Assaults Relating to Persons in Authority (Sentencing Cases): Difference between revisions

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{{Currency|January 2015}}

==Assault by persons in authority==
{{seealso|Assault (Sentencing Cases)|Common Assault (Offence)}}
{{seealso|Assault (Sentencing Cases)|Violent and Assaultive Offences (Sentencing)}}
* [[Assault by a Person in Authority (Sentencing Cases)]]
* [[Assault Peace Officer or Persons in Authority (Sentencing Cases)]]
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|O'Mara|jbfkp|2020 ABPC 201 (CanLII)}} | AB|PC| suspended sentence | The judge said it was "considering a sentence of imprisonment".}}
* [[Breach of Public Trust (Sentencing Cases)]] (for non-violent offences committed by peace officers)
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Sevigny|j00h8|2019 ABPC 81 (CanLII)}} | AB|PC| $1,500 fine, probation of 12 months, and 50 hours of community service | "transit peace officer used a harsh take-down maneuver, with no justification, against a jaywalking citizen, who suffered relatively minor injuries"... "[The complainant] was facing away from the accused [transit officer] when this maneuver was undertaken and offered no physical resistance. It appeared from the evidence that it took him by surprise. He did not break his fall in any manner and was easily taken down. He struck his head forcefully on the sidewalk, which produced a significant laceration on his forehead." }}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Baxter|hv17k|2018 ONCJ 608 (CanLII)}}{{perONCJ|O'Donnell J}} | ON |PC| conditional discharge |"During an arrest, the officer, with no justification, pushed the arrestee face-first into and along a fence and then “grounded” the arrestee, causing facial cuts." }}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Lofroth|gwptk|2016 BCPC 429 (CanLII)}}{{perBCPC|de Walle J}} | BC|PC|suspended | }}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Bal|fw1rs|2013 BCPC 21 (CanLII)}}{{perBCPC|Fratkin J}} |BC|PC| {{Suspended}} | RCMP officer hit a detainee in the head and pushed his face into asphalt. }}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Lozada|g6pdt|2013 ONCJ 770 (CanLII)}}{{perONCJ|Perkins-McVey J}}|ON|PC| CSO | The offender was a caregiver for elderly. He assaulted a 90 year old patient.}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Thomas|fv11d|2012 ONSC 6653 (CanLII)}}{{perONSC|Code J}}| ON| SC| 90 days | "an off-duty police officer was found to have been justified in arresting and using “one or two punches” to subdue a dangerous driver, but who continued (absent justification) with multiple punches against the non-resistant arrestee, causing a broken jaw".}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Ens and Moyse|fpbmx|2011 MBQB 301 (CanLII)}}{{perMBQB|Schulman J}} |MB|SC|4 months CSO (Ens)<Br> 4 months jail (Moyse) |The offenders performed an unlawful arrest of the complainant and Moyse struck them multiple times.}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Lepine|2dhdc|2010 ABPC 374 (CanLII)}}{{perABPC|Rosborough J}} |AB|PC| {{CSOM|4}}|}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Byrne|22gnq|2009 ONCA 134 (CanLII)}}{{perONCA|Feldman JA}}|ON|CA|90 days |}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIRP-S|Carrigan|26dw2|2009 CanLII 59434 (NL PC)| [2009] NJ No 305 (P.C.)}}{{perNLPC|Pike J}}|NL|PC | | correctional officer assaults inmate causing bodily harm, public trust, discharge rejected}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Gillan|25q6w|2009 BCPC 241 (CanLII)}}{{perBCPC|Watchuk J}}|BC|PC | 21 days CSO |}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Feeney et al|21gdf|2008 ONCA 756 (CanLII)}}{{TheCourtONCA}} |ON|CA| 30 to 60 days |}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Ens|1nvxh|2006 ABPC 164 (CanLII)}}{{perABPC|JDB McDonald J}}|AB|PC | CSO | The offender was a security guard}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Tait|1l4dj|2005 BCPC 273 (CanLII)}}{{perBCPC|Ellan}} | BC|PC| suspended |The offender handcuffed the complainant and then punched him three times. }}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Langlois|1hm7f|2004 BCPC 195 (CanLII)}}{{perBCPC|Bagnall J}} |BC|PC | 21 days CSO |}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Williams|1j322|2004 ONCJ 261 (CanLII)}}{{perONCJ|Agro J}}|ON|PC | CSO | The offender assaulted the victim while on duty as peace officer}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Nixon|1d8h3|1991 CanLII 905 (BC CA)}}{{perBCCA|Cumming JA}}|BC|CA | {{JailM|9}} |}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Bottrell|fp6k8|1981 CanLII 352 (BC CA)}}{{perBCCA|Laycraft JA}}|BC|CA|45 days|}}
{{SCaseLong| {{CanLIIRP-S|Cusack|hv0nm|1978 CanLII 2283 (NS CA)|, [1978] NSJ No 538, 41 CCC (2d) 289 (CA)}}{{perNSCA|Hart JA}}|NS|CA| |  }}
==Assaulting a Peace Officer==
{{OffencesBoxMini|Assault Peace Officer}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Beaudin|fsqzg|2012 ONCA 615 (CanLII)}}{{TheCourtONCA}} |ON|CA| {{JailM|12}} | long record}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|McLeod|24kws|2009 SKPC 85 (CanLII)}}{{perSKPC|Morin J}} |SK|PC| {{JailM|6}} | spitting in eye of officer}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Charlette|2b6m0|2010 SKCA 78 (CanLII)}}{{perSKCA|Jackson JA}}|SK|CA | 60 days | spit in face; possible contagious disease}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Wiersema|22pr0|2009 YKTC 6 (CanLII)}}{{perYKTC|Cozens J}}|YK|SC | | spit on officer while bleeding; had communicable disease}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Ali|1pzk2|2006 ABQB 805 (CanLII)}}{{perABQB|Lee J}}|AB|SC |{{JailM|4}} |spit on officer; extensive record}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-SN|Beuk|2005 CarswellOnt 1674 (ONSC)}} |ON|SC | {{suspended}} | spat in face of breath-tech during impaired investigation}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIRP-S|CEK|5fk6|2002 ABCA 295 (CanLII)|[2002] A.J. No.1519}}{{perABCA|Conrad JA}}|AB|CA |{{JailM|12}} |while being arrested accused spat at officer--offender was 22 years old, previous record for assault}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-SN|Joseph| [2001] OJ No 5726 (Ont.C.J.)}}|ON|SC |{{JailM|4}} | spitting on officer; related to charges of uttering threats, breach of probation; record of violence; "uncontrollable" in community}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-SN||Ryan| [2001] OJ No 5069}}|ON| |{{JailM|3}} | spitting at a police officer}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-SN|Raycraft| [1995] OJ No 3958}}|ON| |{{JailM|4}} |spat at peace officer during crowd control  }}
===Physical Violence===
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Baines|fx9zn|2013 ABPC 92 (CanLII)}}{{perABPC|Van de Veen J}} |AB|PC| {{JailM|9}} | kicked officer in face causing bodily harm}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Boden|fsrtf|2012 BCPC 331 (CanLII)}}{{perBCPC|Giardini J}} |BC|PC|{{JailM|3}} |also sentenced to sexual assault x 2--altercation while police arresting him, officers had guns drawn, he ran at them.}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|McArthur|2bts6|2010 SKCA 90 (CanLII)}}{{perSKCA|Klebuc CJ}} |SK|CA| {{JailM|24}} | appeal from 12 month sentence; also involved assault causing and mischief against police officer}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Bougerois|fr7c3|2012 ABQB 255 (CanLII)}}{{perABQB|Park J}} |AB|SC| discharge | while intoxicated grabbed officer's groin, tried to kick him, no injuries sustained}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Patton|fm16n|2011 ABCA 199 (CanLII)}}{{TheCourtABCA}} |AB|CA| 48 months jail|}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIRP-S|Gardner|2flnr|2011 CanLII 4709 (NL PC)|[2011] NJ No 41}}{{perNLPC|Gorman J}}|NL|PC| {{CSOM|1}} | tried to bite and pull hair of officer, no injuries--also charged with violence-related offences and mischief}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Nehass|2cf82|2010 YKTC 64 (CanLII)}}{{perYKTC|Ruddy J}} |YK|SC| {{JailM|6}} | offender was serving a sentence at the time--throwing urine, kicking and punching peace officers--}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Markozashvili|27lkb|2010 ONCA 52 (CanLII)}}{{TheCourtONCA}} |ON|CA| {{JailD|90}} | offender convicted of dangerous driving causing bodily harm--assaulted officer while resisting arrest}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Beauprie|23rnx|2009 ABQB 323 (CanLII)}}{{perABQB|Moen J}} |AB|SC| {{JailD|14}} | offender assaulted officer while resisting arrest, no injuries. Offender was 24 years old and initially arrested for mischief and intoxication. No prior record.}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Jacobish|20rt7|2008 NLTD 148 (CanLII)}}{{perNLSC|Goodridge J}} |NL|SC| {{JailD|120}} | officers were removing him from a house, hit one with a snowmobile belt and punched another
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Crothers|1rzvf|2007 NBQB 237 (CanLII)}}{{perNBQB|Cyr J}} |NB|SC | {{JailM|10}} | unprovoked assault on prison guard, with multiple hits}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Chocolate|1nq2d|2005 NWTSC 80 (CanLII)}}{{perNWTSC|Foisy J}} |NWT|SC | {{Jail2YLess}}| }}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Legrandeur|1ml95|2006 BCSC 227 (CanLII)}}{{perBCSC|Warren J}} |BC|SC| {{suspended}} | pushed officer in moment of anger }}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Grossman|1hm99|2004 BCPC 236 (CanLII)}}{{perBCPC|Challenger J}} |BC|PC| {{JailY1}}|pepper sprayed police officer and his dog}}
===Disarming Peace Officer and Related Offences===
{{OffencesBoxMini|Disarming a Peace Officer}}
{{SCaseLong|{{CanLIIR-S|Brown|hpsk5|2018 ABPC 10 (CanLII)}}{{perABPC|Van Harten J}}|AB|PC  | 2 years + probation | The offender plead guilty to assaulting a jail guard. He was party to a group assault on a corrections officer that involved punches and kicks and beating him with his own handcuffs. The whole incident lasted 36 seconds. }}

Latest revision as of 22:16, 13 May 2024

This page was last substantively updated or reviewed January 2024. (Rev. # 92991)


See also: Assault (Sentencing Cases) and Violent and Assaultive Offences (Sentencing)