Drug Trafficking, Schedule I, Cocaine (Sentencing Cases)

From Criminal Law Notebook
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See also: Drug Trafficking, Schedule I (Sentencing Cases)

Mid to high level trafficking (over 5 oz / 141 gr)

Low level trafficking (5 oz/141 gr or less)

Undetermined Quantity

Case Name Prov. Crt. Sentence Drug / Quant. Summary
R v Oraha, 2014 ONCA 359 (CanLII), per curiam 9 years (global) charged with trafficking MDMA, meth, and cocaine {{{4}}} {{{5}}} {{{6}}}
R v David, 2013 NSSC 83 (CanLII), per Duncan J 4 years, 5 months (global) Sheriff assists in smuggling in drugs (resin, MDMA, cocaine, prescription drugs) into jail for well-known crime figure {{{4}}} {{{5}}} {{{6}}}
R v Bremner, 2006 NSSC 367 (CanLII), per Goodfellow J 4 years Offender was involved in trafficking cocaine while incarcerated. Record: long record with 29 convictions, including those for drugs, violence and breaches Orders: Lifetime firearms prohibition. Comments: sentence is consecutive to sentence currently being served. {{{4}}} {{{5}}} {{{6}}}

Couriers and Other Parties

Case Name Prov. Crt. Sentence Drug / Quant. Summary
R v Jenkins
2008 BCPC 286 (CanLII), per Galati J
40 months 11 kg acting as courier {{{5}}} {{{6}}}
R v Brown
2006 ABCA 339 (CanLII), per O’Brien JA
5.5 years {{{5}}} {{{6}}}
R v Grossman
[1998] BCJ No. 63 (S.C.), 1998 CanLII 2432 (BC SC), per Romilly J
{{{5}}} {{{6}}}


Case Name Prov. Crt. Sentence Drug / Quant. Summary
R v DiQuinzio,
2014 BCCA 125 (CanLII), per Frankel JA
12 years tried to buy 50 kg of cocaine from an undercover officer {{{5}}} {{{6}}}
R v Kane
2012 NLCA 53 (CanLII), per Welsh JA
2 years less a day {{{5}}} {{{6}}}
R v Wong
2005 ABPC 72 (CanLII), per McDonald J
4.5 years drugs and guns {{{5}}} {{{6}}}