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Crime Statistics

From Criminal Law Notebook

Local Police Stats

British Columbia
Prince Edward Island
New Brunswick
Nova Scotia

National Rates

By Province

Comparing Provinces

2016 statistics by province and territory

Crime Rates (per 100,000 residents) by Canadian Provinces & Territories [2]
Province/Territory Canada NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Total of all violations 5904.54 6478.06 4949.24 5540.17 5291.89 4067.02 4031.72 9446.88 13305.3 8801.19 8674.51 24319.85 43457.24 35790.95
Violent Criminal Code violations (total) 1051.62 1327.42 785.74 1153.45 1176.56 950.41 789.81 1938.05 2027.58 1243.53 1139.34 4147.55 7836.92 8152.2
Homicide 1.68 1.32 0 1.37 1.45 0.8 1.47 3.19 4.69 2.73 1.83 10.67 6.75 2.7
Attempted murder 2.14 1.32 0 2.74 0.92 2.29 1.86 3.26 5.74 1.25 2.4 2.67 0 24.27
Sexual assault (not including against children) 57.91 58.85 47.09 65.93 48.63 49.19 53.39 108.57 103.94 63.45 50.17 200.05 310.33 418
Sexual violations against children 19.06 23.39 22.2 22.12 22.99 23.11 13.92 36.34 32.42 17.61 15.59 58.68 85.45 277.76
Assault (not including against a peace officer) 574.05 693.61 399.6 561.56 623.16 483.88 421.06 1210.5 1289.38 721.63 589.2 2627.23 5313.81 5361.1
Assaults against a peace officer 27.47 25.47 6.73 34.54 30.79 30.42 18.69 62.13 49.89 30.9 26.05 85.35 139.42 204.95
Discharge firearm with intent 2.98 3.58 0.67 1.37 1.98 1.27 3.4 5.23 6.87 4.56 1.85 0 15.74 35.06
Robbery 60.05 42.07 12.11 28.44 29.86 44.45 59.01 156.21 85.87 71.41 62.17 58.68 69.71 26.97
Forcible confinement or kidnapping 10.43 6.98 2.69 10.64 4.89 16.69 7.16 10.92 13.3 12.51 7.01 21.34 47.22 59.33
Extortion 8.28 7.36 2.69 6.64 4.23 13.7 5.7 3.34 5.21 6.47 11.32 5.33 13.49 5.39
Criminal harassment 51.88 67.53 52.47 45.81 69.37 61.9 54.98 16.77 48.58 46.04 34.87 117.36 175.4 188.77
Uttering threats 166.59 329.73 151.36 242.65 257.01 180.2 104.06 246.26 266.72 179.38 200.31 701.48 1216.58 1092.17
Indecent/Harassing communications 41.96 45.08 78.04 102.79 59.33 8.56 21.81 44.38 68.31 58.29 115.1 181.37 353.05 374.84
Other violent violations 27.14 21.13 10.09 26.85 21.95 33.95 23.3 30.95 46.66 27.3 21.47 77.34 89.97 80.89
Province/Territory Canada NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Property crime violations (total) 3206.84 3375.41 2916.94 2843.18 2696.16 1854.28 2286.89 5093.28 6553.36 5205.65 5001.44 9225.97 20661.58 15171.78
Breaking and entering 438.51 509.69 255.64 307.21 429.98 371.75 285.55 727.7 886.9 658.12 628.02 672.14 1014.19 1766.36
Theft of motor vehicle 216.91 92.81 59.87 96.05 124.34 143.24 123.17 313.1 492.16 536.13 294.76 469.43 526.21 323.61
Theft over $5000 (non-motor vehicle) 42.48 43.76 22.87 24.75 30.13 35.55 32.46 34.82 54.93 76.3 58.82 72.02 40.48 29.66
Theft under $5000 (non-motor vehicle) 1365.91 1004.1 1276.83 1221.06 1057.64 705.84 1108.64 1437.72 1882.97 2112.83 2578.37 2440.52 1931.68 725.42
Fraud 299.05 269.37 390.85 296.68 235.6 181.01 292.48 268.79 564.04 428.2 364.13 472.1 301.33 210.34
Identity theft and identity fraud 46.92 11.51 21.53 15.8 24.45 58.42 34.78 26.94 51.71 63.27 67.66 13.34 11.25 5.4
Mischief 717.44 1407.58 836.2 771.35 718.44 314.94 372.62 2157.98 2402.59 1112.89 913.18 4979.73 16697.02 11970.77
Other property crime violations 79.62 36.59 53.15 110.28 75.58 43.53 37.19 126.23 218.06 217.91 96.5 106.69 139.42 140.22
Other Criminal Code violations (total) 965.39 1221.59 619.58 882.25 823.62 442.21 531.65 1775.32 3164.78 1610.56 1597.37 9169.96 12089.32 11088.94
Child pornography (including making and distributing) 17.21 16.41 16.14 21.49 14.27 9.7 10.63 16.31 14.78 8.63 58 18.67 20.24 8.09
Disturb the peace 268.84 438.38 264.38 158.4 189.88 6.41 39.65 671.71 551.44 437.16 901.29 6244 8632.98 8146.81
Administration of justice violations 560.17 617.4 232.76 553.13 457.07 362.98 407.83 903.86 2294.91 980.56 432.32 2544.54 2797.45 2491.77
Other Criminal Code violations (all other violations) 119.17 149.4 106.3 149.23 162.4 63.12 73.54 183.44 303.65 184.21 205.76 362.75 638.65} 442.27
Criminal Code traffic violations (total) 341.53 325.2 397.58 326.07 300.09 480.02 201.4 324.7 811.12 407.11 330.18 1165.58 1738.29 790.14
Impaired driving 194.31 259.56 328.29 263.4 221.46 180.46 105.59 257.26 554.22 286.65 240.99 976.21 1490.93 644.52
Other Criminal Code traffic violations 147.22 65.64 69.29 62.67 78.63 299.56 95.81 67.44 256.9 120.46 89.19 189.37 247.36 145.62
Province/Territory Canada NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Federal Statute violations (total) 339.16 228.44 229.4 335.23 295.46 340.1 221.97 315.52 748.46 334.34 606.17 610.8 1131.13 587.89
Drug violations (total) 262.96 185.24 187.69 287.62 221.6 293.93 179.63 206.35 300.36 275.63 452.63 450.76 859.03 544.74

2012 statistics by province and territory

Crime Rates (per 100,000 residents) by Canadian Provinces & Territories [3]
Province/Territory Canada NL PE NS NB QC ON MB SK AB BC YT NT NU
Violent Criminal Code violations 1190.12 1538.64 1168.34 1365.45 1475.63 1047.23 901.27 2040.88 2200.73 1382.00 1382.02 4035.90 7993.26 10003.86
Homicide 1.56 0.59 0.00 1.79 0.79 1.34 1.20 4.10 2.69 2.19 1.54 0.00 11.53 14.84
Attempted murder 1.94 0.00 0.68 3.58 1.46 2.37 1.95 1.74 2.50 1.08 1.80 0.00 4.61 0.00
Sexual assault 62.85 72.37 50.64 70.41 65.88 49.48 59.08 115.23 96.48 72.74 56.12 213.29 406.01 531.21
Assault 678.21 900.21 614.62 746.92 800.05 559.96 496.76 1288.64 1499.42 835.62 762.27 2675.82 5326.53 6875.99
Robbery 79.36 27.70 17.11 46.48 21.69 71.80 79.49 168.11 95.93 69.05 97.52 30.47 53.06 17.81
Criminal harassment 63.65 39.21 75.29 66.51 91.14 62.87 71.75 25.26 49.26 57.52 56.29 44.32 140.72 175.09
Uttering Threats 201.78 389.73 257.35 290.19 342.48 214.63 122.36 303.63 295.66 211.27 266.28 689.73 1264.16 1552.07
Other violent violations 91.48 101.81 144.41 130.61 148.95 69.49 61.25 129.04 148.71 124.20 133.92 360.10 738.20 718.17
Property crime violations 3414.44 3674.18 4585.74 3932.45 3229.45 2703.30 2622.31 4871.81 6189.96 4293.88 4710.95 8667.35 24023.62 16580.11
Breaking and entering 503.75 544.61 570.82 508.49 480.19 572.64 361.73 731.10 790.03 499.34 649.59 567.85 1520.22 1845.86
Theft of motor vehicle 223.45 98.70 108.83 139.88 151.20 258.48 141.03 294.00 400.66 356.22 272.23 407.19 456.76 465.92
Theft over $5,000 (non-motor vehicle) 44.29 45.84 27.38 29.62 30.82 52.09 33.96 34.73 51.21 59.19 54.52 69.25 71.51 47.48
Theft under $5,000 (non-motor vehicle) 1424.24 1183.83 2210.05 1701.18 1319.40 1017.91 1277.20 1412.70 1667.75 1627.93 2285.26 2501.32 2242.27 1178.15
Mischief 875.65 1562.83 1248.42 1169.82 921.89 497.37 498.89 2101.57 2778.81 1312.09 1045.24 4670.23 19248.43 12686.59
Other Criminal Code violations 983.56 983.50 769.99 1031.00 814.21 565.55 492.78 1896.60 3122.62 1586.58 1634.15 8013.63 16034.97 12645.04
Disturb the peace 322.57 384.86 398.34 236.96 213.51 7.81 49.37 828.96 658.82 612.61 1015.24 5260.24 12510.09 9490.46
Administration of justice violations 517.92 417.24 237.50 599.67 397.65 470.82 346.63 877.90 2129.99 796.67 364.08 2304.65 2798.22 2581.83
Other violations 509.51 439.09 565.35 588.71 561.95 375.71 413.59 553.12 995.89 635.07 650.36 927.95 1421.02 982.28
Criminal Code traffic violations 403.86 442.01 442.15 358.18 383.36 519.22 238.30 396.13 1070.69 553.00 389.33 1326.83 1799.35 1169.24
Impaired driving 242.21 361.25 328.53 283.86 287.85 205.78 127.12 296.84 725.40 417.06 311.41 1074.76 1534.06 1006.02
Other Criminal Code traffic violations 161.65 80.76 113.62 74.31 95.51 313.44 111.18 99.29 345.29 135.94 77.92 252.07 265.29 163.22
Federal Statute violations 416.55 359.50 338.11 418.15 388.65 331.02 315.68 381.85 1030.50 372.07 755.62 650.95 1783.20 1302.79
Drug violations (CDSA)5 313.71 275.24 240.93 336.56 257.30 271.75 243.50 260.29 563.54 303.42 549.81 526.30 1370.29 1207.83
Federal statutes 66.79 59.88 73.24 49.86 85.72 38.04 42.34 45.30 278.90 40.01 167.16 80.33 175.32 35.61

Incarceration Rates