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Disposition Form (Youth)

From Criminal Law Notebook



CASE #s:___________________

WHEREAS the accused was charged with ____

AND having considered the purpose and principles of sentence found in s. 718 to 718.2 of the Criminal Code and section 38 of the Youth Criminal Justice Act;

AND having considered the circumstances of the offence and the personal circumstances of the offender;

AND having heard submissions of both Crown and defence counsel;

AND having heard the statement of the accused and the statement(s) of the victim(s) OR having been satisfied that the accused and victim(s) were afforded an opportunity to give statements relevant to sentencing;

I find that a fit and proper sentence for this offender is as follows:

  • Reprimand
  • Absolute Discharge
  • Conditional Discharge for a period of ___________
  • Probation for a period of ___________
  • Custody and Supervision for a period of ___________
  • Fine in the amount of ___________
  • Restitution in the amount of and payable to ___________
  • Community Service in the amount of ___ hours under the supervision of the Provincial Director, completed on or before _____
  • Personal Service, to wit:______________
Terms and Conditions

Commencing _____ you shall comply with the following terms and conditions:

  • ⛝ keep the peace and be of good behaviour
  • ⛝ attend court as and when directed;

...And in addition you shall:

  • report to probation services at _________________________ within ____________ days of from [today / date of expiration of your sentence of imprisonment] and thereafter when required, as directed by your youth worker.
  • notify the Youth Justice Court and Correctional Servcies in advance of any change in address, employment or education;
  • remain within the province of Nova Scotia unless you receive written permission from your youth worker;
  • not to take or consume alcohol or other intoxicating substances;
  • not to take or consume a controlled substance as defined in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act except in accordance with a medical prescription;
  • not to own, possess or carry a weapon, ammunition or explosive substance;
  • complete ___________ hours of community service work as directed by your probation officer by _____________;
  • participate in the following treatment programs: ____________________________________________
  • have no direct or indirect contact or communication with ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ except: (a) through a lawyer; (b) in accordance with a written separation agreement or court order for access to a child or children; (c) through ________________________________________________________________ for the purpose of access to a child or children; (d) incidental contact in an educational or treatment program or while at work; (e) ___________________________________________________________________________ (m) do not be on or within __________ meters of the premises known as: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ except ____________________________________________________________________________________ (n) make reasonable efforts to locate and maintain employment or an educational program as directed by your probation officer;
  • attend for mental health assessment and counselling as directed by your probation officer;
  • attend for substance abuse assessment and counseling as directed by your probation officer;
  • attend for assessment and counseling in anger management as directed by your probation officer;
  • attend for assessment and counseling in a violence intervention program as directed probation officer; (spousal or partner related)
  • attend for gambling addiction assessment and counseling as directed by your probation officer;
  • attend for assessment, counselling or a program as directed by your probation officer;
  • participate in and co-operate with any assessment, counseling or program direct by your supervisor;
  • not to associate with or be in the company of the following persons: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ except incidental contact in an educational or treatment program or while at work;
  • make restitution through the Clerk of the Court on or before: ___________________________________________
  • submit for urinalysis or other alcohol or controlled substance screening as directed by your probation officer;
  • submit to electronic monitoring as directed by your probation officer;
  • remain in your residence from __________ until ___________the following day, seven days a week except under the following terms:
    • when at regularly scheduled employment, which your probation officer knows about, and travelling to and from that employment by a direct route;
    • when attending a regularly scheduled education program, which your probation officer knows about, or at a school or educational activity supervised by a principal or teacher, and travelling to and from the education program or the activity by a direct route;
    • when dealing with a medical emergency or in medical appointments involving you or a member of your household and traveling to and from it by a direct route;
    • when attending a scheduled appointment with your lawyer or a probation officer, and traveling to and from the appointment by a direct route;
    • when attending court at a scheduled appearance or under subpoena and traveling to and from court by a direct route;
    • when attending a counselling appointment, a treatment program or a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous or narcotics anonymous, at the direction of war with the permission of your probation officer, and traveling to and from that appointment, program or meeting, via direct route;
    • when attending a regularly scheduled religious service;
    • when making application for employment or attending job interviews, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.;
    • when in a residential treatment program if your probation officer is told, in advance, where you will be and you agree that the facility can tell your probation officer if you are there, should your probation officer inquire;
    • with written approval of your probation officer given beforehand;
  • For the duration of the curfew, you must prove compliance with the curfew condition by presenting yourself at the entrance of your residence should a probation officer or a peace officer attend there to check compliance.