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List of Criminal Code Amendments (2020 to present)

From Criminal Law Notebook
This page was last substantively updated or reviewed January 2024. (Rev. # 98059)
See also: List of Criminal Code Amendments

2023, c. 32

2023, c. 32 (Bill C-21)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms) 2023, c. 32 (Bill C-21) December 15, 2023 December 15, 2023 final draft text Full Legislative History
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to, among other things,
(a) increase, from 10 to 14 years, the maximum penalty of imprisonment for indictable weapons offences in sections 95, 96, 99, 100 and 103;
(b) establish a regime that would permit any person to apply for an emergency prohibition order or an emergency limitations on access order and allow the judge to protect the security of the person or of anyone known to them;
(c) deem certain firearms to be prohibited devices for the purpose of specified provisions;
(d) create new offences for possessing and making available certain types of computer data that pertain to firearms and prohibited devices and for altering a cartridge magazine to exceed its lawful capacity;
(e) include, for interception of private communications purposes, sections 92 and 95 in the definition of “offence” in section 183;
(f) authorize employees of certain federal entities who are responsible for security to be considered as public officers for the purpose of section 117.‍07; and
(g) include certain firearm parts to offences regarding firearms."
Amended Code Sec.

2023, c. 30

2023, c. 30 (Bill C-48)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (bail reform) 2023, c. 30 (Bill C-48) January 4, 2024 draft text Full Legislative History
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to, among other things,
(a) create a reverse onus provision for any person charged with a serious offence involving violence and the use of a weapon who has been convicted, within the last five years, of a serious offence involving violence and the use of a weapon;
(b) add certain firearms offences to the existing reverse onus provisions;
(c) expand the reverse onus provision for offences involving intimate partner violence to ensure that it applies to an accused person who has been previously discharged for such an offence; and
(d) require the court to consider if an accused person has any previous convictions involving violence and to include in the record a statement that the safety and security of the community was considered.

This enactment also makes further clarifications and provides for a parliamentary review of the provisions it enacts or amends to commence on the fifth anniversary of the day on which it receives royal assent, or as soon as feasible after that anniversary."

Amended Code Sec.

2023, c. 28

2023, c. 28 (Bill S-12)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the International Transfer of Offenders Act 2023, c. 28 (Bill S-12) October 26, 2023 October 26, 2023 (except for s. 35 on OIC) draft text Full Legislative History
Charter briefing
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code, the Sex Offender Information Registration Act and the International Transfer of Offenders Act to, among other things,
(a) require compliance with the Sex Offender Information Registration Act for persons who are convicted of an offence of a sexual nature against a child and for persons who have been convicted on separate occasions of two or more offences of a sexual nature;
(b) require other persons who are convicted of, or receive a verdict of not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder for, an offence of a sexual nature to comply with that Act unless a court is satisfied that doing so would have no connection to the purposes of that Act or that the impact on the person of doing so would be grossly disproportionate to those purposes;
(c) provide that an order to comply with that Act as a result of convictions, or verdicts of not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder, for two or more offences of a sexual nature that are dealt with in the same proceeding — or an obligation to comply with that Act as a result of convictions, or such verdicts, for two or more offences of a sexual nature — does not apply for life if a court is satisfied that the offences do not demonstrate a pattern of behaviour showing that the person presents an increased risk of reoffending by committing such an offence;
(d) authorize a peace officer to obtain a warrant to arrest a person who has contravened any of sections 4 to 5.‍1 of that Act and bring them to a registration centre to remedy that contravention; and
(e) clarify the obligations in section 6 of that Act respecting the notice that sex offenders who plan to absent themselves from their residence must provide.
The enactment also amends the Criminal Code to, among other things, codify the process for modifying and revoking publication bans, and add a requirement for sentencing courts to inquire into whether the victim of an offence would like to receive information about the administration of the offender’s sentence and, in the affirmative, provide the Correctional Service of Canada with the victim’s contact information."
Amended Code Sec.

Bill C-28

(Bill C-28)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (self-induced extreme intoxication) (Bill C-28) draft text Full Legislative History
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to provide for criminal liability for violent crimes of general intent committed by a person while in a state of negligent self-induced extreme intoxication."
Amended Code Sec.

2023, c. 14

2023, c. 14 (Bill C-41)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and to make consequential amendments to other Acts 2023, c. 14 (Bill C-41) June 20, 2023 June 20, 2023 final text {{{8}}}
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code in order to create a regime under which the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness may authorize an eligible person to carry out, in a geographic area that is controlled by a terrorist group and for certain purposes, activities that otherwise would be prohibited under paragraph 83.03(b) of that Act"
Amended Code Sec.
CC: 83.03, 83.031, 83.032, 83.033, 83.034, 83.035, 83.036, 83.037, 83.0392, 83.039, 83.0391 and 83.0392

2022, c. 18

2022, c. 18 (Bill S-223)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (trafficking in human organs) 2022, c. 18 (Bill S-223) December 15, 2022 December 15, 2022 draft text Full Legislative History
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code to create new offences in relation to trafficking in human organs. It also amends the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to provide that a permanent resident or foreign national is inadmissible to Canada if the appropriate minister is of the opinion that they have engaged in any activities relating to trafficking in human organs."
See also: Miscellaneous Offences Against the Person
Amended Code Sec.
CC: 7(4.2), (4.3), 240.‍1 

2022, c. 17

2022, c. 17 (Bill S-4)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Identification of Criminals Act and to make related amendments to other Acts (COVID-19 response and other measures) 2022, c. 17 (Bill S-4) December 15, 2022 January 14, 2023 final text Full Legislative History
"The enactment makes amendments to the Criminal Code and the Identification of Criminals Act to correct minor technical errors and includes transitional provisions on the application of the amendments. It also makes related amendments to other Acts.

The enactment also provides for one or more independent reviews on the use of remote proceedings in criminal justice matters.
Lastly, the enactment also provides for a parliamentary review of the provisions enacted or amended by this enactment and of the use of remote proceedings in criminal justice matters to commence at the start of the fifth year following the day on which it receives royal assent."

Amended Code Sec.
CC: 1, 117.04(3), 117.‍05(1), 145(2), 184.‍3, 185(4), 187(1.‍1), 187(3), 188.‍1, 320.‍29(1), 320.‍29(2) and (3), 320.‍29(5), 395(2), 462.‍32(4)[F], 462.‍32(4)‍(a), 462.‍32(4)‍(b) and (c) [F], 482.‍1(1)‍(b), 485(1.‍1), 485.‍1, 487(1)‍(e), 487.‍01(7), 487.‍02, 487.‍04 [(c)‍(iv.‍4)], 487.‍05(3), 487.‍092(4), 487.‍093, 487.‍1, 487.‍2, 488, 488.‍01(2), 489.‍1, 492(1), 500(3), 501(4), 502.‍1(1), 502.‍1(4) and (5), 509(5), 515(2.‍2), 515.‍01, 529.‍5, 537(1)‍(j), (j.1), and (k), 555(1) and (1.‍1), 555(3)‍(a), 606(5), 650(1) to (1.‍2), 669.‍2(5), 673 [b], 680(1), 688(2.‍1), 714.‍1(b), 715.‍21, 715.‍221, 715.‍222, 715.‍23, 715.‍231, 715.‍232, 715.‍233, 715.‍234, 715.‍235, 715.‍24, 715.‍241, 715.‍242, 715.‍243, 715.‍25(1), 715.‍25(2), 715.‍25(2)‍(b), 715.‍25(3) and (4), 715.‍27, 742.‍6(1)‍(f), 742.‍6, 774.‍1, 795, 800(2)[F], 800(2.‍1), 817(2)[F], 847, Form 5.‍04 [b], Forms 5.‍1 and 5.‍2, Forms 6.‍1, Form 6.2, Item 3 of Form 10, Form 11.1, Form 32 [m][F].
CDSA: 11

2022, c. 15

2022, c. 15 (Bill C-5)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act 2022, c. 15 (Bill C-5) November 17, 2022 November 17, 2022 draft text Full Legislative History
"This enactment amends the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to, among other things, repeal certain mandatory minimum penalties, allow for a greater use of conditional sentences and establish diversion measures for simple drug possession offences."
Amended Code Sec.
84(5), 85(3), 92(3), 95(2)(a), 96(2)(a), 99(3), 100(3), 103(2.1), 121.1(4)(a), 121.1(5), 244(2)(b), 244.2(3)(b), 344(1)(a.1), 346(1.1)(a.1), 742.1(c), and 742.1(e) to (f). CDSA 5(3)‍(a), 6(3)‍(a) and (a.‍1), 7(2)‍(a) and (a.‍1), 7(3), 8, 10(2), 10(5), 10.‍1, 10.‍2, 10.‍3, 10.‍4, 10.‍5, 10.‍6, 10.‍7.

2022, c. 11

2022, c. 11 (Bill C-28)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (self-induced extreme intoxication) 2022, c. 11 (Bill C-28) June 23, 2022 full profile history
Prohibition on Intoxication Defences
Amended Code Sec.

2022, c. 10

2022, c. 10 (Bill C-X)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
2022, c. 10 (Bill C-X)
Amended Code Sec.

2022, c. 5

2022, c. 5 (Bill C-X)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
) 2022, c. 5 (Bill C-X)
Amended Code Sec.

2021, c. 27

2021, c. 27 (Bill C-3)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canada Labour Code 2021, c. 27 (Bill C-3) December 17, 2021 full text

Full Legislative History:

Amended Code Sec.

2021, c. 24

2021, c. 24 (Bill C-4)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy) 2021, c. 24 (Bill C-4) December 8, 2021 January 7, 2022[1] full text Backgrounder

Full Legislative History:

  • Committee Evidence: None
  • Committee Evidence: None

Creates criminal offence for engaging in any form of conversion therapy.
Amended Code Sec.
s. 164(1), (3) to (5), (7), (8), 164.1(1), (5), (7), "offence" in s. 183, 273.‍3(1)‍(c), 320.‍101, 320.‍102, 320.‍103, 320.‍104, 320.‍105.

2021, c. 20

2021, c. 20 (Bill C-218)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
Safe and Regulated Sports Betting Act 2021, c. 20 (Bill C-218) June 29, 2021 August 27, 2021 [PC 2021-0874] Full Text of Act Full Legislative History

"This enactment amends paragraph 207(4)(b) of the Criminal Code to make it lawful for the government of a province, or a person or entity licensed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council of that province, to conduct and manage a lottery scheme in the province that involves betting on a race — other than a horse-race — or fight, or on a single sport event or athletic contest."
Amended Code Sec.
s. 207

2021, c. 8

2021, c. 8 (Bill C-3)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Judges Act and the Criminal Code 2021, c. 8 (Bill C-3) May 6, 2021 first reading text full profile history


"...it amends the Criminal Code to require that judges provide reasons for decisions in sexual assault proceedings."
Amended Code Sec.
s. 278.‍98.

2021, c. 2

2021, c. 2 (Bill C-7)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying) 2021, c. 2 (Bill C-7) March 17, 2021 text
first reading text
C-7 history
full profile history


"(a) repeal the provision that requires a person’s natural death be reasonably foreseeable in order for them to be eligible for medical assistance in dying;

(b) specify that persons whose sole underlying medical condition is a mental illness are not eligible for medical assistance in dying;

(c) create two sets of safeguards that must be respected before medical assistance in dying may be provided to a person, the application of which depends on whether the person’s natural death is reasonably foreseeable;

(d) permit medical assistance in dying to be provided to a person who has been found eligible to receive it, whose natural death is reasonably foreseeable and who has lost the capacity to consent before medical assistance in dying is provided, on the basis of a prior agreement they entered into with the medical practitioner or nurse practitioner; and

(e) permit medical assistance in dying to be provided to a person who has lost the capacity to consent to it as a result of the self-administration of a substance that was provided to them under the provisions governing medical assistance in dying in order to cause their own death."

Amended Code Sec.
s. 241.‍2(2), (3), (3.1), (3.2), (3.3), (3.4), (3.5), (5.1), (6), 241.‍3, 241.‍31.

2020, c. 1

2020, c. 1 (Bill C-4)
Act Name Citation Royal Assent In force Amendment Text Debates & Govt Docs
Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement Implementation Act 2020, c. 1 (Bill C-4) March 13, 2020 CanLII text full profile history


Creates criminal offence for obtains and communicates trade secrets.
Amended Code Sec.
s. 2.3(1)(a), 391, s. 1 of Part XXII.‍1 schedule.
  1. 30 days after royal assent per s. 6