Theft and Fraud (Sentencing Cases): Difference between revisions

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* [[Fraud Between 100k and 500k (Sentencing Cases)]]
* [[Fraud Between 100k and 500k (Sentencing Cases)]]

===50k to 100k===
* [[Fraud Between 5k and 100k (Sentencing Cases)]]
{{SCaseFraud| Delgado, [ 2017 NSPC 74] (CanLII){{perNSPC|Hoskins J}} | NS| PC| {{MaxCSO}} | $80,000 | She had a diagnosed gambling addiction. }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v LeRiche'', <br> [ 2018 NLSC 145] (CanLII){{perNLSC|Chaytor J}} | NL | SC| 5 months + 2ys probation  | $53,046.38 | The offender was a volunteer treasurer of a minor hockey league. She wrote 35 cheques to herself or her fiance. She covered up her actions for two years. The offender was 42 years old and plead guilty. }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Macynski'',<br> [ 2015 ONCJ 17] (CanLII){{perONCJ|Harris  J}}| ON |PC |$86,000 | {{JailM|6}} + {{ProbationY|3}} | "the 67-year-old offender was the treasurer of a church fund over which she had signing authority. She wrote cheques to herself over a three-year period totalling in excess of $86,000. She pled guilty to theft over $5,000. The court rejected a conditional sentence because of the breach of trust and sentenced the offender to 6 months’ incarceration followed by three years’ probation and ordered restitution. The offender claimed that she was financially burdened by her husband’s health concerns, but the court did not accept that as she continued to steal after her husband’s death. Aggravating factors included the breach of trust and the effect on the church."}}
{{SCaseFraud| ''R v Gibb'', <br> [ 2014 ONSC 5316] (CanLII){{perONSC|Daley J}}| ON |SC| 2 years less a day CSO | $100,000 | Two offenders defrauded an unsophisticated married couple. Neither accused had a criminal record. $100,000 restitution order was made along with fines in the amount of $99,000 and $49,000. }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Umenwoke'', <br> [ 2013 ONSC 4496] (CanLII){{perONSC|Spies J}} | ON |SC| 20 months CSO | $77,920 |The offender was 63 years old with no record. He was in poor health. Judge also ordered 12 months probation. }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Takeshita'',<br> [ 2013 ONSC 1385] (CanLII){{perONSC|Spies J}} |ON|SC| 16 months + P | $80k+ | offender defrauded church}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Husband'',<br>[ 2013 ABPC 67] (CanLII){{perABPC| Redman J}}| AB | PC | 10 months | $80,000| The offender was "a 44-year-old female was convicted of one count of breach of section 334(a). The theft involved almost $80,000 from her employer, a non-profit organization."<ref>[]</ref>}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Stuart'',<br>[ 2012 BCPC 327] (CanLII){{perBCPC|Challenger J}} | BC|PC| 12 months CSO | $60,757.14 | 23 victims defrauded. Offender sold fake Olympic tickets online.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Wilson'', <br> [ 2012 NSPC 40] (CanLII){{perNSPC|Ross J}}| NS | PC| 9 months | $60,999 | The offender was an MLA in the provincial legislature and filed over 30 false expense claims over 4 years. He had a pathological gambling addiction. }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Gonzalez-Urena'',<br> [ 2011 BCSC 406] (CanLII){{perBCSC|Willcock J}} |BC|SC|  |$71.5k | offender stole a credit card from post office and used it to get money for gambling}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Wentzell'',<br>[ 2011 NSSC 200] (CanLII){{perNSSC|Cacchione J}} |NS|SC | 6 months | $69,245.51 |over two years the offender created 2 false travel claims--offender was 46 years old, prior record for arson}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Satkunarajah'',<br> [ 2011 ABPC 385] (CanLII){{perABPC|Barley J}} | AB|PC| 9 months | 93.5k |defraud bank; guilty plea; no record; low loss}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Salikin'',<br> [ 2011 SKPC 179] (CanLII){{perSKPC|Gordon J}}  | SK|PC| 18 months CSO | 65k | fraud of employer}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Kohuch'',<br> [ 2011 ONCJ 620] (CanLII){{perONCJ|Greene J}} |ON|PC | 18 months CSO | $62,765.00 | The accused was treasurer of a non-profit sports league. The offence was a breach of trust. He suffered from biopolar disorder which played a role in the offence. Full restitution had been made. The judge also ordered 12 months probation. Crown sought a 6 month sentence.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Skorobohach'',<br> [ 2011 BCPC 303] (CanLII){{perBCPC|Bennett J}} |BC|PC | 3 years | 96k| mail confidence scheme targetting senior citizens, defraud over several years}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Lee'',<br> [ 2011 NSPC 81] (CanLII){{perNSPC|Derrick J}}| NS|PC |{{JailM|10}}| $67k | over 1 year stole 23 deposits, conviction at trial,}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Cassettari'',<br>  [ 2010 BCPC 139] (CanLII){{perBCPC|Kitchen J}} |BC|PC| 2 years less a day CSO | $60,000 |{{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v South'',<br> [ 2009 MBPC 12] (CanLII){{perMBPC|Sandhu J}}  |MB|PC| 15 months | $64k |{{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Anderson'', <br> [ 2009 NLTD 143] (CanLII){{perNLSC|Dymond J}}  | NL | SC | 15 months| $89,474.34| The accused pleaded guilty to charges of fraud and breach of trust. Former member of the House of Assembly and Minister in the Newfoundland and Labrador government, he admitted to forging expense accounts and claiming reimbursement for inflated expenses. He was 49 years old. For a fraud of $89,474.34, the Court ordered him to serve fifteen months’ imprisonment and to make full restitution. It also sentenced him to nine concurrent months on the charge of breach of trust." []}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Bodnarchuk'',<br> [ 2008 BCCA 39] (CanLII){{perBCCA|Levine JA}}|BC|CA | 12 to 18 months | $64k | company owner defrauded investors for start-up project--breach of trust}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Bavarsad'',<br> [ 2008 BCCA 137] (CanLII){{perBCCA|Finch CJ}} |BC|CA| 12 months CSO | $87,445 |{{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Upton'',<br> [ 2008 NSSC 360] (CanLII){{perNSSC|Beveridge J}}  | NS|SC | 3 years | $45,353.20 | 42 victims}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Alakija'',<br>[ 2007 ABPC 234] (CanLII){{perABPC|Bascom J}}|AB|PC | 18 months CSO | $58,829.93| stole 49 deposits from employer over < 3 months, confessed, gambling addiction}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Pechterski'',<br> [ 2007 ONCJ 533] (CanLII) | ON|PC| 2 months CSO | $53,300 | guilty of two counts fraud, five counts possession of credit card forgery machines. Offender participated in relatively sophisticated ATM skimming fraud of over 150 accounts.  Offender was 41 years old with no record. 5 days pre-trial custody.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Arseneau'', [ 2006 QCCQ 278] (CanLII){{perQCCQ|Lortie J}}| QC| PC| 26 months | $91,000 | "The Court ordered the accused to serve a sentence of imprisonment of twenty-six months on each count of fraud, which amounted to a total of $91,000. The accused was an accounting secretary when, over a three-year period, she appropriated $50,000 from the company for which she worked and $41,000 from a curling club for which she was secretary. Despite her lack of criminal record and her guilty plea, the judge took into account the nature and extent of the fraud, the duration of the fraud, the amounts involved, and the fact that reimbursement was impossible. The underlying motivation remained greed, and the fact that there was abuse of a position of trust was also taken into consideration." []}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Deutsch'',<br>[2005] OJ No 5542, [ 2005 CanLII 47598] (ONCA){{perONCA|Moldaver JA}} |ON|CA | 4 years | $54k |{{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v McKinnon'',<br> [ 2005 ABCA 8] (CanLII){{perABCA|Côté JA}}  | AB |CA |12 months | $61,000 | The offender plead guilty to fraud while acting as a bookkeeper. She had a prior prior related record.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Reshke'', <br> [ 2004 ABQB 418] (CanLII){{perABQB|Moreau J}}  | AB|SC| 9 months | $125,000| Over a period of roughly 5 years the accused defrauded his employer, the provincial government of funds. He held one of the highest unelected positions in the government. He was partially motivated by a gambling addiction. He also had an alcohol problem. }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Williams'',<br> [2003] O.J. NO. 2202, [ 2003 CanLII 9650] (C.A.){{TheCourtONCA}}|ON|CA| 90 days + fine | ?  | offender was senior manager in a position of trust, hired girlfriend without any authority to do so}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Hayes'', <br>OJ No 4590 (Ont. C.A.){{NOCANLII}}  | ON |CA| 18 month CSO | $97006 and $29,994 |{{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Inglis'',<br> [ 2002 BCPC 242] (CanLII){{perBCPC|Brecknell J}} | BC|PC|  18 months CSO |$78,738.92 | employee defrauded bank employer over 2 years}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Mastromonaco'',<br>[2002] OJ No 4612{{NOCANLII}} |ON|SC| 21 months| $70k | offender convinced an elderly couple to invest money in financing scheme--position of trust--offender was 51 years old with dated unrelated record, denied responsibility}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Desormeau'',<br> [2001] N.J. No. 341 (S.C.–T.D.){{NOCANLII}} | NL|SC| 8 months |$70k | captain in armed forced directed soldiers to submit blank travel claims, some money given to soldiers--offender was in forces 20 years, no record--breach of trust, public monies}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Bunn'', <br> [ 2000 SCC 9] (CanLII), [2000] 1 SCR 183{{perSCC|Lamer CJ}} | SCC | | 2 years less a day| $86,000| "The accused, a lawyer, defrauded some of his clients of $86,000, which he took from his trust account. First, the Court of Appeal of Manitoba quashed the two-year custodial sentence imposed at trial and ordered a conditional sentence of two years less one day, which was upheld by the Supreme Court. The accused had no criminal record. Three minority judges stated that ordering a conditional sentence excessively reduced the harshness of the sentence when it was important to insist on denunciation and general deterrence." [] }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Murdock'',<br> [1980] NSJ No. 510, (1980), 42 N.S.R.(2d) 90 (CA) {{NOCANLII}} |NS|CA| 2 years|”substantial” amount |offender ran company selling commodity options that were misleading--appeal from $5,000 + probation }}
===50k and less===
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Blumenthal'',<Br> [ 2019 NSSC 35] (CanLII) | NS | SC| {{JailY|2}} | ~$33k | The offender was a used car saleman.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Burton'', <br> [ 2012 PECA 2] (CanLII){{perPEICA|Jenkins CJ}}| PEI | SC | 4 months | $8,000 - $10,000 | The offender was a manager of a provincial sports team. He defrauded the government of PEI. She had no prior record. The judge found that a conditional sentence was not available he also ordered $4,000 in restitution.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Kassam'', <br> [ 2017 ONSC 74] (CanLII){{perONSC|Boswell J}} | ON |SC| 3 years | | {{SummaryPending}}}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Gliddon'', <br> [ 2017 ABPC 38] (CanLII){{perABPC|Fradsham J}} | AB | PC| 2 years | $22, 493|  {{SummaryPending}}}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Taverner'', <br> [ 2017 ONCJ 469] (CanLII){{perONCJ|Bourgeois J}}| ON |PC| 12 months | $47,045.41| {{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Biletsky'', <br> [ 2016 ABPC 261] (CanLII){{perABPC|Barley J}} | AB|PC| 12 months | $17,797.50| "... a 42-year-old married father of two children, was in an executive position of a non-profit community association. He drafted six fraudulent cheques to himself. He was convicted of defrauding the association of over $17,000 contrary to section 380(1)(a) of the Code. The court rejected an intermittent sentence which would have allowed Mr. Biletsky to work at a new job and pay restitution. A sentence of 12 months’ imprisonment was imposed along with a restitution order."<ref>[]</ref>}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Drummond'', <br>[ 2016 CanLII 22609] (NL SCTD){{perNLSC|Goodridge J}} |NL|SC| 3 months + 12 months probation | $25k (Approx) |The offender gave bad cheques to a property owner as rent for a residence. He was retired with wife and three young children.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Bernard'',<br> [ 2015 BCPC 107] (CanLII){{perBCPC|MacGregor J}} | BC| PC| 4 years | over 10,000| {{SummaryPending}}}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Elmadani'',<br> [ 2015 NSPC 65] (CanLII){{perNSPC|Derrick J}} | NS | PC | 12 months | $22,700 | The offender pleaded guilty to fraud over 5k. He had falsely claimed commission income from his employer over 7 months. He had a recent prior record for fraud.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Lam'', <br>[ 2014 ABPC 90] (CanLII){{perABPC|Lamoureux J}} |AB|PC| 12 months CSO |$44k | The offender defrauded employer, the Calgary Stampede Casino. He made full restitution, undertook counselling, and was remorseful. "The accused was a 56-year-old immigration consultant convicted of theft and fraud in the amount of $256,250. He had no criminal record. The Court of Appeal of British Columbia upheld the twelve-month sentence of imprisonment imposed by the trial judge. There was no order for reimbursement in this case." []}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Dufour'', <br>[ 2014 QCCQ 9885] (CanLII){{perQCCQ|Hudon J}} | QC | | 16 months CSO |$30,877 | "Over a two-year period, the accused defrauded her employer of $30,877 while working as a receptionist in a denturology clinic. She pleaded guilty, expressed regret, cooperated with the investigation, and displayed a willingness to undertake different types of therapy. Taking into account her abuse of a position of trust, the duration and amount of the fraud, the planned and repeated acts, and the lack of reimbursement, the Court imposed a sixteen-month sentence to be served in the community." [] }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Steward'',<br> [ 2014 ABCA 125] (CanLII){{TheCourtABCA}} | AB|CA| 12 months| $10,000 | {{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Cook'',<br> [ 2013 ABPC 6] (CanLII){{perABPC|Semenuk J}} |AB|PC|6 months | $7,500 | The offender solicited charitable donations from people my misrepresenting himself as being a cancer patient.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Bullock'', <br>[ 2013 ABCA 44] (CanLII){{perABCA|Berger JA}} (2:1) | AB| CA| 8 months | $12,305 | The offender forged her name on numerous cheques. Joint recommendation. }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v MacDonald'', <br>[ 2013 ONSC 4872] (CanLII){{perONSC|Mulligan J}} | ON| SC| 6 months | $45,700 | The offender was convicted after trial. He deceived an acquaintance by selling him shares in a company he did not own. He was 45 years old with a prior related record. He had no remorse. }}
{{SCaseFraud| ''R v Johal'',<br> [ 2012 BCPC 133] (CanLII){{perBCPC|Chen J}} |BC|PC | 9 months | $6,000 | {{SummaryPending}}}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Hurlburt'', <br> [ 2012 NSSC 291] (CanLII){{perNSSC|MacAdam J}} | NS |SC | 2 years less a day CSO | $24,000 |  The offender pleaded guilty to fraud over $5,000. He was a MLA in the provincial legislature and used his position to file false expense claims. "When he was a member of the Nova Scotia Legislative Assembly, the accused submitted four fraudulent claims over a period of two years. He pleaded guilty and the amount of the fraud was reimbursed. On the charges of fraud of $25,320.77 and breach of trust, the judge sentenced him to twelve months to be served in the community and twelve months’ probation." []}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v McGrath'',<br> [ 2012 CanLII 67732] (NL SCTD){{perNLSC|Halley J}} |NL|SC| 7 months |$38,356.60| offender defrauded the Brain injury Association over 51 transactions over a year.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Lavigne'',<br>[ 2011 ONSC 2938] (CanLII){{perONSC|R Smith J}}|ON|SC| 6 months | $23,000| Offender was a canadian senator who filed false expenses--judge said media exposure was a neutral factor--also convicted of breach of trust (6 month CSO)}}
{{SCaseFraud|R v O’Brien,<br> [ 2010 ONCJ 101] (CanLII){{perONCJ|Harris J}}| ON | PC | 90 days (fraud)<br> 2 years less a day CSO (related offences)| $31,892.29 | The offender was employed in a senior's home and defrauded the senior tenants. She was in a position of trust. She was 27 years old with no prior record.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Everitt'',<br> [ 2010 YKTC 91] (CanLII){{perYKSC|Lilles J}} | YK |SC|12 months CSO | $38,300| "When the accused was mayor of Dawson, Yukon, he misappropriated $38,300 over a period of eight years by submitting forged expense reports. He pleaded guilty to a charge of breach of trust, expressed remorse, and was suffering from health problems. The Court sentenced him to serve twelve months’ imprisonment to be served in the community and twelve months’ probation, also ordering him to pay full restitution." []}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Rockett'', <br>[ 2009 PECA 7] (CanLII){{perPEICA|Murphy JA}} | PE |CA| 60 months | $18,000 |{{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Keller'',<br> [ 2009 ABCA 418] (CanLII){{perABCA|Hunt JA}} |AB|CA |90 days  |$6k| CSO overturned}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Fayemi'',<br> [ 2009 BCPC 123] (CanLII){{perBCPC|Howard J}} |BC|PC| Suspended Sentence| $15,000 |{{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Upton'',<br> [ 2008 NSSC 360] (CanLII){{perNSSC|Beveridge J}} | NS|SC | 3 years | $45,353.20 | 42 victims}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Harvey'', <br>[ 2006 BCPC 444] (CanLII){{perBCPC|Chapman J}} | BC|PC|12 months CSO | $13,838.60 | "The mayor of the municipality of Vernon, British Columbia, pleaded guilty to breach of trust for using public funds to pay his personal expenses. The amount of the losses amounted to $13,838.60. The Court sentenced him to serve twelve months in the community along with one year of probation and to make restitution in the amount of $8588.60. He did not have a criminal record, recognized his wrongdoing, expressed remorse, and had himself paid damages of $5,250 to the city."[]}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Fitzpatrick'',<br> [ 2005 BCCA 314] (CanLII){{perBCCA|Newbury JA}} |BC|CA | 6 months | $30,000 | false debit purchases}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Davies'', <br>[ 2005 CanLII 63757] (ON CA){{perONCA|Blair JA}} | ON |CA| 12 months less a day (trust)<br>12 months CSO (fraud) |  $48,355.00 | {{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Bradbury'', <br>[ 2004 NLCA 82] (CanLII){{perNLCA|Roberts JA}} |NL|CA| 12 months CSO | $66,070 | The offender was convicted at trial of two counts of fraud. He was an employee at a bingo hall and over 40 months misappropriated $66,070. The offence was "sophisticated" involved multiple acts of deception over a long period of time. The offence was a breach of trust. He was 50 years old with no prior record. He had no remorse. Court of appeal overturned a 12 month jail sentence.}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Kirk'',<br> [ 2004 CanLII 7197] (ON CA){{perONCA|Charron and Lang JJA}}| ON |CA| 12 months CSO | $42,000. | "The accused, a construction contractor, defrauded some of his clients of $42,000. The Court of Appeal for Ontario overturned a trial judgment imposing nine months’ detention, stating that there had been no abuse of a position of trust and that he presented no risk of reoffending. The accused had no criminal record. The Court substituted the sentence with a twelve-month conditional sentence, but upheld the restitution order of $42,000." []}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Hewitt'',<br> [ 2004 NLSCTD 65] (CanLII){{perNLSC|Handrigan J}} |NL|SC| 9 month CSO + 2 years probation | $30,132.09| The offender pleaded guilty to theft over 5k and fraud over 5k and 43 counts of uttering forged documents. She was a municipal clerk for the Town of Point May and in a position of trust. She forged cheques over 21 months. The offence was moderately sophisticated. She was a 39 year old mother of four young children with no prior record. [per Handrigan J]}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Pottie'',<br> [ 2003 NSSC 263] (CanLII){{perNSSC|Wright J}} |NS|SC | 18 months CSO| $46,475 | secretary of hockey council, defrauded over several years, offender was 58 years old with heart problems--full restitution ordered}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Williams'',<br> [2003] O.J. NO. 2202, [ 2003 CanLII 9650] (C.A.){{TheCourt}}|ON|CA| 90 days + fine | ? | offender was senior manager in a position of trust, hired girlfriend without any authority to do so}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Macdonald'',<br>[ 2001 NSCA 26] (CanLII), [2001] NSJ No. 51 (C.A.){{perNSCA|Cromwell JA}}|NS|CA |probation (JR)| $32k | falsified 3 years of overtime--restitution--victim was agreeable with resolution}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Zenovitch'',<br> [ 2001 YKSC 52] (CanLII), [2001] YJ No 105 (SC){{perYKSC|Veale J}} |YC|SC | 20 months CSO | $37k | offender was a bookkeeper who defrauded her employer, a small business--offender was 42 years old, single mother and primary caregiver of an 11 year old boy--breach of trust}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Decoff'',<br> 2000 NSJ No. 224 (S.C.){{NOCANLII}}|NS|SC |18 month  CSO |$44,000 | over 8 months, deposit manager took money, disabled spouse and young child}}
{{SCaseFraud| ''R v Berntson''<br>  [ 2000 SKCA 47] (CanLII){{perSKCA|Tallis JA}} (2:1) |SK| CA |1 year | $40k |Saskatchewan MLA; false expense accounts. "The Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan upheld a sentence of twelve months’ imprisonment for an accused who was a member of the Legislative Assembly of that province. He faced a charge of fraud and breach of trust in the amount of $41,535. The crime consisted of false requests for reimbursement, where he claimed expenses for secretarial services provided by his former spouse, his current wife, and his children. He had made full restitution."}}
{{SCaseFraud | ''R v Adler''<br> [ 1999 CanLII 9438] (NB CA){{TheCourt}} |NB|CA | 8 months CSO | $27,890 and $1,650 | {{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v MacEachern'',<br>[ 1999 CanLII 7062] (PE SCAD), [1999] P.E.I.J. No. 85 (C.A.), [ 1999 CanLII 7062] (PE SCAD){{perPEICA|Mitchell JA}} |PEI|CA | 15 months CSO | $25k | offender was deputy minister of agriculture, over 3.5 year period stole from government--offender was 65 years old, with prior related record from 1989
15 months conditional – Deputy Minister defrauded the government of $25,000-- in a position of trust. "The accused misappropriated $25,000 over three years while he was Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Prince Edward Island. On the charges of fraud and breach of trust, the Court of Appeal of that province increased the initial sentence of twelve months plus eight months’ probation imposed at trial to fifteen months to be served in the community and ordered him to make restitution of $25,000. The accused had a criminal record in similar matters."[]}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Quinlan''<br>[ 1999 CanLII 18952] (NL CA), (1999), 133 CCC (3d) 501 (Nfld. C.A.), [ 1999 CanLII 18952] (NL CA){{perNLCA|Marshall JA}} |NL|CA| 6 month CSO (JR) | $12k |offender defrauded two employers to support cocaine addiction--offender was 29 years old, married, with a child, with a previous conviction for theft--able to make gradual restitution payments}}
{{SCaseFraud|R v . Oliver,<br>[ 1997 CanLII 14658] (NL CA), [1997] N.J. No. 248 (C.A.){{perNLCA|Cameron JA}}|NL|CA| 7 months CSO| $27,614| bank clerk defrauded employer over 2 years--lost job as a result--}}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Hiltz'',<br> [ 1989 CanLII 165] (NSCA){{perNSCA|Macdonald JA}}  | NS|CA| 3 months (time served)| $5,784.70 |{{SummaryPending}} }}
{{SCaseFraud|''R v Murdock'',<br> [1980] NSJ No. 510, (1980), 42 N.S.R.(2d) 90 (CA){{NOCANLII}}|NS|CA| 2 years|”substantial” amount |offender ran company selling commodity options that were misleading--appeal from $5,000 + probation}}

==Social Services Fraud==
==Social Services Fraud==

Revision as of 13:06, 17 July 2019

Fraud under $5,000

Case Name Pr Ct Sentence Amount Summary
R v Song,
2017 ABPC 13 (CanLII), per MacDonald J
AB PC 6 months CSO $5,000 approx The offender pleaded guilty to fraud under $5,000 in relation to 16 instances of making fraudulent refunds while working at Hudson's Bay department store.
R v Zentner,
2012 ABPC 94 (CanLII), per Krinke J
AB PC discharge $4,999 offender was a funeral director who was selling cremation containers and caskets but cut corners by using a different product from what was sold
R v Hynes,
2012 CanLII 11926 (NL PC), [2012] NJ 422 (NLPC), per Gorman J
NL PC discharge fraud x 2, cashed cheques stolen by boyfriend
R v Bent,
2007 NSPC 63 (CanLII), per C Williams J
NS PC 9 month CSO Offender defrauded employer over many months. Breached trust. Had help of a 3rd party. No prior record. Restitution Order.
R v Gordon,
2004 BCCA 294 (CanLII), per Braidwood JA
BC CA 20 mo Summary of case is pending.
R v McSween
(2002), 2002 NSSC 225 (CanLII), 208 N.S.R.(2d) 377, per LeBlanc J
NS SC discharge The offender was charged with fraud under $5,000. " McSween held himself out as a dispensing pharmacist and asked a pharmacist at another pharmacy to provide him with Dilaudid tablets, claiming his pharmacy had run out of the drugs and that a customer required them. McSween had a drug addiction and the drugs were for his personal use. As in this case, McSween voluntarily sought treatment for his addiction, pleaded guilty and had no prior criminal record. " [1]
R v Johnson
(1996), 147 N.S.R.(2d) 105 (S.C.)(*no CanLII links)
NS SC 1 month $4000 offender was admissions officer at correctional facility; handled payment of fines; on 9 occasions over 6 years stole $4000; offender age 45, no record, breach of public trust
R v Munroe
(1991), 101 N.S.R.(2d) 360 (C.A.), 1991 CanLII 2485 (NS CA), per Clarke CJ
NS CA 14 days $3998 age 18, over several months defrauded employer of $3998
R v Brink,
1983 CarswellBC 1623, [1983] B.C.W.L.D. 2275, [1983] BCJ No. 364(*no CanLII links)
BC discharge Offender was a paramedic who stole drugs to feed a narcotics addiction.

Fraud over $5,000

Over 500k

Between 100k and 500k

Social Services Fraud

Case Name Pr Ct Sentence Amount Summary
R v Isaac,
2009 SKPC 111 (CanLII), per Green J
SK PC 16 months CSO $5,720 welfare fraud
R v Collins
2011 OJ No 978, 2011 ONCA 182 (CanLII), per Rosenberg JA
ON CA 10 months $96,298.51 social assistance fraud, where offender was party--67 cheques were obtained--2 years probation ; very large welfare fraud ;sophisticated ; aboriginal offender; on bail for a long time prior to sentencing; was separated from her disabled daughter--one co-accused received 26 months
R v Keuris
2008 BCSC 480 (CanLII), per Barrow J
BC SC 6 months CSO $25k welfare fraud
R v Lougheed,
2003 BCCA 681 (CanLII), per Southin J
BC CA 45 days $6,000 Offender had one prior unrelated conviction for which she got 45 days.
R v . Rizzetto
(2002), 210 N.S.R. (2d) 67 (C.A.), 2002 NSCA 142 (CanLII), per Saunders JA
NS CA 2 years less a day CSO $137k social service fraud over 20 years, did not declare correct income--convicted by jury--restitution of $71k.
R v Yates,
2002 BCCA 583 (CanLII), per Prowse JA
BC CA Suspended $13,124 Summary of case is pending.
R v D'Amour,
2002 CanLII 45015 (ON CA), per Doherty JA
ON CA 90 days + P $14,636 Defraud over 2 years.
R v Medeiros,
2002 CanLII 45037 (ON CA), per curiam
ON CA 9 month CSO Summary of case is pending.
R v Oliynyk,
2002 SKCA 37 (CanLII), per Lane JA
SK CA 10 months + Pr $157,000 husband and wife defrauded welfare over 12 years by not reporting wife's income. Described as one of the largest social assistance frauds. Overturned 6 months CSO and 12 months. Judge gave credit time already spent on CSO
R v Francis,
2000 CanLII 22052 (ON CA), per curiam
ON CA 2 year less a day CSO Welfare fraud over several years.
R v Hunt,
2000 SKQB 89 (CanLII), per Goldenberg J
SK SC 6 months CSO Summary of case is pending.
R v Anderson-Davis,
2000 BCSC 42 (CanLII), per Boyle J
BC SC 18 months CSO $136,000 Offender did not reveal large loan. Offender had no prior record. Family and community supports.
R v Lawani,
1999 CanLII 3153 (ON CA), per curiam
ON CA suspended $21,000 Offender plead guilty to 6 counts of fraud under $5,000.
R v Cameron,
1999 ABQB 160 (CanLII), per Lee J
AB SC 30 days + P $17,000 Offender received welfare and did not disclose income, had also filed false medical reports. Occurred over 5 years. Offender was 61 years old and plead guilty. The judge rejected joint recommendation of 18 months CSO.
R v McIsaac
[1998] BCJ No. 1946, 1998 CanLII 4654 (BC SC), per Quijano J
BC SC discharge $44,546 both husband and wife on US disability for serious injuries. Received social assistance at same time.
R v Marcelino,
1998 CanLII 5530 (BC CA), per Southin JA
BC CA 3 month CSO $9,000

Offender received welfare and failed to disclose employment income.

R v Russell,
1997 CanLII 977 (ON CA), per curiam
ON CA 9 months over $28,000 Offender received welfare for over 20 months. He was 26 years old with a prior record for property offences.
R v Wolfchild,
1996 ABCA 78 (CanLII), per Hetherington JA
AB CA 60 days $3902 Summary of case is pending.
R v Carlson,
1996 CanLII 4936 (SK CA), per Wakeling JA
SK CA suspended $17,000 Offender failed to report income to social assistance over several years. Offender was 62 years old and in poor health. But for health issues, jail would have been ordered.
R v Reid,
1995 CanLII 4319 (NS CA), per Matthews JA
NS CA $5,545 50 days OFfender did not disclose he was receiving benefits from insurer from MV accident. Offender appealed sentence of 9 months which court found to be "clearly excessive". Offender was 41 years old with no prior record.
R c Gentilletti,
1995 CanLII 5087 (QC CA), per curiam
QC CA 10 months Offender cashed 7 social assistance cheques.
R v Knowles,
1994 CanLII 1912 (BC CA), per Taylor JA
BC CA Fine $ 4,200 Offender received welfare. He did not disclose assets.
R v Tanasichuk,
1994 CanLII 3915 (NB QB), per Riordon J
NB SC 6 months $37,000 Offender obtained social assistance over 9 months. He did not disclose that he was living with his partner. He was 26 years old. Had a prior record and was serving 3 year sentence on unrelated offence.
R v Friesen,
1994 CanLII 2011 (BC CA), per Taylor JA
BC CA 9 months over $12,000 Offender collected welfare over 5 years. Did not disclose her other income. She had a prior related record and had a history of dishonesty.
R v Wilton,
(1991), 93 Sask. R. 184(*no CanLII links)
SK CA 5 months Offender filed false documents to permit employee to receive unemployment insurance benefits. No prior record.
R v Roche,
1990 CanLII 6483 (NL CA), per Goodridge CJ
NL CA 1 month + fine over $10,000 Offender received UIC payments over three weeks. A total of 13 people were involved in similar schemes.
R v Pelley,
1990 CanLII 6495 (NL CA), per O'Neill JA
NL CA 6 months $100,000 UIC benefits. Offender was mastermind. Appeal from sentence of 1 day + fine.
R v Francis,
1990 CanLII 6485 (NL CA), per Mahoney JA
NL CA 30 days + P

The offender was chief of a native council. Offender issued a false record of employment. The offender did not benefit personally, however, he was in a position of trust.

R v Bingham,
1986 ABCA 45 (CanLII), per Forsyth JA
AB CA 4 months $4,000 Offender defrauded student loan program. Used money to support children.
(1986), 71 N.S.R.(2d) 268 (*no CanLII links)
NS CA Suspended Appeal from suspended sentence with 30 months probation. No restitution order.
R v Cahill,
1986 ABCA 7 (CanLII), per McClung JA
AB CA 3 years $63,000

The offender committed welfare fraud over 3 years. The offender was 40 years old. Plead guilty. Sophisticated scheme.

R v McMahon
[1983] BCJ No. 769 (C.A.)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 7 months $395 applied for social assistance on fake identity. The offender was aged 24. Was trying to support a partner.
R v Kemp
[1981] BCJ No. 446 (C.A.)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 90 days $2,600 offender collected welfare after getting a job. The offender was supporting 10-year-old daughter. 180 hours community service
R v Kranjc
[1980] OJ No 775 (C.A.)(*no CanLII links)
ON CA 5 months $7,344 fraudulently collected benefits for an eye injury already collected upon
R v Kirkwood
[1978] BCJ No. 612 (C.A.)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 9 months $7,300 defraud welfare over 3 months--offender was 33 years old with no record

Tax Fraud

Case Name Pr Ct Sentence Amount Summary
R v Tennina,
2013 ONSC 4694 (CanLII), per Gilmore J
ON SC 10 years $17 million elaborate tax evasion scheme
R v Kutum,
2013 ONCJ 241 (CanLII), per Schwarzl J
ON PC 2 years $1 million tax evasion
R v Stevenson,
2002 ABCA 41 (CanLII), per curiam
AB CA 3 years $1,307,800 Summary of case is pending.

Bankruptcy Fraud

Case Name Pr Ct Sentence Amount Summary
R v Yaremkevich,
2002 ABPC 174 (CanLII), per Allen J
AB PC $1,000 fine Charged under BIA. Summary election.
R v Levac‑Barton,
[2001] OJ No 5200 (Ont. Sup. Crt.)(*no CanLII links)
ON SC $2,000 fine Summary of case is pending.
R v Baines,
[1989] BCJ No. 372 (BCCA)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 90 days Summary of case is pending.
R v Sonntag
(1989) 8 W.C.B. (2d) 32 (Ont. Dist. Ct.)(*no CanLII links)
ON SC Suspended Sentence Summary of case is pending.
R v Laschuk
[1988] BCJ No. 99. (BCCA)(*no CanLII links)
BC CA 90 days Summary of case is pending.
R v Langille,
[1986] 60 C.B.R. (NS) 55 (NSCA) (*no CanLII links)
NS CA 4 months Summary of case is pending.


Nova Scotia

  • R v Pincock, [2]
    • November 5, 2018
    • $34,524
    • 90 days imprisonment, 2 years probation
  • R v Procenko, [3]
    • June 28, 2018
    • ~$250,000
    • 2 years imprisonment
  • [4]
    • Feb 13, 2018
    • 2 years imprisonment


  • R v [5]
    • 1 years CSO
    • $110 million


Defined Provincial
of Appeal


See Also