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Homicide (Trial Verdicts)

From Criminal Law Notebook


Case Name Result Summary
R v Ahmed, 2021 ONSC 2141 (CanLII) guilty of 2nd degree
R v Bennett, 2021 ABQB 206 (CanLII)
R v Allgood, 2014 SKQB 29 (CanLII) guilty of 1st degree
R v Khan, 2013 BCSC 975 (CanLII) guilty
R v West, 2013 BCSC 132 (CanLII) guilty of first degree
R v Lavery, 2012 ABQB 42 (CanLII) not guilty of second degree murder; guilty of manslahgter suffociation by pillow
R v Paskimin, 2012 SKCA 35 (CanLII) Conviction for second degree
R v Belcourt, 2012 BCSC 404 (CanLII) 6 years conspiracy to commit murder
R v Shand, 2011 ONCA 5 (CanLII) guilty of 1st degree offender carries gun to steal from drug dealer--gun goes off during theft and kills victim
R v St-Germain, 2009 QCCA 1474 (CanLII) guilty of first degree no body found
R v Pritchard, 2007 BCCA 82 (CanLII) guilty of first degree no body found