List of Straight Indictable Offences (History)

From Criminal Law Notebook

Straight Indictable Offences

See also: List of Straight Indictable Offences

Maximum Punishment of Life

Offence Section Minimums Mandatory Consecutive Time
Keep trap and cause death in place to commit offence
Until September 19, 2019
247(1) and 247(5) None No
Flight from police cause death
Until December 18, 2018
249.1(3), (4)(b) None No
Cause death by criminal negligence (street racing)
Until December 18, 2018
249.2 None No
Cause death by dangerous driving (street racing)
Until December 18, 2018
249.4(4) None No
Failure to stop at scene of accident (victim dead or reckless as to death)
Until December 18, 2018
252(1.3) None No
Impaired driving causing death
Until December 18, 2018
255(3) $1,000 fine, 30 days or 90 days jail No
Blood alcohol level over .08 and death
Until December 18, 2018
255(3.1) $1,000 fine, 30 days or 90 days jail No
Fail to provide breath sample and death
Until December 18, 2018
255(3.2) $1,000 fine, 30 days or 90 days jail No
Importation and exportation of drugs (Schedule I)
1996 to March 13, 2012
CDSA 6 None No
drug production (Schedule I)
1996 to March 13, 2012
CDSA 7(2)(a) None No
drug production (Schedule II)
1996 to March 13, 2012
CDSA 7(2)(a) None No
drug production (Schedule I)
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 7(2)(a) 2 years No
drug production (Schedule I)
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 7(2)(a) 3 year (if agg. factors made out) No
drug production (Schedule II), for purpose of trafficking
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 7(2)(a.1) 1 year No
drug production (Schedule II), for purpose of trafficking
From March 13, 2012
CDSA 7(2)(a.1) 18 months (if agg. factors made out) No

Maximum Punishment is Imprisonment for 14 Years

Offence Section Minimums Mandatory Consecutive Time
From August 9, 2012
155 5 years (if victim under age of 16) No
1985 to August 9, 2012
155 None No
sexual assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm, victim under 16
August 9, 2012 to July 17, 2015
272(2)(a.2) 5 years jail No
Dangerous operation of motor vehicle cause death
Until December 18, 2018
249(4) None No
Flight from police cause bodily harm
Until December 18, 2018
249.1(3), (4)(a) None No
Cause bodily harm by criminal negligence (street racing)
Until December 18, 2018
249.3 None No
Cause bodily harm by dangerous driving (street racing)
Until December 18, 2018
249.4(3) None No
Public servant refusing to deliver property 337 None No

Maximum Punishment of 10 years

Offence Section Minimums Consecutive Time
Until September 19, 2019
52(1) None No
Concealing identity during a riot
Until September 19, 2019
65(2) None No
Obstruct justice with elements of aggravation
Until September 19, 2019
139(2) None No
Prison Breach
Until September 19, 2019
144 None No
Parent or guardian procuring sexual activity under 16
August 9, 2012 to July 17, 2015
170(a) 1 year jail No
Criminal negligence causing bodily harm
Until September 19, 2019
221 None No
Set trap and actually cause bodily harm
Until September 19, 2019
247(2) None No
Keep trap to cause bodily harm to commit offence
Until September 19, 2019
247(3) None No
Impeding attempt to save life
Until September 19, 2019
262 None No
Profiting from trafficking in persons
Until September 19, 2019
279.02(1) None No
Abduction of person under fourteen (other than parent or guardian)
Until September 19, 2019
281 None No
Material benefit from sexual services
Until September 19, 2019
286.2(1) None No
Theft of cattle
Until September 19, 2019
338(2) None No
Destroying documents of title
Until September 19, 2019
340 None No
Possession of break-in instruments
Until ??
351(1) None No
Disguise with intent
Until September 19, 2019
351(2) None No
Bring into Canada property obtained by crime
Until September 19, 2019
357 None No
False pretence over $5,000 or involving a testamentary instrument
Until September 19, 2019
362(2)(a) None No
Fraudulent manipulation of stock exchange deals
Until September 19, 2019
382 None No
Prohibited insider trading
Until September 19, 2019
382.1(1) None No
Offences in relation to mines
Until September 19, 2019
396(1) None No
False prospectus
Until September 19, 2019
400(1) None No
Threat against U.N. or associated personnel
Until September 19, 2019
424.1 None No
Arson for fraudulent purpose
Until September 19, 2019
435(1) None No
Interference with signal, buoy or sea-mark used for the purpose of navigation
Until September 19, 2019
439(2) None No
Breach of long-term supervision order
Until September 19, 2019
753.3 None No

Maximum Punishment of 10 years less a day

Offence Section Minimums Consecutive Time
Assist in Drug Production
2011 to May 18, 2017
CDSA 7.1 None No

Maximum Punishment is Imprisonment for 5 Years

Offence Section Minimums Mandatory Consecutive Time
Possession of forged passport
Until September 19, 2019
57(3) None No
Offences respecting military stores
Until September 19, 2019
62 None No
Unlawful training or drilling of milita
Until September 19, 2019
70 None No
Possession of explosive without lawful excuse
Until September 19, 2019
82(1) None No
Fraud on government
Until September 19, 2019
121(3) None No
Breach of trust by public officer
Until September 19, 2019
122 None No
Bribing municipal official
Until September 19, 2019
123(1) None No
Influencing municipal official
Until September 19, 2019
123(2) None No
Selling or purchasing office
Until September 19, 2019
124 None No
Influencing appointment in office
Until September 19, 2019
125 None No
Corruptly taking reward
Until September 19, 2019
142 None No
Rescue or permitting escape
Until September 19, 2019
147 None No
Aid prisoner of war to escape
Until September 19, 2019
148 None No
Parent or guardian procuring sexual activity under 16
February 28, 2008 to August 9, 2012
170(a) 6 months jail Yes (s. 718.2(7))a
Parent or guardian procuring sexual activity under 14
November 1, 2005 to February 28, 2008
170(a) 6 months jail No
Parent or guardian procuring sexual activity under 18 but at least 16
August 9, 2012 to July 17, 2015
170(b) 6 months jail No
Householder permitting sexual activity under 16
July 2, 2008 to July 17, 2015
171(a) 6 months jail No
Householder permitting sexual activity under 14
November 1, 2005 to July 2, 2008
171(a) 6 months jail No
Indignity or neglect of dead body
Until September 19, 2019
182 None No
Intercept of Private Communications
Until September 19, 2019
184 None No
Interception of communication
Until September 19, 2019
184(1) None No
Interception of radio-based telephone communications
Until September 19, 2019
184.5(1) None No
Communicating with under 18 for prostitution [Repealed] 212(4) 6 months jail No
Until September 19, 2019
237 None No
Neglect to obtain assistance and concealing birth
Until September 19, 2019
242 None No
Set trap likely to cause bodily harm 247(1) None No
Unworthy vessel or aircraft 251(1) None No
Withholding or destroying documents in respect of human trafficking - victim 18 years and above
Until September 19, 2019
279.03(1) None No
Abduction of person under 16
Until September 19, 2019
280(1) None No
Until September 19, 2019
291(1) None No
Procuring feigned marriage
Until September 19, 2019
292(1) None No
Until September 19, 2019
293(1) None No
Forced marriage
Until September 19, 2019
293.1 None No
Marriage under age of 16 years
Until September 19, 2019
293.2 None No
Publishing defamatory libel knowing it to be false
Until September 19, 2019
300 None No
Extortion by libel
Until September 19, 2019
302(3) None No
Hate propaganda 318(1) None No
Fraud respecting cattle
Until September 19, 2019
338(1) None No
Drift timber fraud
Until September 19, 2019
339(1) None No
Obtaining execution of valuable security by fraud
Until September 19, 2019
363 None No
Offence involving counterfeit proclamation by Government
[Repealed, 2018, c. 29, s. 42]
370 None No
Telegram in false name
[Repealed, 2018, c. 29, s. 42]
371 None No
Damaging documents
Until September 19, 2019
377(1) None No
Offences in relation to registers
Until September 19, 2019
378 None No
Gaming in stock or merchandise
Until September 19, 2019
383(1) None No
reducing stock by selling for own account
Until September 19, 2019
384 None No
Fraudulent registration of title
Until September 19, 2019
386 None No
Fraud in relation to valuable minerals by holder of lease or licence
Until September 19, 2019
394(1) None No
Sale of valuable mineral save by lawful authority
Until September 19, 2019
394(2) None No
Purchase of valuable mineral save from owner
Until September 19, 2019
394(3) None No
Possession of stolen or fraudulently obtained valuable minerals
Until September 19, 2019
394.1(3) None No
Falsification of books and documents
Until September 19, 2019
397(1) None No
Participation in falsification of books and docs
Until September 19, 2019
397(2) None No
False return by public officer
Until September 19, 2019
399 None No
Acknowledging instrument in false name
Until September 19, 2019
405 None No
Threat against an internationally protected person
Until September 19, 2019
424 None No
Secret commission
Until September 19, 2019
426(3) None No
Arson by negligence
Until September 19, 2019
436(1) None No
Possession of incendiary material
Until September 19, 2019
436.1 None No
Interference with saving of wrecked vessel
Until September 19, 2019
438(1) None No
Occupant injuring building
Until September 19, 2019
441 None No
Interfere with international boundary line
Until September 19, 2019
443(1) None No
Having clippings for gold without justification
Until September 19, 2019
451 None No
Advertising and dealing in counterfeit money
Until September 19, 2019
460(1) None No
Conspiracy to commit an indictable offence punishable by less than 14 years
Until September 19, 2019
465(1)(b)(ii) None No
Participation in activities of criminal organization
Until September 19, 2019
467.11(1) None Yes (s. 467.14)
Recruitment of members by a criminal organization 467.111 None Yes (s. 467.14)
Recruitment of members under the age of 18 by a criminal organization 467.111 6 months imprisonment Yes (s. 467.14)

Maximum Punishment is Imprisonment for 2 Years

Offence Section Minimums Mandatory Consecutive Time
Fraudulent use of citizenship certificate
Until September 19, 2019
58(1) None No
Participating in a riot
Until September 19, 2019
65(1) None No
Peace officer’s neglect in riot situation
Until September 19, 2019
69 None No
Until December 13, 2018
71 None No
Disobeying a statute where no other set sentence
Until September 19, 2019
126(1) None No
Misconduct by officers executing process
Until September 19, 2019
128 None No
False affidavits
Until September 19, 2019
138 None No
Compounding indictable offence
Until September 19, 2019
141(1) None No
Permitting or assisting escape
Until September 19, 2019
146 None No
Parent or guardian procuring sexual activity under 18 but at least 16
February 28, 2008 to August 9, 2012
170(b) 45 days jail No
Parent or guardian procuring sexual activity under 18 but at least 16
November 1, 2005 to February 28, 2008
170(b) 45 days jail No
Householder permitting sexual activity under 18 but at least 16
August 9, 2012 to July 17, 2015
171(b) 90 days jail No
Householder permitting sexual activity under 18 but at least 16
July 2, 2008 to August 9, 2012
171(b) 45 days jail No
Householder permitting sexual activity under 18 but at least 14
(November 1, 2005 to July 2, 2008)
171(b) 45 days jail No
Corrupting children
Until September 19, 2019
172(1) None No
Obstructing or violence to or arrest of officiating clergyman
Until September 19, 2019
176(1) None No
Common nuisance
Until September 19, 2019
180(1) None No
Spread false news
Repealed s. 2019, c. 25, s. 62
181 None No
Possession of equipment for wiretapping illegally
Until September 19, 2019
191(1) None No
Disclosure of information from wiretap
Until September 19, 2019
193(1) None No
Disclosure of information from wiretap
Until September 19, 2019
193.1(1) None No
Keeping gaming or betting house
Until September 19, 2019
201(1) None No
Lotteries Offences respecting lotteries
Until September 19, 2019
206(1) None No
Cheating at play
Until September 19, 2019
209 None No
Keeping common bawdy-house
210(1) None No
Concealing body of child
Until September 19, 2019
243 None No
Administering a Noxious Substance (with intent to aggrieve or annoy that person)
Until September 19, 2019
245(1)(b) None No
Female person aborting pregnancy [repealed, 2019] 287(2) None No
Supplying noxious thing to produce miscarriage
Until December 13, 2018
288 None No
Pretending to solemnize marriage
Until September 19, 2019
294 None No
Solemnizing marriage contrary to law
Until September 19, 2019
295 None No
Publishing defamatory libel (not aggravating under s. 300)
Until September 19, 2019
301 None No
Possess device to obtain telecommunication service
Until ??
327(1) None No
Fraudulent concealment
Until September 19, 2019
341 None No
Possession of instruments to break into coin machines
Until September 19, 2019
352 None No
Sale of automobile master key
Until September 19, 2019
353(1) None No
False message
Until March 9, 2015
372(1) None No
Using mails to defraud
Until September 19, 2019
381 None No
Fraudulent concealment of title documents
Until September 19, 2019
385(1) None No
Fraudulent sale of real property
Until September 19, 2019
387 None No
Misleading receipt
Until September 19, 2019
388 None No
Fraudulent disposal of goods on which $ advanced
Until September 19, 2019
389(1) None No
Fraudulent receipts under Bank Act
Until September 19, 2019
390 None No
Disposal of property to defraud creditors
Until September 19, 2019
392 None No
Fraud in relation to fares
Until September 19, 2019
393(1) None No
Offering advantage to avoid paying fare
Until September 19, 2019
393(2) None No
Trader failing to keep accounts 402(1) None No
Applying or removing marks without authority
Until September 19, 2019
417(1) None No
Remove natural bar without permission
Until September 19, 2019
440 None No
Utter counterfeit coin
Until September 19, 2019
453 None No