Category:Sentencing Case Digests
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Pages in category "Sentencing Case Digests"
The following 136 pages are in this category, out of 136 total.
- Abandoning Child (Sentencing Cases)
- Abduction of a Young Person (Sentencing Cases)
- Administering a Noxious Substance (Sentencing Cases)
- Aggravated Assault (Sentencing Cases)
- Aggravated Assault (Sentencing Cases) (Prior to 2001)
- Animal Cruelty (Sentencing Cases)
- Arson (Sentencing Cases)
- Assault (Sentencing Cases)
- Assault by a Person in Authority (Sentencing Cases)
- Assault Causing Bodily Harm (Sentencing Cases)
- Assault Peace Officer or Persons in Authority (Sentencing Cases)
- Assault with a Weapon (Sentencing Cases)
- Assaults Relating to Persons in Authority (Sentencing Cases)
- Attempted Murder (Sentencing Cases)
- Attempts and Accessories After the Fact (Sentencing Cases)
- Bestiality (Sentencing Cases)
- Breach of Public Trust (Sentencing Cases)
- Breach of Section 161 Orders (Sentencing Cases)
- Breach of Trust (Sentencing Cases)
- Breach of Undertaking, Recognizance, or Probation, Failing to Attend (Sentencing Cases)
- Break and Enter (Sentencing Cases)
- Break and Enter, Non-Dwelling (Sentencing Cases)
- Break and Enter, Private Dwelling (Sentencing Cases)
- Bribery (Sentencing Cases)
- Causing a Disturbance (Sentencing Cases)
- Child Luring (Sentencing Cases)
- Child Pornography (Sentencing Cases)
- Child Pornography (Youth Sentencing Cases)
- Commodification of Sexual Services (Sentencing Cases)
- Conspiracies and Criminal Organizations (Sentencing Cases)
- Contempt of Court (Sentencing Cases)
- Counselling or Aiding Suicide (Sentencing Cases)
- Counterfeiting (Sentencing Cases)
- Criminal Harassment (Sentencing Cases)
- Criminal Negligence (Sentencing Cases)
- Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance (Sentencing Cases)
- Defamatory Libel (Sentencing Cases)
- Disobeying a Statute or Court Order (Sentencing Cases)
- Distributing and Making Available Child Pornography (Sentencing Cases)
- Distribution of Intimate Images (Sentencing Cases)
- Drug Possession (Sentencing Cases)
- Drug Production (Sentencing Cases)
- Drug Trafficking (Sentencing Cases)
- Drug Trafficking, Schedule I, Cocaine (Sentencing Cases)
- Drug Trafficking, Schedule I, Opiates (Sentencing Cases)
- Drug Trafficking, Schedule I, Other (Sentencing Cases)
- Drug Trafficking, Schedule II (Sentencing Cases)
- Drug Trafficking, Schedule III and IV (Sentencing Cases)
- Identity Theft and Fraud (Sentencing Cases)
- Impaired or Dangerous Operation, Over 80 and Refusal Causing Bodily Harm or Death (Sentencing Cases)
- Importing and Exporting Drugs (Sentencing Cases)
- Importing or Exporting Drug Paraphernalia (Repealed) (Sentencing Cases)
- Incest (Sentencing Cases)
- Indecent Act (Sentencing Cases)
- Indecent Assault (Sentencing Cases)
- Intercept of Private Communications (Sentencing Cases)
- Intimate Partner Violence (Sentencing Cases)
- Intimidation (Sentencing Cases)
- Intimidation of a Justice System Participant (Sentencing Cases)
- Invitation to Sexual Touching (Sentencing Cases)
- Perjury and Related Forms of Obstruction (Sentencing Cases)
- Permitting or Procuring Sexual Activity (Sentencing Cases)
- Personating a Peace Officer (Sentencing Cases)
- Possessing and Accessing Child Pornography (Sentencing Cases)
- Possessing and Accessing Child Pornography (Sentencing Cases) (Pre-2015)
- Possession of Break-in Instruments (Sentencing Cases)
- Possession of Firearms Offences (Sentencing Cases)
- Possession of Stolen Property (Sentencing Cases)
- Possession of Weapons Offences (Sentencing Cases)
- Prison Breach (Sentencing Cases)
- Procuring and Living on the Avails of Prostitution (Sentencing Cases)
- Public Incitement of Hatred (Sentencing Cases)
- Second Degree Murder (Sentencing Cases)
- Secret Commissions (Sentencing Cases)
- Sexual Assault (Sentencing Cases)
- Sexual Assault (Sentencing Cases) (2000 to 2019)
- Sexual Assault (Sentencing Cases) (2020 to present)
- Sexual Assault (Sentencing Cases) (Prior to 2000)
- Sexual Assault of Person Under 16 (Sentencing Cases) (Post-Friesen)
- Sexual Assault of Person Under 16 (Sentencing Cases) (Pre-Friesen)
- Sexual Assault, Weapons or Injuries (Sentencing Cases)
- Sexual Exploitation (Sentencing Cases)
- Telecommunication Offences (Sentencing Cases)
- Terrorism Offences (Sentencing Cases)
- Theft and Fraud (Sentencing Cases)
- Theft and Fraud Between $100k and $1,000k (Sentencing Cases)
- Theft and Fraud Between $5k and $100k (Sentencing Cases)
- Theft and Fraud Not Exceeding $5,000 (Sentencing Cases)
- Theft and Fraud Over $1,000,000 (Sentencing Cases)
- Theft, Use and Forgery of a Credit Card (Sentencing Cases)
- Trafficking in Persons (Sentencing Cases)
- Trafficking in Stolen Property (Sentencing Cases)
- Trespassing at Night (Sentencing Cases)
- Unauthorized Use of Computer (Sentencing Cases)
- Unlawful Assembly and Rioting (Sentencing Cases)
- Unlawfully in a Dwelling (Sentencing Cases)
- Use of Firearms Offences (Sentencing Cases)
- Use of Weapons Offences (Sentencing Cases)
- Use or Possession of Explosives (Sentencing Cases)
- Uttering Threats (Sentencing Cases)