Mandamus, Certiorari, and Prohibition

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See also: Judicial Review of Parole Ineligibility for Murder

Prerogative Writs

See also: Habeas Corpus

Applications for prerogative writs consisting of certiorari, habeas corpus, mandamus, procedendo, or prohibition are governed by Part XXVI (s. 774 to 784):

Application of Part

774 This Part applies to proceedings in criminal matters by way of certiorari, habeas corpus, mandamus, procedendo and prohibition.
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 774; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 169.


Note up: 774

Courts should be "reluctant" to exercise interlocutory prerogative remedies.[1]

All "extrodinary remedies", including certiorari, are strictly limited in criminal matters to jurisdictional errors by a provincial court judge.[2] Jurisdictional errors occur where the provincial court (1) failes to observe mandatory provisions of a statute or (2) acts in breach of the principles of natural justice.[3]

The limited use of these rememdies is in order to avoid the rule against interlocutory appeals.[4]

  1. R v McGrath, 2007 NSSC 255 (CanLII), 225 CCC (3d) 1, per Murphy J, at para 38
  2. R v Awashish, 2018 SCC 45 (CanLII), 367 CCC (3d) 377, per Rowe J (9:0), at para 20
    R v Stipo, 2019 ONCA 3 (CanLII), 370 CCC (3d) 311, per Watt JA (3:0), at para 46
  3. Awashish, supra, at para 23
    Stipo, supra, at para 47
  4. Awashish, supra, at paras 10 to 11

Remedial Powers to Fix Defects

Section 777 permits the court to remedy certain defects in orders that would otherwise be invalid on application of certiorari.

Conviction or order remediable, when

777 (1) No conviction, order or warrant for enforcing a conviction or order shall, on being removed by certiorari, be held to be invalid by reason of any irregularity, informality or insufficiency therein, where the court before which or the judge before whom the question is raised, on perusal of the evidence, is satisfied

(a) that an offence of the nature described in the conviction, order or warrant, as the case may be, was committed,
(b) that there was jurisdiction to make the conviction or order or issue the warrant, as the case may be, and
(c) that the punishment imposed, if any, was not in excess of the punishment that might lawfully have been imposed,

but the court or judge has the same powers to deal with the proceedings in the manner that the court or judge considers proper that are conferred on a court to which an appeal might have been taken.

Correcting punishment

(2) Where, in proceedings to which subsection (1) [conviction or order remediable, when] applies, the court or judge is satisfied that a person was properly convicted of an offence but the punishment that was imposed is greater than the punishment that might lawfully have been imposed, the court or judge

(a) shall correct the sentence,
(i) where the punishment is a fine, by imposing a fine that does not exceed the maximum fine that might lawfully have been imposed,
(ii) where the punishment is imprisonment, and the person has not served a term of imprisonment under the sentence that is equal to or greater than the term of imprisonment that might lawfully have been imposed, by imposing a term of imprisonment that does not exceed the maximum term of imprisonment that might lawfully have been imposed, or
(iii) where the punishment is a fine and imprisonment, by imposing a punishment in accordance with subparagraph (i) or (ii), as the case requires; or
(b) shall remit the matter to the convicting judge, justice or provincial court judge and direct him to impose a punishment that is not greater than the punishment that may be lawfully imposed.

(3) Where an adjudication is varied pursuant to subsection (1) [conviction or order remediable, when] or (2) [correcting punishment], the conviction and warrant of committal, if any, shall be amended to conform to the adjudication as varied.

Sufficiency of statement

(4) Any statement that appears in a conviction and is sufficient for the purpose of the conviction is sufficient for the purposes of an information, summons, order or warrant in which it appears in the proceedings.
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 777; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 203.


Note up: 777(1), (2), (3), and (4)

Irregularities within section 777

778 Without restricting the generality of section 777 [powers to fix defects on conviction and punishment], that section shall be deemed to apply where

(a) the statement of the adjudication or of any other matter or thing is in the past tense instead of in the present tense;
(b) the punishment imposed is less than the punishment that might by law have been imposed for the offence that appears by the evidence to have been committed; or
(c) there has been an omission to negative circumstances, the existence of which would make the act complained of lawful, whether those circumstances are stated by way of exception or otherwise in the provision under which the offence is charged or are stated in another provision.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 712.


Note up: 778

Further, a warrant of committal cannot be held void by writ where it contains a "valid conviction" and names the defendant as convicted.[1]

  1. s. 782


A judge may require that any applicant of certiorari enter into a recognizance for the duration of the application.[1]

Where an application to quash has been refused, the matter is to be returned to the original jurisdiction without need of an application of procedendo.[2]

  1. see s. 779
  2. see s. 780

Rules of Court

See also: Rules of Court

Superior courts have the authority to set their own rules regarding prerogative writs:

Power to make rules

482 (1) Every superior court of criminal jurisdiction and every court of appeal may make rules of court not inconsistent with this or any other Act of Parliament, and any rules so made apply to any prosecution, proceeding, action or appeal, as the case may be, within the jurisdiction of that court, instituted in relation to any matter of a criminal nature or arising from or incidental to any such prosecution, proceeding, action or appeal.
[omitted (2)]

Purpose of rules

(3) Rules under subsection (1) [powers of the superior and appellate court to make rules] or (2) [powers of provincial and territorial coruts to make rules] may be made

[omitted (a) amd (b)]
(c) to regulate the pleading, practice and procedure in criminal matters, including pre-hearing conferences held under section 625.1 [pre-hearing conference], proceedings with respect to judicial interim release and preliminary inquiries and, in the case of rules under subsection (1) [powers of the superior and appellate court to make rules], proceedings with respect to mandamus, certiorari, habeas corpus, prohibition and procedendo and proceedings on an appeal under section 830 [summary conviction appeal]; and...
[omitted (d)]

[omitted (4) and (5)]
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 482; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 66; 1994, c. 44, s. 35; 2002, c. 13, s. 17; 2019, c. 25, s. 186.
[annotation(s) added]


Note up: 482(1) and (3)

Within each province, the superior courts will incorporate rules of procedure regarding applications for writs.[1]

General Principles of Mandamus

General Principles of Certiorari

General Principles of Prohibition

An order of prohibition is a common law "prerogative writ" power of a superior court to order a lower court or government agent from prohibiting the performance of certain duties.[1]

A Court granting the order will "prevent [inferior judicial body] from exercising a jurisdiction it is not legally entitled to."[2]

  1. R v MPS, 2013 BCSC 525 (CanLII), 298 CCC (3d) 458, per Romilly J ("It is the means whereby the inferior tribunal is prevented from exceeding its jurisdictional limits."), at para 16
  2. MPS, ibid., at para 16

General Principles of Habeas Corpus

Court Authority to Order Recognizance on Writ Application

General order for security by recognizance

779 (1) A court that has authority to quash a conviction, order or other proceeding on certiorari may prescribe by general order that no motion to quash any such conviction, order or other proceeding removed to the court by certiorari shall be heard unless the defendant has entered into a recognizance with one or more sufficient sureties, before one or more justices of the territorial division in which the conviction or order was made or before a judge or other officer, or has made a deposit to be prescribed with a condition that the defendant will prosecute the writ of certiorari at his own expense, without wilful delay, and, if ordered, will pay to the person in whose favour the conviction, order or other proceeding is affirmed his full costs and charges to be taxed according to the practice of the court where the conviction, order or proceeding is affirmed.

Provisions of Part XXV

(2) The provisions of Part XXV [Pt. XXV – Effect and Enforcement of Recognizances (ss. 762 to 773)] relating to forfeiture of an amount set out in a recognizance apply to a recognizance entered into under this section.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 713; 2019, c. 25, s. 313.

[annotation(s) added]


Note up: 779(1) and (2)

Exemption From Certiorari and Habeas Corpus

Want of proof of order in council

781 (1) No order, conviction or other proceeding shall be quashed or set aside, and no defendant shall be discharged, by reason only that evidence has not been given

(a) of a proclamation or order of the Governor in Council or the lieutenant governor in council;
(b) of rules, regulations or by-laws made by the Governor in Council under an Act of Parliament or by the lieutenant governor in council under an Act of the legislature of the province; or
(c) of the publication of a proclamation, order, rule, regulation or by-law in the Canada Gazette or in the official gazette for the province.
Judicial notice

(2) Proclamations, orders, rules, regulations and by-laws mentioned in subsection (1) [want of proof of order in council] and the publication thereof shall be judicially noticed.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 715.
[annotation(s) added]


Note up: 781

Defect in form

782 No warrant of committal shall, on certiorari or habeas corpus, be held to be void by reason only of any defect therein, where

(a) it is alleged in the warrant that the defendant was convicted; and
(b) there is a valid conviction to sustain the warrant.

R.S., c. C-34, s. 716.


Note up: 782

Other Forms of Judicial Review

There are several other types of judicial review in the Criminal Code for certain circumstances:

  • s. 745.6 permits judicial review of an order of parole ineligibility
  • s. 83.05 permits judicial review of an order of Governor in Council who includes an organization on a list of terrorist entities
  • Part XXI.1 permits Ministerial Review

Consequences of Dismissing an Application

Effect of order dismissing application to quash

780 Where a motion to quash a conviction, order or other proceeding is refused, the order of the court refusing the application is sufficient authority for the clerk of the court forthwith to return the conviction, order or proceeding to the court from which or the person from whom it was removed, and for proceedings to be taken with respect thereto for the enforcement thereof.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 714.


Note up: 780

Consequences of Granting an Application to Quash

No action against official when conviction, etc., quashed

783 Where an application is made to quash a conviction, order or other proceeding made or held by a provincial court judge acting under Part XIX [Pt. XIX – Indictable Offences – Trial Without a Jury (ss. 552 to 572)] or a justice on the ground that he exceeded his jurisdiction, the court to which or the judge to whom the application is made may, in quashing the conviction, order or other proceeding, order that no civil proceedings shall be taken against the justice or provincial court judge or against any officer who acted under the conviction, order or other proceeding or under any warrant issued to enforce it.
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 783; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 203.
[annotation(s) added]


Note up: 783

Appeal from Judicial Review

Case Digests

See Also