NSWCCA = New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal
Legal Terms
- "Leave" (n): "This word means permission to do something. In legal English it is used when the court permits a party to appeal a judgment or allows an application to be made to appeal." (UK Law Dictionary and Legal Letter Writing Exercise Book: All essential UK at 212)
- "Endorsement" (ONCA decisions): prior to May 8, 2017 used it for shorter decisions that do not require extensive analysis of the facts or law. Going forward, "[t]he term “Endorsement” is only used to describe decisions that are written on the back of the appeal book or motion record, or for costs decisions."