Theft and Fraud (Sentencing Cases): Difference between revisions

From Criminal Law Notebook
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m Text replacement - "\'\'R v ([a-zA-Z]*)\'\', <br> \[http\:\/\/canlii\.ca\/t\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) ([1-2][0-9]{3} [A-Z]+ [0-9]+\] \(CanLII\))\{" to "{{CanLIIR-S|$1|$2|$3}}{"
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{{SCaseFraud|Paiero <br>(1986), 71 N.S.R.(2d) 268 {{NOCANLII}} | NS|CA|  Suspended |  | Appeal from suspended sentence with 30 months probation. No restitution order. }}
{{SCaseFraud|Paiero <br>(1986), 71 N.S.R.(2d) 268 {{NOCANLII}} | NS|CA|  Suspended |  | Appeal from suspended sentence with 30 months probation. No restitution order. }}

{{SCaseFraud|''R v Cahill'', <br> [ 1986 ABCA 7] (CanLII){{perABCA|McClung JA}} | AB|CA| {{JailY|3}} |$63,000 |
{{SCaseFraud|{{CanLIIR-S|Cahill|2dk10|1986 ABCA 7] (CanLII)}}{{perABCA|McClung JA}} | AB|CA| {{JailY|3}} |$63,000 |
The offender committed welfare fraud over 3 years. The offender was 40 years old. Plead guilty. Sophisticated scheme.}}
The offender committed welfare fraud over 3 years. The offender was 40 years old. Plead guilty. Sophisticated scheme.}}

Revision as of 00:15, 28 January 2021

Fraud under $5,000

Case Name Pr Ct Sentence Amount Summary
R v Song, 2017 ABPC 13 (CanLII), per MacDonald J AB PC 6 months CSO $5,000 approx The offender pleaded guilty to fraud under $5,000 in relation to 16 instances of making fraudulent refunds while working at Hudson's Bay department store.
R v Zentner, 2012 ABPC 94 (CanLII), per Krinke J AB PC discharge $4,999 offender was a funeral director who was selling cremation containers and caskets but cut corners by using a different product from what was sold
R v Hynes,
2012 CanLII 11926 (NL PC), , [2012] NJ 422 (NLPC), per Gorman J
NL PC discharge fraud x 2, cashed cheques stolen by boyfriend
R v Bent, 2007 NSPC 63 (CanLII), per C Williams J NS PC 9 month CSO Offender defrauded employer over many months. Breached trust. Had help of a 3rd party. No prior record. Restitution Order.
R v Gordon, 2004 BCCA 294 (CanLII), per Braidwood JA BC CA 20 mo Summary of case is pending.
R v McSween, 2002 NSSC 225 (CanLII), per LeBlanc J NS SC discharge The offender was charged with fraud under $5,000. " McSween held himself out as a dispensing pharmacist and asked a pharmacist at another pharmacy to provide him with Dilaudid tablets, claiming his pharmacy had run out of the drugs and that a customer required them. McSween had a drug addiction and the drugs were for his personal use. As in this case, McSween voluntarily sought treatment for his addiction, pleaded guilty and had no prior criminal record. " [Source]
R v Johnson
(1996), 147 N.S.R.(2d) 105 (S.C.)(*no CanLII links)
NS SC 1 month imprisonment $4000 offender was admissions officer at correctional facility; handled payment of fines; on 9 occasions over 6 years stole $4000; offender age 45, no record, breach of public trust
R v Munroe
(1991), 101 N.S.R.(2d) 360 (C.A.), 1991 CanLII 2485 (NS CA), per Clarke CJ
NS CA 14 days $3998 age 18, over several months defrauded employer of $3998
R v Brink,
1983 CarswellBC 1623, [1983] B.C.W.L.D. 2275, [1983] BCJ No. 364(*no CanLII links)
BC discharge Offender was a paramedic who stole drugs to feed a narcotics addiction.

Fraud over $5,000

Social Services Fraud

Case Name Pr Ct Sentence Amount Summary
R v Isaac,
2009 SKPC 111 (CanLII), per Green J
SK PC 16 months CSO $5,720 welfare fraud
R v Collins
2011 OJ No 978, 2011 ONCA 182 (CanLII), per Rosenberg JA
ON CA 10 months imprisonment $96,298.51 social assistance fraud, where offender was party--67 cheques were obtained--2 years probation ; very large welfare fraud ;sophisticated ; aboriginal offender; on bail for a long time prior to sentencing; was separated from her disabled daughter--one co-accused received 26 months
R v Keuris
2008 BCSC 480 (CanLII), per Barrow J
BC SC 6 months CSO $25k welfare fraud
R v Lougheed,
2003 BCCA 681 (CanLII), per Southin J
BC CA 45 days $6,000 Offender had one prior unrelated conviction for which she got 45 days.
R v Rizzetto
(2002), 210 N.S.R. (2d) 67 (C.A.), 2002 NSCA 142 (CanLII), per Saunders JA
NS CA 2 years less a day CSO $137k social service fraud over 20 years, did not declare correct income--convicted by jury--restitution of $71k.
R v Yates,
2002 BCCA 583 (CanLII), per Prowse JA
BC CA Suspended $13,124 Summary of case is pending.
R v D'Amour,
2002 CanLII 45015 (ON CA), per Doherty JA
ON CA 90 days + P $14,636 Defraud over 2 years.
R v Medeiros,
2002 CanLII 45037 (ON CA), per curiam
ON CA 9 month CSO Summary of case is pending.
R v Oliynyk,
2002 SKCA 37 (CanLII), per Lane JA
SK CA 10 months + Pr $157,000 husband and wife defrauded welfare over 12 years by not reporting wife's income. Described as one of the largest social assistance frauds. Overturned 6 months CSO and 12 months. Judge gave credit time already spent on CSO
R v Francis,
2000 CanLII 22052 (ON CA), per curiam
ON CA 2 year less a day CSO Welfare fraud over several years.
R v Hunt,
2000 SKQB 89 (CanLII), per Goldenberg J
SK SC 6 months CSO Summary of case is pending.
R v Anderson-Davis,
2000 BCSC 42 (CanLII), per Boyle J
BC SC 18 months CSO $136,000 Offender did not reveal large loan. Offender had no prior record. Family and community supports.
R v Lawani,
1999 CanLII 3153 (ON CA), per curiam
ON CA suspended $21,000 Offender plead guilty to 6 counts of fraud under $5,000.
R v Cameron,
1999 ABQB 160 (CanLII), per Lee J
AB SC 30 days + P $17,000 Offender received welfare and did not disclose income, had also filed false medical reports. Occurred over 5 years. Offender was 61 years old and plead guilty. The judge rejected joint recommendation of 18 months CSO.
R v McIsaac
[1998] BCJ No. 1946, 1998 CanLII 4654 (BC SC), per Quijano J
BC SC discharge $44,546 both husband and wife on US disability for serious injuries. Received social assistance at same time.
R v Marcelino,
1998 CanLII 5530 (BC CA), per Southin JA
BC CA 3 month CSO $9,000

Offender received welfare and failed to disclose employment income.

R v Russell,
1997 CanLII 977 (ON CA), per curiam
ON CA 9 months imprisonment over $28,000 Offender received welfare for over 20 months. He was 26 years old with a prior record for property offences.
R v Wolfchild,
1996 ABCA 78 (CanLII), per Hetherington JA
AB CA 60 days $3902 Summary of case is pending.
R v Carlson,
1996 CanLII 4936 (SK CA), per Wakeling JA
SK CA suspended $17,000 Offender failed to report income to social assistance over several years. Offender was 62 years old and in poor health. But for health issues, jail would have been ordered.
R v Reid,
1995 CanLII 4319 (NS CA), per Matthews JA
NS CA $5,545 50 days OFfender did not disclose he was receiving benefits from insurer from MV accident. Offender appealed sentence of 9 months which court found to be "clearly excessive". Offender was 41 years old with no prior record.
R c Gentilletti,
1995 CanLII 5087 (QC CA), per curiam
QC CA 10 months imprisonment Offender cashed 7 social assistance cheques.
R v Knowles,
1994 CanLII 1912 (BC CA), per Taylor JA
BC CA Fine $ 4,200 Offender received welfare. He did not disclose assets.
R v Tanasichuk,
1994 CanLII 3915 (NB QB), per Riordon J
NB SC 6 months imprisonment $37,000 Offender obtained social assistance over 9 months. He did not disclose that he was living with his partner. He was 26 years old. Had a prior record and was serving 3 year sentence on unrelated offence.
R v Friesen,
1994 CanLII 2011 (BC CA), per Taylor JA
BC CA 9 months imprisonment over $12,000 Offender collected welfare over 5 years. Did not disclose her other income. She had a prior related record and had a history of dishonesty.
R v Wilton,
(1991), 93 Sask. R. 184(*no CanLII links)
SK CA 5 months imprisonment Offender filed false documents to permit employee to receive unemployment insurance benefits. No prior record.
R v Roche,
1990 CanLII 6483 (NL CA), per Goodridge CJ
NL CA 1 month + fine over $10,000 Offender received UIC payments over three weeks. A total of 13 people were involved in similar schemes.
R v Pelley,
1990 CanLII 6495 (NL CA), per O'Neill JA
NL CA 6 months $100,000 UIC benefits. Offender was mastermind. Appeal from sentence of 1 day + fine.
R v Francis,
1990 CanLII 6485 (NL CA), per Mahoney JA
NL CA 30 days + P

The offender was chief of a native council. Offender issued a false record of employment. The offender did not benefit personally, however, he was in a position of trust.

R v Bingham,
1986 ABCA 45 (CanLII), per Forsyth JA
AB CA 4 months imprisonment $4,000 Offender defrauded student loan program. Used money to support children.
(1986), 71 N.S.R.(2d) 268 (*no CanLII links)
NS CA Suspended Appeal from suspended sentence with 30 months probation. No restitution order.
R v Cahill, 1986 ABCA 7 (CanLII)], per McClung JA AB CA 3 years imprisonment $63,000

The offender committed welfare fraud over 3 years. The offender was 40 years old. Plead guilty. Sophisticated scheme.

R v McMahon
[1983] BCJ No. 769 (C.A.)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 7 months imprisonment $395 applied for social assistance on fake identity. The offender was aged 24. Was trying to support a partner.
R v Kemp
[1981] BCJ No. 446 (C.A.)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 90 days $2,600 offender collected welfare after getting a job. The offender was supporting 10-year-old daughter. 180 hours community service
R v Kranjc
[1980] OJ No 775 (C.A.)(*no CanLII links)
ON CA 5 months imprisonment $7,344 fraudulently collected benefits for an eye injury already collected upon
R v Kirkwood
[1978] BCJ No. 612 (C.A.)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 9 months imprisonment $7,300 defraud welfare over 3 months--offender was 33 years old with no record

Tax Fraud

Case Name Pr Ct Sentence Amount Summary
R v Tennina,
2013 ONSC 4694 (CanLII), per Gilmore J
ON SC 10 years imprisonment $17 million elaborate tax evasion scheme
R v Kutum,
2013 ONCJ 241 (CanLII), per Schwarzl J
ON PC 2 years imprisonment $1 million tax evasion
R v Stevenson,
2002 ABCA 41 (CanLII), per curiam
AB CA 3 years imprisonment $1,307,800 Summary of case is pending.

Bankruptcy Fraud

Case Name Pr Ct Sentence Amount Summary
R v Yaremkevich,
2002 ABPC 174 (CanLII), per Allen J
AB PC $1,000 fine Charged under BIA. Summary election.
R v Levac‑Barton,
[2001] OJ No 5200 (Ont. Sup. Crt.)(*no CanLII links)
ON SC $2,000 fine Summary of case is pending.
R v Baines,
[1989] BCJ No. 372 (BCCA)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 90 days Summary of case is pending.
R v Sonntag
(1989) 8 W.C.B. (2d) 32 (Ont. Dist. Ct.)(*no CanLII links)
ON SC Suspended Sentence Summary of case is pending.
R v Laschuk
[1988] BCJ No. 99. (BCCA)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 90 days Summary of case is pending.
R v Langille,
[1986] 60 C.B.R. (NS) 55 (NSCA) (*no CanLII links)
NS CA 4 months imprisonment Summary of case is pending.


Nova Scotia

  • R v Pincock, [1]
    • November 5, 2018
    • $34,524
    • 90 days imprisonment, 2 years probation
  • R v Procenko, [2]
    • June 28, 2018
    • ~$250,000
    • 2 years imprisonment
  • [3]
    • Feb 13, 2018
    • 2 years imprisonment


  • R v [4]
    • 1 years CSO
    • $110 million


Defined Provincial
of Appeal


See Also