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Robbery (Sentencing Cases)

From Criminal Law Notebook
This page was last substantively updated or reviewed January 2018. (Rev. # 97285)

Ranges of sentences for the offence of Robbery.

Offence Wording


344 (1) Every person who commits robbery is guilty of an indictable offence and liable

(a) if a restricted firearm or prohibited firearm is used in the commission of the offence or if any firearm is used in the commission of the offence and the offence is committed for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with, a criminal organization, to imprisonment for life and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of
(i) in the case of a first offence, five years, and
(ii) in the case of a second or subsequent offence, seven years;
(a.1) in any other case where a firearm is used in the commission of the offence, to imprisonment for life and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of four years; and
(b) in any other case, to imprisonment for life.

[omitted (2) and (3)]
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 344; 1995, c. 39, s. 149; 2008, c. 6, s. 32; 2009, c. 22, s. 14.


Note up: 344(1)

Store Robberies

O’Brien, 2011 NSCA 112 (CanLII), <https://canlii.ca/t/fp6bn
Case Name Prv. Crt. Sentence Summary
R v Desveaux, 2021 QCCQ 5876 (CanLII), per Mascia J QC PC 34 months imprisonment (global)
1 years imprisonment (use of firearm) (consecutive)

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Keywords: imitation firearm
R v Hunter, 2021 BCSC 2426 (CanLII), per Baird J BC SC 4 months imprisonment (robbery 1)
12 months imprisonment (robbery 2)
12 months imprisonment (use of imitation weapon)
28 months imprisonment (global)

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Keywords: None
R v Ireland, 2021 ONCJ 159 (CanLII), per Orsini J ON PC 4.5 years imprisonment
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Keywords: early guilty plea — jewellery store — gladue
R v Patrick, 2017 BCCA 299 (CanLII), per Fitch JA BC CA 9 months imprisonment The offender plead guilty to robbery. He entered a gas station armed with a knife and attempted to rob the store. Part way through the process another costumer came in, causing the offender to run away. He was intoxicated at the time. The offender was 30 years old with a minor record for mischief.
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Keywords: guilty plea — store — intoxication
R v Fitzgerald, 2017 CanLII 26708 (NLSCTD), per McGrath J NL SC 30 months imprisonment The offender was convicted of robbery for robbing a jewelry store with threats of violence. The sentence was a joint recommendation. The judge also ordered DNA, Firearms prohibition.
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Keywords: None
R v Mawut, 2017 ONCA 168 (CanLII), per curiam ON CA 9.5 years imprisonment The offender planned a robbery of two persons at a drug store. He pistol whipped a cashier and patron, causing permanent injury. He was 19 years old at the time of the offence. He had a "painful and traumatic" background.
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Keywords: None
R v Yetman, 2016 CanLII 25239 (NL PC, per Walsh J NL PC 3 years imprisonment, 9 months The offender pleaded guilty to two counts of armed robbery and one breach of probation. The first robbery was of a store with a curtain rod. The second robbery was a store with a steak knife. There were no threats of violence.
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Keywords: None
R v Marks, 2016 BCCA 480 (CanLII), per Stromberg-Stein JA BC CA 12 months imprisonment The offender pleaded guilty to robbery for robbing a gas station with an imitation firearm.
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Keywords: None
R v Bajwa, 2016 BCPC 445 (CanLII), per Arthur-Leung J BC PC 6 months imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Stanley-Smith, 2016 CanLII 24769 (NLPC), per Linehan J NL PC 3 years imprisonment, each (robbery)
5 months (poss'n break-in)
The offender entered 4 gas stations over 5 days and robbed them. She was armed with a syringe and threatened the cashiers. The first robbery was done with her face conealed. She was 20 years old with no prior record.
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Keywords: None
R v Felix, 2016 SKPC 45 (CanLII), per Harradence J SK PC 18 month + P (robbery)
30 days + P (theft)
Offender stolen cigarettes and alcohol from a store. He was of aboriginal background.
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Keywords: None
R v Paul, 2016 NSSC 125 (CanLII), per Chipman J NS SC 5 years imprisonment
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Keywords: joint recommendation
R v Lewin, 2016 ONSC 6954 (CanLII), per Fuerst J ON SC 3 years imprisonment
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Keywords: jewellery store — handgun
R v Levin, 2016 ONSC 6954 (CanLII), per Fuerst J ON SC "a jewellery store robbery involving a handgun. Levin having no prior record and had a history of drug and alcohol abuse. He was sentenced to three years"
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Keywords: None
R v Rahey, 2015 ABQB 400 (CanLII), per Goss J AB SC 32 months imprisonment Armed robbery of a pharmacy with firearm. He demanded oxycodone and fled with 40 pills.
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Keywords: None
R v Nouri, 2015 ONSC 116 (CanLII), per MacDonnell J ON SC 6 years imprisonment (Quoting from R v , [1])
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Keywords: None
R v Neigum, 2014 BCSC 2177 (CanLII), per Donegan J BC SC 40 months imprisonment The offender robbed a liquor store.
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Keywords: None
R v Heatley, 2014 BCSC 954 (CanLII), per Josephson J BC SC 7.5 years imprisonment Offender robbed 7 stores in a row while masked. All but one involved no violence. Motivated by drug addiction. Sentence of 18 years reduced on totality.
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Keywords: None
R v Morgan, 2013 ABCA 78 (CanLII), per Côté JA AB CA 3.5 years imprisonment robbed store with fake gun
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Keywords: None
R v Forsythe, 2013 BCSC 1576 (CanLII), per Joyce J BC SC 2 years imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Mckay, 2013 NSPC 119 (CanLII), per Tax NS PC 16 months imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Fleming, 2013 CanLII 75 (NLPC), per Goulding J NL PC 90 days imprisonment The offender pleaded guilty to attempted robbery. He gave note to pharmacist demanding oxycontin, claimed he had a gun.
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Keywords: None
R v Pruden-Collins, 2012 BCPC 441 (CanLII), per Brecknell J BC PC 5 years imprisonment robbed Subway restaurant with firearm
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Keywords: None
R v Oates, 2012 ONCJ 461 (CanLII), per Oates J ON PC 4 years 9 months one store robbery, one bank robbery--prior record of 6 robberies
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Keywords: None
R v Soosay, 2012 ABPC 220 (CanLII), per Anderson J AB PC CSO two robberies and a B&E--offender was developmentally delayed
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Keywords: None
R v Macri, 2012 SKPC 94 (CanLII), per Kalmakoff J SK PC 1 year imprisonment offender was driver for two armed robberies of stores
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Keywords: None
R v Brown, 2012 ONCJ 262 (CanLII), per Hall J ON PC 20 months imprisonment robbed a pharmacy while masked, co-accused had a knife
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Keywords: None
R v Pearson, 2012 ABQB 240 (CanLII), per Michalyshyn J AB SC two years less a day CSO offender displayed knife to clerk asking for money, clerk says "really?", then offender says "no, not really", and then leaves--good PSR--guilty plea
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Keywords: None
R v Massaquoi, 2012 BCPC 113 (CanLII), per Chen J BC PC 75 months imprisonment youth sentenced as adult--break into jewellery store with firearm
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Keywords: None
R v Kewell, 2012 ONCJ 228 (CanLII), per Borenstein J ON PC 4 years imprisonment prior record of 6 robberies
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Keywords: None
R v Hansen, 2012 BCCA 142 (CanLII), per Hinkson JA BC CA 48 months imprisonment two store robberies, defence appeal dismissed
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Keywords: None
R v Grujic, 2012 ONCA 146 (CanLII), per curiam ON CA 48 months imprisonment two store robberies
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Keywords: None
R v Link, 2012 MBPC 25 (CanLII), per MJ Smith J MB PC 8 months CSO
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Keywords: None
R v Hutchings, 2012 NLCA 2 (CanLII), per Green CJ NL CA 5.5 years imprisonment two counts of armed robbery--overview of procedure to decide on totality
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Keywords: None
R v Kotelko and Lindell, 2011 MBPC 76 (CanLII) MB PC 4 months imprisonment stealing from store while armed with knife
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Keywords: None
R v Jolicoeur, 2011 MBQB 129 (CanLII), per Duval J MB QB CSO Offender robbed a gas station by saying "money and cigarettes in the bag". Offender had a BB gun in pocket but did not show it to the victim. No threats were made.
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Keywords: None
R v Rogers, 2011 BCCA 156 (CanLII), per Hall JA BC CA 5.5 years imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v O’Brien, 2011 NSCA 112 (CanLII), per BeveridgeJA BC CA 6.5 years imprisonment "the accused committed an armed robbery of a convenience store wielding a knife and wearing a mask. Although no actual violence was perpetrated on the store clerk, Justice Fichaud of the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal upheld the original sentence of 6.5 years. The accused in that case had a record of roughly 70 prior convictions."
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Keywords: None
R v Sampson, 2010 SKPC 28 (CanLII), per Beaton J SK PC 15 months imprisonment assisted principle in robbery with shotgun.
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Keywords: None
R v Lebar, 2010 ONCA 220 (CanLII), per Epstein JA ON CA robbed store with a knife, fled with cash; refused CSO
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Keywords: None
R v Maroti, 2010 MBCA 54 (CanLII), per Steel JA MB CA 3 years imprisonment series of 7 robberies of gas stations
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Keywords: None
R v Flowers, 2010 ONCA 129 (CanLII), per curiam ON CA 10 years imprisonment 8 counts of robbery with a firearm
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Keywords: None
R v Otter, 2010 ABPC 218 (CanLII), per Brown AB PC 2 years less a day CSO The offender was extremely intoxicated and went behind a store counter. No weapons or threats involved.
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Keywords: None
R v McLeod, 2010 ONCJ 354 (CanLII), per Forsyth J ON PC 90 days imprisonment The offender approached a gas station clerk and gave them a note asking for money and stating he had a gun. On the same date he robbed a gas station again.
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Keywords: None
R v Arbuthnot, 2009 MBCA 106 (CanLII), per Chartier JA MB CA 6 years 4 months Offender committed 13 offences including 11 gas station robberies over 17 days. It was motivated by drug addiction. No prior record and was out of character.
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Keywords: None
R v Furness, 2007 BCCA 492 (CanLII), per Chiasson JA BC CA 5 years imprisonment 7 robberies of fast-food establishments
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Keywords: None
R v Howse, 2006 ABCA 163 (CanLII), per Costigan JA AB CA 8 years imprisonment 4 counts of armed robbery offender aged 31, recovering addict, 54 prior offences; court stated “the three year starting point for convenience store robberies.”
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Keywords: None
R v Lee, 2004 ABCA 70 (CanLII), per Russell JA AB CA 2 years imprisonment convenience store armed robbery--prior record of 40 convictions, most in youth court--high risk to reoffend--premeditation and use of disguise--overturned 6 months
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Keywords: None
R v Kaiswatum, 2003 SKCA 57 (CanLII), per Sherstobitoff JA SK CA 18 months imprisonment rob store with butcher knife; prior record
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Keywords: None
R v Bratzer,
2001 NSCA 166 (CanLII), [2001] NSJ 461 (CA), per Bateman JA
NS CA 2 year less CSO The offender robbed three gas stations using a weapon. The victims were employees working alone in the early hours of the morning. He was 18 years old with a minor prior record. He had made major progress after he was charged including getting his GED, did counselling and did volunteer work. The Court of Appeal upheld the Conditional Sentence on appeal.
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Keywords: None
R v Owens, 2001 BCCA 465 (CanLII), per Levine JA BC CA 18 months imprisonment The offender robbed a gas station with an accomplice while wearing balaclavas and a starter pistol.
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Keywords: None
R v Allison-McLeish, 2001 CanLII 24040 (ON CA), per curiam ON CA 3.5 years imprisonment The offender robbed a convenience store with a sawed-off shotgun; hit victim in the head several times
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Keywords: None
R v Barrett and Campbell,
2000 NSCA 76 (CanLII), [2000] NSJ 178 (CA), per Bateman JA
NS CA 10 years imprisonment store robbery; clerk shot
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Keywords: None
R v Longaphy,
2000 NSCA 136 (CanLII), [2000] NSJ 376 (CA), per Oland JA
NS CA 5 years imprisonment store robbery; knife; on parole for robbery at time
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Keywords: None
R v Wust,
2000 SCC 18 (CanLII), [2000] 1 SCR 455, per Arbour J
CAN SCC 3.5 years imprisonment robbed gas station with loaded firearm; masked; struck victim several times
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Keywords: None
R v Arrance,
2000 SCC 20 (CanLII), [2000] 1 SCR 488, per Arbour J
CAN SCC 3.5 years imprisonment robbed gas station with loaded shotgun; pointed at victim's chest; long record
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Keywords: None
R v Izzard, 1999 CanLII 18558 (NS C.A.), per Glube CJ NS CA 2 years imprisonment offender was lookout and driver; armed robbery of convenience store; co-accused tied clerk up
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Keywords: None
R v Brogan, 1999 BCCA 278 (CanLII), per Ryan JA BC CA
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Keywords: None
R v McDonald, 1998 CanLII 13327 (ON CA), per Rosenberg JA ON CA 3 years imprisonment robbed fast food restaurant with BB gun
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Keywords: None
R v Wiberg, 1997 CanLII 9809 (SK CA), per Gerwing JA SK CA 1 year imprisonment 19 year old; no record; rob store with knife
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Keywords: None || {{{5}}}
R v Scott,
1993 CanLII 3207 (NSCA), [1996] NSJ 242 (CA)
NS CA Suspended Sentence accused was driver for abusive and controlling husband; unique circumstances
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Keywords: None
R v Emmerson, (1993), 121 NSR (2d) 252 (CA)(*no CanLII links)

, per Matthews JA || NS || CA || 2 years imprisonment || age 21; consumed drugs and alcohol; robbed convenience store of $23; appealed S/S
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Keywords: None
R v Fleming,
1993 CanLII 3130 (NSCA), [1993] NSJ 469 (CA), per Matthews JA
NS CA 12 years imprisonment store robbery; masked; armed with tire iron and knife; stabbed in neck and face; injuries life threatening
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Keywords: None
R v Hynes,
1993 CanLII 3221 (NSCA), [1993] NSJ 193, per Jones JA
NS 7 years imprisonment armed robbery with a mask; prior record
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Keywords: None
R v Bourgeois,
1992 CanLII 2523 (NSCA), [1992] NSJ No 486, per Clarke CJ
NS 4 years imprisonment armed robbery; not principal
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Keywords: None
R v Colley,
1991 CanLII 2508 (NSCA), (1991) 100 NSR (2d) 447 (CA), per Freeman JA
NS CA 15 years imprisonment gas station robbery with tire iron; hit clerk causing skull fracture; did second robbery later in evening; long related record
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Keywords: None
R v Merlin,
1991 CanLII 2554 (NSCA), 102 NSR (2d) 266 (CA), per Matthews JA
NS CA 1 year imprisonment robbed store with knife
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Keywords: None || {{{5}}}
R v Cormier, 1990 CanLII 2534 (NSCA), per Macdonald JA NS CA 4 years imprisonment appealed from 3.5 years; mask and knife robbery of KFC; clerks were handcuffed; stole company car; long related record;
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Keywords: None
R v Large, [1984] OJ No 155 (ONCA)(*no CanLII links) ON CA 90 days imprisonment store robbery with knife
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Keywords: None

Street Robbery

Case Name Prv. Crt. Sentence Summary
R v Gladue, 2023 ABKB 671 (CanLII), per Mandziuk J AB
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Keywords: discharge — firearm
R v Georgiev, 2017 ONSC 1265 (CanLII), per C. Brown J ON SC 7 years imprisonment (global) The offender was convicted of robbery, assault causing bodily harm, aggravated assault, uttering threats, and possession of a weapon. He robbed a blind man.
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Keywords: None
R v Agin, 2017 BCSC 131 (CanLII), per Jenkins J BC SC 11 years imprisonment (global) The offender pleaded guilty to robbery, discharging a prohibited firearm, and aggravated assault. The offender attempted to rob a grow-op house. During the altercation, he fired his gun twice, hitting an occupant on the building once.
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Keywords: None
R v Ignacio, 2016 BCPC 225 (CanLII), per Bagnall J BC PC 1 year imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Fehr, 2016 SKPC 87 (CanLII), per Daunt J SK PC 2 years imprisonment (robbery) The offender robbed a cab driver at knife-point. The offender was of aboriginal descent.
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Keywords: None
R v Charlette, 2015 MBCA 32 (CanLII), per Hamilton JA MB CA 5 years imprisonment (robbery) "the trial judge found that after the taxi driver asked the accused to pay for the taxi ride, the accused demanded money and then lunged at him with a knife. The Manitoba Court of Appeal upheld a period of 5 years as a fit sentence, while noting there were Gladue factors, mental health issues and remorse"
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Keywords: None
R v Kelly, 2014 NLCA 9 (CanLII), per Rowe JA NL CA 30 months (robbery)
36 months (global)
Offender grabbed woman on a walking trail and robbed her. Also charged with theft and two breaches. Offender was 29 years old at the time and had a drug problem.
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Keywords: None
R v Meechas, 2012 MBPC 53 (CanLII), per M.J. Smith J MB PC Suspended Sentence offender was aboriginal, just turned 18 years old
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Keywords: None
R v Gobin, 2012 ONSC 3523 (CanLII), per Hill J ON SC 3.5 years imprisonment robbery of vehicle using a fake firearm
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Keywords: None
R v Ayad, 2012 ONSC 883 (CanLII), per Ray J ON SC Suspended Sentence high shcool student robbed another of iphone during lunch period
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Keywords: None
R v Secter, 2012 ABPC 95 (CanLII), per Dunnigan J AB PC 90 days offender was driver in a robbery scheme where offenders would drive by and steal cell-phones from sellers
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Keywords: None
R v Lopez, 2012 NBQB 29 (CanLII), per McLellan J NB SC 12 months imprisonment attempted street robbery, violence involved
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Keywords: None
R v Ridgeway, 2012 ABCA 29 (CanLII), per McDonald JA AB CA 22 months imprisonment street robbery with imitation gun;
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Keywords: None
R v Barrett, 2012 ONSC 82 (CanLII), per MacDonnell J ON SC 6 years imprisonment 2 car jackings and 1 store robbery
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Keywords: None
R v Nerling, 2012 ABCA 114 (CanLII), per Slatter JA AB CA 90 days mugging robbery -- appeal from S/S
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Keywords: None
R v Kunzig, 2011 MBPC 81 (CanLII), per M.J. Smith J MB PC Suspended Sentence offender jumped 15 year old, stole skateboard, threatened victim; youthful, no record, focus on rehabilitation
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Keywords: None
R v Conlon, 2011 ABCA 379 (CanLII), per Paperny JA AB CA 90 days robbery; long time on strict bail conditions; no criminal record
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Keywords: None
R v Busby, 2011 BCPC 331 (CanLII), per Ellan J BC PC 3 years imprisonment planned robbery of person; stabbing
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Keywords: None
R v Gordon, 2011 SKCA 130 (CanLII), per Cameron JA SK CA 5 years imprisonment beat up and stabbed victim
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Keywords: None
R v Osmond, 2011 ONSC 4124 (CanLII), per Belobaba J ON SC 2 years imprisonment beat up friend over owed money; incl. aggravated assault (3 years)
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Keywords: None
R v Awasis, 2010 BCCA 213 (CanLII), per Tysoe JA BC CA 2 years imprisonment grabbed wallet on subway, used force to escape
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Keywords: None
R v Lapointe-Melo, 2010 ONCJ 314 (CanLII), per S. Brown J ON PC 30 days imprisonment assist friends in robbing backpack of youth; offender held victim down
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Keywords: None
R v Meawasige, 2008 ONCJ 122 (CanLII), per Horkins J ON PC 5 mo after 7 mo remand credit robbed victim with a cap gun in a park; aboriginal offender; history of substance abuse
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Keywords: None
R v Johnson, 2007 NSCA 102 (CanLII), per Bateman JA NS CA 3 years imprisonment also sentenced for breach probation. Offender hijacked student in his car with a knife, stole student's property and had him drive offender around. The offender had lengthy property-related youth record and history of breaching orders.
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Keywords: None
R v Ramalho, 2004 BCCA 617 (CanLII), per Esson JA BC CA 2 years less a day CSO shot gun robbery in parking lot--offender had FAS
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Keywords: None
R v Klapcic, 2001 BCCA 487 (CanLII), per Low JA BC CA 10 years imprisonment pistol whip old man to get ATM code from him; 3 prior robberies
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Keywords: None
R v Kusi, 1999 CanLII 2355 (ON CA), per curiam ON CA 5 years robbed taxi driver; long record
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Keywords: None
R v Brewer,
1997 CanLII 14976 (NSCA), [1997] NSJ 161 (CA), per Freeman JA
NS CA 6 years imprisonment 4 robberies of taxi driver to get money for crack; non-verbal threat
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Keywords: None
R v Bulat,
1994 CanLII 3989 (NSCA), [1996] AJ No 647
AB 90 days mugging; minor injuries
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Keywords: None
R v Beals, (1994) 130 NSR (2d) 177 (CA)(*no CanLII links)

, per Hallett JA

NS CA 6 years imprisonment 3 cab drivers robbed; punched driver;
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Keywords: None
R v Brown, [1994] MJ No 586(*no CanLII links) MB 90 days purse snatching; no record; employed
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Keywords: None
R v Cocq, [1991] OJ No 1939 (CA)(*no CanLII links) ON CA 90 days offender of good character
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Keywords: None
R v Desjarlais, 1991 CanLII 7948 (SK CA), per Gerwing J SK CA
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Keywords: None
R v Pawluk, 1990 ABCA 212 (CanLII), per Hetherington JA AB CA 4 months imprisonment purse snatching
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Keywords: None
R v Swan, 1983 ABCA 85 (CanLII), per Kerans JA AB CA 12 months imprisonment stole purse; resistance but no violence
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Keywords: None
R v Stanton, 1983 ABCA 252 (CanLII), per McGillivray JA AB CA 53 days stole purse
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Keywords: None

Bank Robbery

Case Name Prv. Crt. Sentence Summary
R v Lebeuf, 2021 ABCA 322 (CanLII), per curiam AB CA 90 days imprisonment (poss'n)

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Keywords: poss'n of stolen credit card — breach — 3-week offence
R v Karas, 2021 ONCA 889 (CanLII), per curiam ON CA 21 years imprisonment (global)
3 years imprisonment (use of weapon)

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Keywords: None
R v Spilchen, 2021 NSSC 252 (CanLII), per Coady J NS SC 7 years imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Rajkovic, 2021 ONCA 11 (CanLII), per MacPherson JA ON CA 8 years (kidnapping)
8 years (robbery)

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Keywords: None
R v Tattersall, 2016 BCPC 81 (CanLII), per Doulis J BC PC 2 years less a day
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Keywords: None
R v Arnaud, 2016 MBPC 39 (CanLII), per Pollack J MB PC 4 years (each robbery) The offender robbed a woman of her vehicle, robbed two banks using a note. He was 30 years old. He confessed to the offences on arrest.
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Keywords: None
R v Turnbull, 2014 BCCA 186 (CanLII), per HArris JA BC CA 5.5 years imprisonment The offender robbed a bank. He gave note to bank teller demanding money.
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Keywords: None
R v Trapasso, 2014 ABCA 66 (CanLII), per Paperny JA AB CA 7 years The offender robbed a convenience store and then a bank within a few days.
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Keywords: None
R v Musclow, 2013 ONCJ 447 (CanLII), per Reinhardt J ON PC 8 years imprisonment The offender robbed 4 banks.
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Keywords: None
R v McPherson, 2013 BCCA 551 (CanLII), per Bennett JA BC CA 36 months imprisonment The offender robbed a bank 38 days after getting out from prison. He did it in order to go back in jail. He was 57 years old and had 20 prior convictions for robbery, no record of violence otherwise. He had previously served 5 years for robbing the same bank. There was a history of heroin addiction.
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Keywords: None
R v Nilsson, 2012 BCCA 498 (CanLII), per Garson JA BC CA 8 years imprisonment The offender convicted of two counts robbery.
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Keywords: None
R v Rudolph, 2012 SKQB 442 (CanLII), per Gabrielson J SK SC 10 years imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Zakis, 2012 BCCA 450 (CanLII), per Levine JA BC CA 6 years imprisonment The offender asked bank teller for $10,000.
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Keywords: None
R v Mohammed, 2012 ONSC 3072 (CanLII), per Pattillo J ON SC 18 months imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Johnson, 2012 ONCA 339 (CanLII), per Blair JA ON CA 20 years The offender was convicted of 9 counts of bank robbery. He had a prior record of 26 bank robberies. The sentencing judge gave him 26 years and the offender appealed.
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Keywords: None
R v Przybyla, 2012 ABPC 183 (CanLII), per Barley J AB PC 21 months imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Hassan, 2011 ONSC 5128 (CanLII), per Ratushny J ON SC 28 months imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Nembhard, 2010 ONCA 420 (CanLII), per curiam ON CA 7 years The offender was convicted of 2 bank robberies.
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Keywords: None
R v Evanson, 2009 BCCA 425 (CanLII), per Bennett JA BC CA 39 months imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Smith, 2007 BCPC 198 (CanLII), per Frame J BC PC 3 years imprisonment series of 3 bank robberies; threatening note; no weapons visible
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Keywords: None
R v MacDonald, 2006 BCCA 535 (CanLII), per Smith JA BC CA The offender robbed a gas station.
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Keywords: None
R v Dionne, 2004 BCCA 275 (CanLII), per Lambert JA BC CA 3 years imprisonment The offender committed a bank robbery while masked. No threats were made.
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Keywords: None
R v Jenkins, 2004 ABPC 48 (CanLII), per Lefever J AB PC 7 years imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Carlson, 2002 CanLII 44928 (ON CA), per curiam ON CA 17.5 years imprisonment The offender was a career bank robber. He robbed a bank armed with firearm and was masked.
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Keywords: None
R v Bezdan, 2001 BCCA 215 (CanLII), per Prowse JA BC CA 5 years imprisonment The offender robbed a bank with a note. He was on probation at the time of the offence. The offender was 36 years old and had 7 prior robbery convictions.
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Keywords: None
R v Lackey, 1999 BCCA 549 (CanLII), per Finch JA BC CA 5 years imprisonment The offender robbed a bank using a note while serving a conditional sentence order. He was 45 years old with a long record of drug and property offences. He had a history of drug addiction. There was an early guilty plea. Crown appeal of trial judge's sentence of 3 years.
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Keywords: None
R v Corkum, 1997 CanLII 1466 (NS SC), per Davison J NS SC 8 years imprisonment The offender was convicted of two counts of bank robbery. The sentence was divided between 3 and 5 years to be served consecutively.
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Keywords: None
R v Helpard,
1995 CanLII 4274 (NSCA), [1995] NSJ 426 (CA), per Pugsley JA
NS CA 5 years imprisonment The offender was convicted of bank robbery. He had no prior criminal record.
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R v Leet, (1989), 88 NSR (2d) 161(*no CanLII links) NS CA 5 years imprisonment The offender was convicted of four counts robbery, of which three related to one bank. He was masked and armed with imitation handgun at the time of the robberies. The offender was 37 years old, married, educated, and with four children. The sentence was divided between two years and three years to be served consecutively.
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R v Brophy, (1989) 89 NSR (2d) 417(*no CanLII links) NS CA 5 years (bank robbery)
3 years (store robbery)
8 years (global)
The offender was convicted of two counts robbery: one was a bank robbery and the other one was a store robbery. Both robberies were committed on same day. He used imitation handgun. The offender was 28-year-old at the time. He was sentenced to 5 years and 3 years, to be served consecutively
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Home Invasion

Case Name Prv. Crt. Sentence Summary
R v McNeil, 2016 ONCA 384 (CanLII), per curiam ON CA 60 months imprisonment He was chased on-and-off by police while driving a stolen car. He stopped at the residence of an elderly couple. He punched the 78 old man in the face and pushed the wife aside, entering the house. He pushed the old man twice again each time he got up. The offender stole the man's wallet and keys, stealing his car.
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R v Bungay-Lloyd, 2016 NSSC 110 (CanLII), per Chipman J NS SC 4 years, 10 months The offence It was a joint recommendation.
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R v Viscount, 2014 BCPC 83 (CanLII), per Wingham J BC PC 6 to 7 years broke into victim's apartment to rob him using an imitation firearm and while masked. Assaulted victim in the process.
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R v Simon, 2014 NBCA 4 (CanLII), per Green JA NB CA 7 years (robbery)
5 years (aggr assault)

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R v Donald King, 2013 CanLII 27259 (NLPC), per Mennie J NL PC 5 years (robbery)
60 days (breach)

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R v Lewis,
2012 NLCA 11 (CanLII), [2012] NJ No 59, per Wells JA
NL CA 8 years imprisonment
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R v Argueta, 2011 ONCJ 578 (CanLII), per Watson J ON PC 5.5 years imprisonment
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R v MEW, 2011 BCPC 267 (CanLII), per Ellan BC PC 30 months imprisonment
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R v XY, 2007 ONCA 189 (CanLII), per Armstrong JA ON CA
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R v Wright, 2006 CanLII 40975 (ON CA), per Blair JA ON CA 8 years
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R v Dear, 2003 ABQB 239 (CanLII), per Moore J AB SC 8 years imprisonment young female victim; attacked in apartment over 15 min; long record
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R v Bernier, 2003 BCCA 134 (CanLII), per Southin JA BC CA 6 years imprisonment reduced from 14 years
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R v Whicher, 2002 BCCA 336 (CanLII), per Hall JA BC CA 10 years elderly couple's home; history of drug addiction; demanded money at knifepoint
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R v Harriott, 2002 CanLII 23588 (ON CA), per MacPherson JA ON CA 8 years imprisonment invaded home; threatened to kill home owners
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R v Wang, 2001 CanLII 20933 and 2001 CanLII 9528 (ONCA), per Finlayson JA ON CA 5 years 3 home invasion robberies; acted as lookout and brandished a sword
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R v Harris, 2000 NSCA 7 (CanLII), per Glube CJ NS CA 15 years imprisonment vicious home invasion of elderly couple; brain injury and broken hip
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R v Barrett and Campbell, 2000 NSCA 76 (CanLII), per Bateman JA NS CA 2 and 10 years
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Keywords: None
R v Harris,
2000 NSCA 7 (CanLII), [2000] NSJ 9 (CA), per Glube CJ
NS CA 15 years imprisonment home invasion; extreme violence
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Keywords: None
R v Lewis, 2000 CanLII 2623 (ON CA), per curiam ON CA 10 years imprisonment robbed in home; face crushed; throat cut and stabbed several times; loss of eye and permanent disfigurement
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Keywords: None
R v Stephenson,
1998 CanLII 1958 (NSCA), (1998) 169 NSR 159 (CA), per Pugsley JA
NS CA 6 years imprisonment home invasion of of 86 year old; accused was driver who directed the principle
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R v Fraser,
1997 CanLII 9927 (NSCA), (1997) 158 NSR (2d) 163, per Pugsley JA
NS CA 6 years imprisonment home invasion of 83 year old's home; masks; knife; cut phone wires; confined victim; no prior record; range said to be 6 to 10 for these types
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R v Foster,
1997 CanLII 1927 (NSCA), (1997), 161 NSR 371 (CA), per Pugsley JA
NS CA 6 years imprisonment overturned 28 months; home invasion of 62 year old; punches to head of victim until unconscious; stole wallet
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R v Matwiy, 1996 ABCA 63 (CanLII), per curiam AB CA 10 years armed with knife and shotgun; thought victim was drug dealer; extensive criminal record
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R v Hachez, 1995 CanLII 1109 (ON CA), per Finlayson JA ON CA 10 years imprisonment two home invasion robberies; lengthy criminal record
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R v Matwiy, 1994 CanLII 9150 (AB QB), per Daniel J AB SC 10 years imprisonment armed home invasion; lengthy record; co-accused also got 11 years
R v Leger,
1993 CanLII 3107 (NSCA), 125 NSR (2d) 154, per Clarke CJ
NS CA 5 years imprisonment home invasion robbery
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R v Benoit,
1990 CanLII 2398 (NSCA), (1990) 95 NSR (2d) 113 (CA), per Jones JA
NS CA 4 years imprisonment home invasion; masked; elderly woman hit in face
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R v Bateman,
1988 ABCA 67 (CanLII), [1988] AJ No 287, per Stevenson JA
AB CA 7 years imprisonment
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R v Kraft,
1986 ABCA 14 (CanLII), (1986), 68 AR 83, per Quigley JA
AB CA 6.5 years imprisonment imitated cops to get in; robbed to collect debt
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Keywords: None
R v Johnson, (1984) 61 NSR 357 (CA)(*no CanLII links) NS CA 12 years imprisonment
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Case Name Prv. Crt. Sentence Summary
R v SK, 2021 ONCA 619 (CanLII) ON CA 7 years imprisonment (global)
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R v McIvor, 2017 MBPC 11 (CanLII), per Lord J MB PC 5 years imprisonment The offender was convicted of robbery with a prohibited firearm and was subject to a mandatory minimum. The judge rejected a claim for cruel and unusual punishment under s. 12 of the Charter
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R v Weatherbee, 2015 NSSC 245 (CanLII), per Coughlan J NS SC 54 months (robbery)
2 years (disguise)
2 years (weapon)
The offender plead guilty to robbery, disguise with intent and possession of a weapon.
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R v Hartwell, 2015 ONCJ 189 (CanLII), per Pringle J ON PC 6 years imprisonment (Quoting from R v , [2])
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Keywords: armoured car — $700,000
R v Rhyno, 2013 NSSC 217 (CanLII), per Pickup J NS SC 3.5 years imprisonment
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Keywords: None
R v Kelly, 2013 CanLII 4646 (NLPC), per Gorman J NL PC 30 months (robbery)
1 month (theft)
4 months (breaches)

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R v Singh, 2012 ONSC 4429 (CanLII), per Thorburn J ON SC 6.5 years robbery of a job site with loaded restricted firearm (5 year mandatory)--police brutality involved
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R v Hawkins, 2008 NBCA 40 (CanLII), per Richard JA NB CA 13 years guilty to 33 offences including several armed robberies--29 year old drug addict--lengthy record --reduced from 20 years
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R v Williams, 2001 NSCA 17 (CanLII), per Glube CJ NS CA 3 years imprisonment
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R v Clare,
2000 CanLII 10755 (MB CA), 145 Man. R. (2d) 142, per Huband JA
MB CA 12 months CSO two armed robberies’
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R v Bruyere,
1999 CanLII 18742 (MB CA), (1999), 144 Man. R. (2d) 142 (CA), per Monnin JA
MB CA 9 months CSO armed robbery
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R v Damery, 1996 CanLII 5233 (NSCA), per Hallett JA NS CA 5.5 years
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Keywords: None
R v Fraser,
1995 CanLII 4270 (NSCA), (1995) 145 NSR (2d) 76 (CA), per Hallett JA
NS CA 6 years imprisonment 2 robberies; overturned JR for 4 years
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R v Noble, 1988 ABCA 133 (CanLII), per Stevenson JA AB CA
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R v Higgins, (1984), 64 NSR (2d) 272(*no CanLII links) NS CA 7 years imprisonment record of two prior robberies--appeal dismissed
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R v Grady, (1971) 5 NSR (2d) 264(*no CanLII links) NS CA
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Defined Provincial
of Appeal


See Also