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From Criminal Law Notebook
Abandoning Child (Offence) Abandon d’un enfant (infraction)
Abandoning Child (Sentencing Cases) Abandon d'un enfant (jurisprudence des peines)
Abandonment (Defence) Abandon_(défense)
Abduction of a Young Person (Offence) Enlèvement d’une jeune (infraction)
Abduction of a Young Person (Sentencing Cases) Enlèvement d’une jeune (jurisprudence des peines)
Aboriginal Sentencing Principles and Factors Principes et facteurs de détermination de la peine pour les autochtones
Abortion (Unconstitutional Offence)
Absolute and Exclusive Jurisdiction Offences
Abuse of Process
Abuse of Process Remedies
Abuse of Process by Crown Counsel
Abuse of Process by Law Enforcement
Acceptance of Evidence
Access to Court-Filed Exhibits
Access to Records Relating to Youth Prosecutions
Access to Things Detained Under Section 490
Accessory After the Fact
Accident and Mistake
Accused Arrest Warrants for Failing to Attend Court
Accused in Court
Acting in Authority
Actus Reus and Mens Rea
Administering a Noxious Substance (Offence)
Administering a Noxious Substance (Sentencing Cases)
Administrative Tribunals
Admission of Breath or Blood Sample
Admission of Certain Complainant Evidence for Sexual Offences
Admission of Hearsay Evidence at Preliminary Inquiry
Admissions and Confessions
Admissions from Mr Big Operations
Admissions of Fact
Admissions to Undercover Officers or Agents
Admitting Wiretap Evidence
Adoptive and Implied Admissions
Adult Sentences for Young Offenders
Adverse and Hostile Witnesses
Age of Consent in Sexual Offences
Aggravated Assault (Offence)
Aggravated Assault (Sentencing Cases)
Aggravated Assault (Sentencing Cases) (Prior to 2001)
Aggravated Sexual Assault (Offence)
Aggravating and Mitigating Factors
Agree or Arrange a Sexual Offence Against Child (Offence)
Air of Reality Test
Alberta Court of Justice
Alberta Court of Justice (Historical)
Alternative Measures
Alternative Methods of Theft
Alternative Suspect Evidence
Amendments to Charges
Amicus Curae
Anal Intercourse (Unconstitutional Offence)
Analyzing Testimony Analyse des témoignages
Ancillary Orders
Ancillary Powers Doctrine
Animal Cruelty (Offence)
Animal Cruelty (Sentencing Cases)
Animal Prohibition Orders
Annual Wiretap Reports
Appeal Procedure
Appeal Procedure For Indictable Convictions
Appeal Procedure For Summary Convictions
Appeal of Mental Illness Dispositions
Appeal of an Error of Law
Appeal on Miscarriage of Justice
Appeals Other Than Verdicts or Sentences
Appeals Relating to Young Persons
Appeals to the Supreme Court of Canada
Appearance Before a Youth Justice
Appellate Evidence
Appellate Powers to Dismiss an Appeal from Conviction
Appellate Review of an LTO or DO Designation
Application for High Risk Designation
Application for Parole
Application for Relief from Proceeds Forfeiture
Applications and Motions Procedure
Applying for Judicial Authorizations
Arraignment and Plea
Arrest Procedure
Arrest Warrant for Breach of Court Orders (Until December 18, 2019)
Arrest Warrants for Accused Persons
Arrest Warrants for Witnesses
Arrest and Detention
Arrest by a Citizen
Arson (Offence)
Arson (Sentencing Cases)
Assault (Offence) Voies de fait (infraction)
Assault (Sentencing Cases)
Assault Causing Bodily Harm (Sentencing Cases)
Assault Peace Officer (Offence)
Assault Peace Officer or Persons in Authority (Sentencing Cases)
Assault by a Person in Authority (Sentencing Cases)
Assault with a Weapon (Sentencing Cases)
Assault with a Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm (Offence)
Assaults Relating to Persons in Authority (Sentencing Cases)
Assessment for Fitness and Criminal Responsibility
Assistance Orders
Assisted Dying Offences (Offence)
Assisted Dying Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Attempted Murder (Offence)
Attempted Murder (Sentencing Cases)
Attempts and Accessories After the Fact (Offence)
Attempts and Accessories After the Fact (Sentencing Cases)
Authorization to Provide Property or Services to Terrorist Group
Authorizations to Commit Illegal Acts
Autrefois Acquit and Autrefois Convict
Bail Consequences Upon Alleged Misconduct
Bail Hearing Evidence
Bail Hearings
Bail Pending Appeal
Bail Release Form
Bail Review
Bail Revocation and Termination (Until December 18, 2019)
Bail for Young Accused
Best Evidence Rule
Bestiality (Offence)
Bestiality (Sentencing Cases)
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Bias, Interest, and Corruption in Assessing Credibility
Blood Sample Warrants in Conveyance Investigations
Body Print Impression Warrant
Breach Within the Presumptive Ceiling
Breach of DNA Orders (Offence)
Breach of Preservation and Production Obligations (Offence)
Breach of Public Trust (Offence)
Breach of Public Trust (Sentencing Cases)
Breach of Publication and Access Bans (Offence)
Breach of Release Conditions
Breach of SOIRA Orders (Offence)
Breach of Section 161 Orders (Offence)
Breach of Section 161 Orders (Sentencing Cases)
Breach of Trust (Offence)
Breach of Trust (Sentencing Cases)
Breach of Undertaking, Recognizance, or Probation, Failing to Attend (Sentencing Cases)
Breach of Undertaking, Release Order or Probation Order (Offence)
Breach of a Youth Order (Offence)
Break and Enter, Non-Dwelling (Sentencing Cases)
Break and Enter, Private Dwelling (Sentencing Cases)
Break and Enter (Offence)
Break and Enter (Sentencing Cases)
Bribery (Offence)
Bribery (Sentencing Cases)
British Columbia Court of Appeal
British Columbia Court of Appeal (Historical)
Burden of Proof
Business Records
Business Records Under Common Law
Business Records Under the Canada Evidence Act
CCRA Schedules
CDSA Schedules
CDSA Warrants
Cannabis-related Offences (Offence)
Careless Use or Storage of a Firearm (Offence)
Carrying a Concealed Weapon (Offence)
Case-by-Case Privilege
Case Management
Causation of Death
Causing a Disturbance (Offence)
Causing a Disturbance (Sentencing Cases)
Challenge for Cause
Challenge for Cause (Prior to September 19, 2019)
Challenge to Jury Panel
Change of Venue
Change of Venue (Case Digests)
Character Evidence
Character of Accused
Character of Non-Accused Persons
Charter Applications
Charter Issues in Sentencing
Charter Remedies
Child Luring (Offence)
Child Luring (Sentencing Cases)
Child Pornography (Offence)
Child Pornography (Sentencing Cases)
Child Pornography (Trial Verdicts)
Child Pornography (Youth Sentencing Cases)
Child Pornography Defences
Child Pornography Private Use Defence
Child Pornography Sentencing
Choice of Language
Circumstantial Evidence
Circumstantial Evidence (Case Digests)
Civil Forfeiture
Co-Conspirators Exception to Hearsay
Collateral Consequences of Proceedings as a Sentencing Factor
Collateral Fact Rule
Colour of Right
Commodification of Sexual Services (Offence)
Commodification of Sexual Services (Sentencing Cases)
Common Law Peace Bonds
Communicating Venereal Diseases (Repealed Offence)
Compelling Attendance by Accused Without Arrest
Compelling Attendance of Witnesses
Compelling the Accused to Attend Court
Competence and Compellability
Competence of Children and Witnesses of Diminished Capacity
Competence of Witnesses to Testify
Complainant's Sexual History (Prior to December 13, 2018)
Complainant Sexual Activity Evidence and Related Evidence
Computer-related Search Issues
Concurrent and Consecutive Sentences
Concurrent and Consecutive Youth Sentences
Conditional Sentence Breaches
Conditional Sentences
Conditional Supervision Order
Confessions by Young Persons
Confidential Informers
Conflicts of Interest
Confrontation Rule
Consent Search
Consent Wiretaps
Consent in Sexual Offences
Consent to Physical Contact
Consequences of Criminal Records After Sentencing
Consequences of a Dangerous Offender Designation
Consequences of a Long Term Offender Designation
Conspiracies and Criminal Organizations (Sentencing Cases)
Conspiracy (Offence)
Constitutional Challenges to Legislation
Contempt of Court (Common Law)
Contempt of Court (Offence)
Contempt of Court (Sentencing Cases)
Continued Detention After Appearing Before a Justice
Conversion Therapy (Offence)
Conveyance Offence Causing Bodily Harm or Death (Offence)
Conveyance Offences
Copying, Deleting and Identifying Data From Computer System Custodians
Corbett Application
Corrective Force
Costs Coûts
Counselling or Aiding Suicide (Offence)
Counselling or Aiding Suicide (Sentencing Cases)
Counterfeiting (Offence)
Counterfeiting (Sentencing Cases)
Counterfeiting (Trial Verdicts)
Court Appointed Counsel
Court Membership
Court of Appeal for Ontario
Court of Appeal for Ontario (Historical)
Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan
Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan (Historical)
Court of Appeal of Alberta
Court of Appeal of Alberta (Historical)
Court of Appeal of Prince Edward Island
Court of King's Bench for Saskatchewan
Court of King's Bench for Saskatchewan (Historical)
Court of King's Bench of Alberta
Court of King's Bench of Alberta (Historical)
Court of King's Bench of Manitoba
Court of King's Bench of Manitoba (Historical)
Court of King's Bench of New Brunswick
Court of King's Bench of New Brunswick (Historical)
Court of Quebec
Court of Quebec (Historical)
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Credibility (Evidence Cases)
Credibility Based on Prior Criminal Record
Credibility and Reliability of Child Witnesses
Credibility of Complainants or Victims
Criminal Code Forms
Criminal Code Forms (Form 1 to 5.3)
Criminal Code Forms (Form 31 to 54)
Criminal Code Forms (Form 6 to 30)
Criminal Code Schedules
Criminal Code Section Cheat Sheet
Criminal Code Structure
Criminal Code and Related Definitions
Criminal Courts
Criminal Harassment (Offence)
Criminal Harassment (Sentencing Cases)
Criminal Law in the Canadian Territories
Criminal Negligence (Offence)
Criminal Negligence (Sentencing Cases)
Criminal Organizations
Crown Duty to Disclose Obligation de la Couronne de divulguer]]
Crown Election
Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Curative Discharges (Until December 13, 2018)
Custody and Supervision Orders
DNA Orders
Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance (Offence)
Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance (Sentencing Cases)
Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle (Repealed Offence)
De Minimus Non Curat Lex
Deceit, Falsehood, or Other Fraudulent Means
Defamatory Libel (Offence)
Defamatory Libel (Sentencing Cases)
Defamatory Libel Defences
Defence Delay Under Jordan Framework
Defence Election
Defence Election for Young Accused
Defence Re-Election
Defence of Necessity
Defence of Property
Defence of Property (Pre-2013 Amendments)
Defiling (Repealed Offence)
Definition of Bodily Harm
Definition of Child Pornography
Definition of Crown, Prosecutor and Attorney General
Definition of Dwelling House
Definition of Firearms
Definition of Judicial Officers and Offices
Definition of Prohibited Device and Ammunition
Definition of Prohibited Firearms
Definition of Restricted Firearms
Definition of Terms Relating to Transactions and Transferences
Definition of Weapons
Definitions for General Documents, Legal Documents and Financial Instruments
Definitions of Parties, Persons, Places and Organizations
Delayed Parole Eligibility
Demonstrative Evidence
Denunciation and Deterrence
Detention Order for Things Seized Under Section 489 or 487.11
Direct Evidence
Direct Indictments
Directed Verdicts
Disarming a Peace Officer (Offence)
Discharging a Firearm (Offence)
Discharging a Juror
Disclosure of Third Party Records
Discretionary Exclusion of Evidence
Disobeying a Statute or Court Order (Offence)
Disobeying a Statute or Court Order (Sentencing Cases)
Disposition Form (Adult)
Disposition Form (Youth)
Dispositions for Young Offenders
Disreputable and Unsavoury Witnesses
Distributing and Making Available Child Pornography (Sentencing Cases)
Distribution, Making Available, and Making Child Pornography
Distribution of Intimate Images (Offence)
Distribution of Intimate Images (Sentencing Cases)
Documentary Evidence
Draft Form of Charges
Draft Informations and Indictments
Draft Jury Decision Trees
Driving Prohibition Orders
Driving While Disqualified (Repealed Offence)
Driving While Prohibited (Offence)
Drug Offences
Drug Possession (Offence)
Drug Possession (Sentencing Cases)
Drug Production (Offence)
Drug Production (Sentencing Cases)
Drug Trafficking
Drug Trafficking, Schedule I, Cocaine (Sentencing Cases)
Drug Trafficking, Schedule I, Opiates (Sentencing Cases)
Drug Trafficking, Schedule I, Other (Sentencing Cases)
Drug Trafficking, Schedule III (Sentencing)
Drug Trafficking, Schedule III and IV (Sentencing Cases)
Drug Trafficking, Schedule II (Sentencing)
Drug Trafficking, Schedule II (Sentencing Cases)
Drug Trafficking, Schedule IV (Sentencing)
Drug Trafficking, Schedule I (Sentencing)
Drug Trafficking (Offence)
Drug Trafficking (Sentencing Cases)
Dual Status Offenders
Due Diligence
Duration of SOIRA Orders
Duty of Care
Duty to Deliver Detainee to a Justice Without Unreasonable Delay
Early Termination of SOIRA Orders
Effect of Criminal Records in Sentencing
Electing a Preliminary Inquiry
Electronic Documents and Records
Emergency Firearms Prohibition Orders
Employer Liability Offences
Employment Status as a Factor of Sentencing
Entry into Place to Execute an Arrest Warrant
Enumerated Purposes of Sentencing
Escape from Lawful Custody (Offence)
Escape from Lawful Custody (Sentencing Cases)
Established Areas of Informational Privacy
Established Areas of Jury Instruction
Established Areas of Personal Privacy
Established Areas of Privacy
Established Areas of Territorial Privacy
Established Fields of Expert Evidence
Estreatment of Recognizance
Evidence by Commission
Ex Parte Trial Proceedings
Example Final Jury Instructions
Example Final Jury Instructions (Conclusion, Deliberation and Parole)
Example Final Jury Instructions (Duties)
Example Final Jury Instructions (Evidence)
Example Final Jury Instructions (General Principles)
Example Final Jury Instructions (Offences and Defences)
Example Jury Instructions
Example Jury Selection Instructions
Example Mid-Trial Jury Instructions
Example Preliminary Jury Instructions
Exceptions to Solicitor-Client Privilege
Excluding People From Court
Exclusion of Evidence Under Section 24(2) of the Charter
Execution of Search Warrants
Exemption for Medical Emergency
Exemptions for Gaming Offences
Exemptions for Lottery Offences
Expert Evidence in Drug Trafficking
Expert Evidence in Psychology and Psychiatry
Extending an Initial Detention Order
Extortion (Offence)
Extortion (Sentencing Cases)
Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction of the Courts
Extrajudicial Measures for Young Offenders
Extraordinary Circumstances in Jordan Delay Analysis
Eyewitness Identification
Fabricating Evidence (Offence)
Factors of Youth Sentencing
Failed Amendments
Failing to Provide the Necessaries of Life (Offence)
Failing to Provide the Necessities of Life (Sentencing Cases)
Failure to Attend Court or Appear (Offence)
Failure to Stop or Remain at Scene of Accident (Offence)
Failure to Stop or Remain at Scene of Accident (Repealed Offence)
Failure to Stop or Remain at Scene of Accident (Sentencing Cases)
Financial Institution Records
Financing Terrorist Activity (Offence)
Fine in Lieu of Forfeiture
Firearms Prohibition Orders
Fitness to Stand Trial
Flight from a Peace Officer (Offence)
Flight from a Peace Officer (Repealed Offence)
Flight from a Peace Officer (Sentencing Cases)
Forcible Entry (Offence)
Forcible Entry (Sentencing Cases)
Foreign Warrants
Forfeiture Orders
Forfeiture of Computer-related Property
Forfeiture of Offence-related Property
Forfeiture of Offence-related Property Under the CDSA
Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime
Forfeiture of Proceeds of Crime (Organized Crime)
Forfeiture of Things Detained Under Section 490
Forfeiture of Weapons and Firearms
Forgery (Offence)
Forgery (Sentencing Cases)
Form and Content of Charges
Fraud-based Offences
Fraud (Offence)
Fraud (Trial Verdicts)
Fraud Prohibition Orders
Fraud on the Government (Sentencing Cases)
Frauds on the Government (Offence)
Frauds on the Government (Sentencing Cases)
Functus Officio
Gambling-related Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Gambling Offences (Offence)
Gaming House Warrants
General Production Orders
General Warrants
Generic Decision
Giving Contradictory Evidence (Offence)
Giving a False Sworn Statement (Offence)
Grounds for Detention
Grounds for Release (Until December 18, 2019)
Grounds of Appeal from Sentence
Grounds of Appeal from Verdicts
Guilty Plea
Guilty Plea Checklist
Habeas Corpus
Hate Propaganda Warrants and Forfeiture Orders
Health and Substance Abuse as a Sentencing Factor
Historical Provisions Concerning Arrest Warrants for Accused Persons
History of Abduction
History of Aggravated Sexual Assault
History of Agree or Arrange a Sexual Offence Against Child
History of Animal Cruelty (Offence)
History of Appeal Provisions
History of Appeal Provisions (Section 686)
History of Appeal Provisions (Sections 675 and 676)
History of Appeal Provisions (Sections 813 and 830)
History of Assault Peace Officer
History of Assault with a Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm (Offence)
History of Bestiality (Offence)
History of Breach of Undertaking, Release Order or Probation
History of Child Luring
History of Child Pornography Offences
History of Assault (Offence)
History of Conditional Sentences
History of Conveyance Offences
History of Detention Provisions (Sections 489, 489.1 and 490)
History of Driving While Disqualified
History of Drug Offences
History of Failure to Stop or Remain at Scene of Accident
History of Fraud Offences
History of Gambling Offences
History of Gross Indecency (Repealed Offence)
History of Homicide
History of Householder Permitting Sexual Activity (Offence)
History of Incest (Offence)
History of Indecent Act
History of Invitation to Sexual Touching (Offence)
History of Judicial Review of Parole Ineligibility for Murder
History of Kidnapping and Unlawful Confinement
History of Making Sexually Explicit Materials Available to Child
History of Mischief Offences
History of Parent or Guardian Procuring Sexual Activity (Offence)
History of Possession of Unauthorized Firearms (Offence)
History of Possession of a Firearm in an Unauthorized Place (Offence)
History of Possession of a Restricted or Prohibited Firearm (Offence)
History of Procuring and Living on the Avails of Prostitution (Offence)
History of Public Incitement of Hatred
History of SOIRA Orders
History of Section 161 Orders
History of Sexual Assault
History of Sexual Assault with a Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm
History of Sexual Exploitation
History of Sexual Interference (Offence)
History of Sexual Offences
History of Trafficking in Persons
History of Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm (Offence)
History of Use of Firearm in Commission of an Offence
History of Uttering Threats (Offence)
History of Weapons Trafficking (Offence)
History of the Purpose and Principles of Sentencing
History of the Purposes and Principles of Youth Sentencing
Hoax Regarding Terrorist Activity (Offence)
Homicide (Offence)
Homicide (Sentencing Cases)
Homicide Offences
Honest But Mistaken Belief in Communicated Consent
Hostage Taking (Offence)
Hostage Taking (Sentencing Cases)
Householder Permitting Sexual Activity (Offence)
Identity Fraud (Offence)
Identity Theft (Offence)
Identity Theft and Fraud (Sentencing Cases)
Immigration Consequences from a Conviction
Impaired Driving, Over 80 and Refusal Causing Bodily Harm or Death (Repealed Offence)
Impaired or Dangerous Operation, Over 80 and Refusal Causing Bodily Harm or Death (Sentencing Cases)
Implementation Component to Right to Counsel
Importing and Exporting Drugs (Offence)
Importing and Exporting Drugs (Sentencing Cases)
Importing or Exporting Drug Paraphernalia (Repealed) (Sentencing Cases)
Importing or Exporting Drug Paraphernalia (Repealed Offence)
Incest (Offence)
Incest (Sentencing Cases)
Indecent Act (Offence)
Indecent Act (Sentencing Cases)
Indecent Assault (Repealed Offence)
Indecent Assault (Sentencing Cases)
Independence, Impartiality and Lack of Bias of Expert Witnesses
Inducing a Young Person (Offence)
Ineffective Counsel
Infanticide (Offence)
Information to Obtain a Judicial Authorization Informations pour obtenir une autorisation judiciaire
Informational Component to Right to Counsel
Informations and Indictments
Informer Privilege
Initial Post-Charge Detention
Innocent Possession
Intercept of Private Communications (Offence)
Intercept of Private Communications (Sentencing Cases)
Interim Remedies Pending Appeal
Interpreting Legislative Amendments
Intimate Partner Violence (Sentencing Cases)
Intimate Partner Violence Sentencing
Intimidation (Offence)
Intimidation (Sentencing Cases)
Intimidation Impeding Health Services (Offence)
Intimidation of a Justice System Participant (Offence)
Intimidation of a Justice System Participant (Sentencing Cases)
Introduction to Evidence
Introduction to Procedure and Practice
Introduction to Search and Seizure
Inventory Searches
Investigative Detention
Invitation to Sexual Touching (Offence)
Invitation to Sexual Touching (Sentencing Cases)
Issue Estoppel
Issuing Process
Joinder and Severance of Charges
Judicial Authorization Chart
Judicial Authorization Standard of Review
Judicial Authorizations
Judicial Immunity
Judicial Interim Release
Judicial Intervention During Trial
Judicial Neutrality and Bias
Judicial Notice
Judicial Referral Hearing
Judicial Review
Judicial Review of Parole Ineligibility for Murder
Judicial Stay of Proceedings
Jump, Step and Gap Principles
Jurisdiction of the Courts
Juror Eligibility
Jury Deliberations
Jury Instructions
Jury Procedure
Jury Questions
Jury Selection
Justifiable Limitations on Rights
Juvenile Delinquents Act
Keeping a Common Bawdy-house (Repealed Offence)
Keeping a Common Bawdy-house (Sentencing Cases)
Kidnapping and Unlawful Confinement (Offence)
Kidnapping and Unlawful Confinement (Sentencing Cases)
Kienapple Principle
Knowledge and Wilful Blindness
Lay Opinion Evidence
Laying of an Information
Legal Profession Offences
Legal Profession Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Legal Profession Regulation
Legal Requirements for Qualified Expert Evidence
Lesser Included Offences
Liability of Organizations
Life Sentences
Limitations on Access to Disclosure
Limitations on Intoxication Defences
List of Appointing Governments
List of Criminal Code Amendments
List of Criminal Code Amendments (1892 to 1984)
List of Criminal Code Amendments (1984 to 1999)
List of Criminal Code Amendments (2000 to 2009)
List of Criminal Code Amendments (2010 to 2019)
List of Criminal Code Amendments (2020 to present)
List of Criminal Code Forms
List of Dangerous Offender Designated Offences
List of Designated Wiretap Eligible Offences
List of Hybrid Offences
List of Hybrid Offences (Previous)
List of Legislative Amendments
List of Mandatory Minimum Challenges
List of Primary Designated DNA Offences
List of Secondary Designated DNA Offences (Group A)
List of Secondary Designated DNA Offences (Group C)
List of Straight Indictable Offences
List of Straight Indictable Offences (History)
List of Summary Conviction Offences
Litigation Privilege
Long-Term and Dangerous Offender Designation
Loss of Judge During Proceedings
Lost or Destroyed Evidence
Lottery Offences (Offence)
Main Page
Maintaining the List of Entities for Terrorism Offences
Making Child Pornography (Sentencing Cases)
Making Sexually Explicit Materials Available to Child (Offence)
Mandamus, Certiorari, and Prohibition
Mandatory Minimum Penalties
Manitoba Court of Appeal
Manitoba Court of Appeal (Historical)
Manner of Authorized Entry into a Dwelling House
Manner of Search
Manslaughter (Offence)
Manslaughter (Sentencing Cases)
Manslaughter (Sentencing Cases) (pre-2010)
Maximum and Minimum Sentences
Membership of Federal Appointments Committees
Mental Disorder in Youth Justice
Mental Illness
Military Sentencing
Ministerial Powers Under the CDSA
Ministerial Review
Misapprehension of Evidence
Misc Procedural Provisions
Miscellaneous Administration of Justice Offences
Miscellaneous Authority of a Youth Court Justice
Miscellaneous Currency Offences
Miscellaneous DNA Provisions
Miscellaneous Document Issues
Miscellaneous Firearms Offences
Miscellaneous Fraudulent Offences
Miscellaneous Issues for Preliminary Inquiry
Miscellaneous Judicial Authorization Provisions
Miscellaneous Offences Against Property
Miscellaneous Offences Against Public Order
Miscellaneous Offences Against the Person
Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Terrorism Offences
Miscellaneous Repealed Offences
Miscellaneous Sexual and Disorderly Conduct Offences
Mischief (Sentencing Cases)
Mischief to Cultural Property (Offence)
Mischief to Data (Offence)
Mischief to Property (Offence)
Mistaken Belief of Age
Money Laundering (Offence)
Money Laundering (Sentencing Cases)
Morin Framework (Pre-Jordan 2016)
Motions Chart
Motor Vehicle Theft (Offence)
Murder (Offence)
Murder by Unlawful Act or Object
National Defence and Security Privilege
Necessity Under the Principled Approach to Hearsay
New Brunswick Court of Appeal
New Brunswick Court of Appeal (Historical)
New Brunswick Provincial Court
New Brunswick Provincial Court (Historical)
Non-Restricted and Other Types of Firearms
Not Criminally Responsible Due to Mental Disorder
Notice of Increased Penalty
Nova Scotia Court of Appeal
Nova Scotia Court of Appeal (Historical)
Nova Scotia Legal Profession Offences
Nova Scotia Provincial Court
Nova Scotia Provincial Court (Historical)
Nova Scotia Supreme Court
Nova Scotia Supreme Court (Historical)
Oaths and Affirmations
Objections Cheatsheet
Obligation of Accused to be Present During Proceedings
Obscenity (Offence)
Obscenity (Sentencing Cases)
Obstructing Justice (Offence)
Obstruction of a Peace Officer (Offence)
Obstruction of a Peace Officer (Sentencing Cases)
Obtaining Property by False Pretences (Offence)
Obtaining Property by False Pretences (Sentencing Cases)
Offences Found to be Unconstitutional
Offences by Category
Offences by Penalty
Offences of Violence (Sentencing)
Offences of Violence by Persons in Authority (Sentencing)
Official Court Forms
Officially Induced Error
Online Sexual Offences
Ontario Court of Justice
Ontario Court of Justice (Historical)
Open Court Principle
Opening and Closing Address
Operation, Care or Control of a Vehicle (Until December 13, 2018)
Operation While Impaired by Alcohol or Drug, Over 80, or Concentration Over Limit (Offence)
Operation While Impaired by Alcohol or Drug (Sentencing Cases)
Operation While Impaired by Alcohol or Drug and Refusal (Repealed Offence)
Operation While Prohibited (Sentencing Cases)
Opinion Evidence
Oral Aboriginal History Evidence
Order of Committal to Stand Trial
Order of Detention
Orders to Exclude Witnesses from Court
Out of Province Arrest Warrants
Out of Province Warrantless Arrest
Overcoming Resistance (Offence)
Overcoming Resistance (Sentencing Cases)
Overview of Sentencing
Pardons and Record Suspensions
Parent or Guardian Procuring Sexual Activity (Offence)
Parity Principle
Participating in Terrorist Activity (Offence)
Participating in a Criminal Organization (Offence)
Parties to an Offence
Past Recollection Recorded
Peace Bond (Force Marriage)
Peace Bond (Injury)
Peace Bond (Organized Crime)
Peace Bond (Serious Personal Injury)
Peace Bond (Sexual Offences)
Peace Bond (Terrorism)
Peace Bond (Vulnerable Witnesses)
Peace Bonds
Peace Officers
Pending Amendments
Peremptory Challenge (Prior to September 19, 2019)
Perjury (Offence)
Perjury and Related Forms of Obstruction (Sentencing Cases)
Permitting or Procuring Sexual Activity (Sentencing Cases)
Personating a Peace Officer (Offence)
Personating a Peace Officer (Sentencing Cases)
Persons Exempted From Firearm Offences
Piracy and Offences Against Air and Marine Safety
Plain View Search and Seizure
Planned and Deliberate
Plea Bargains
Plea of Not Guilty and Other Pleas
Pointing a Firearm (Offence)
Police Checklists
Police Duty to Collect Evidence
Police Orders and Demands Chart
Position of Trust as a Factor in Sentencing
Possessing and Accessing Child Pornography (Sentencing Cases)
Possessing and Accessing Child Pornography (Sentencing Cases) (Pre-2015)
Possession and Access of Child Pornography
Possession of Break-in Instruments (Sentencing Cases)
Possession of Break-in Instruments and Disguise With Intent (Offence)
Possession of Firearms Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Possession of Incendiary Materials (Offence)
Possession of Stolen Property (Offence)
Possession of Stolen Property (Sentencing Cases)
Possession of Unauthorized Firearm (Offence)
Possession of Weapons Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Possession of a Firearm in an Unauthorized Place (Offence)
Possession of a Restricted or Prohibited Firearm (Offence)
Possession of a Weapon Contrary to an Order (Offence)
Possession of a Weapon for a Dangerous Purpose (Offence)
Post-Offence Conduct
Powers of the Review Board
Powers to Suppress Riots
Pre-Sentence Reports
Precedents, Court Forms and Checklists
Preliminary Inquiry
Preliminary Inquiry Evidence
Preservation Demands and Orders
Presumption of Identity Under Section 258 (Until December 13, 2018)
Presumption of Innocence
Principled Exception to Hearsay
Principles and Factors of Sentencing Cases
Principles and Purposes of Youth Sentencing
Principles of Fundamental Justice
Principles of Interpretation
Prior Consistent Statements
Prior Inconsistent Statements
Prison Breach (Offence)
Prison Breach (Sentencing Cases)
Private Documents
Private Prosecutions
Prize Fights (Offence)
Probation Orders
Procedural Powers of a Preliminary Inquiry Judge
Procedure and Practice Readings List
Procedure for Calling Expert Evidence
Procedure for Review of a Judicial Authorization
Procedure for Young Accused
Procedure in a LTO/DO Designation Hearing
Procedure on Seizure of Property
Proceeds of Crime Disclosure Order
Proceeds of Crime Search Warrant
Procuring and Living on the Avails of Prostitution (Repealed Offence)
Procuring and Living on the Avails of Prostitution (Sentencing Cases)
Procuring and Trafficking Government Documents (Offence)
Procuring and Trafficking Government Documents (Sentencing Cases)
Procuring the Attendance of a Prisoner
Production Orders
Production Orders for Financial Data
Production Orders for Tracking Data
Production of Records for Sexual Offences
Proof of Bodily Substance in Condition Breach Prosecution
Proof of Controlled Substance
Proof of Impairment by Drugs or Alcohol
Proof of Ownership
Proof of Previous Conviction
Property and Fraud Offences (Sentencing)
Prosecutorial Discretion
Protection of Journalist Records and Sources
Provincial Court of British Columbia
Provincial Court of British Columbia (Historical)
Provincial Court of Manitoba
Provincial Court of Manitoba (Historical)
Provincial Court of Manitoba (History)
Provincial Court of Newfoundland and Labrador
Provincial Court of Prince Edward Island
Provincial Court of Saskatchewan
Provincial Court of Saskatchewan (Historical)
Proving Facts
Proving the Existence of Firearms and Related Issues
Public Incitement of Hatred (Offence)
Public Incitement of Hatred (Sentencing Cases)
Public Interest Privilege
Public Mischief (Offence)
Public and Judicial Documents
Public and Media Restrictions
Publication Bans Relating to Youth Prosecutions
Purpose and Principles of Sentencing
Qualified Expert Evidence
Quashing a Subpoena
Quebec Court of Appeal
Quebec Court of Appeal (Historical)
Quebec Superior Court
Quebec Superior Court (Historical)
Racial Identity in Sentencing
Racial Profiling
Rape (Repealed Offence)
Re-Direct Examinations
Real Evidence
Reasonable Apprehension of Bias
Reasonable Excuse
Reasonable Expectation of Privacy
Reasonable Person Test
Reasonable Suspicion
Reasonable and Probable Grounds
Reasons for Delay (Morin Framework Only)
Rebuttal and Reply
Recent Possession
Refreshing Memory
Refusal (Offence)
Regulatory Motor Vehicle Offences
Regulatory Offences
Regulatory Offences (Sentencing)
Release With and Without Sureties and Deposits
Release by Police on Undertaking
Release on Section 469 Offences
Relevance and Materiality
Reliability Under the Principled Approach to Hearsay
Remand Assessment for LTO/DO Applications
Remand Credit
Remediation Agreements
Remedies on Acquittal Appeal
Remedies on Conviction Appeal
Remedies on Sentence Appeal
Remedy for Breach of Disclosure Obligation
Remote Attendance
Remote Attendance at the Court of Appeal
Remote Attendance of Accused
Remote Attendance of Counsel or Certain Other Participants
Remote Attendance of Judges or Jurors
Remote Attendance of Witnesses
Reopening the Case
Repealed Offences
Repealed Provisions (Part XV)
Repealed Provisions (Part XXVIII)
Representation and Attendance on Appeal
Representation at Trial
Requirements for a Dangerous Offender Designation
Requirements for a Long Term Offender Designation
Res Gestae and Dying Declarations
Res Judicata
Restraint Principle
Restraint of Offence-related Property
Restraint of Terrorism-related Property
Retrospective Punishments
Return of Property Obtained by Crime
Return of Things Seized to Lawful Owners
Reverse Onus Provisions Under Section 515
Review Board Detention and Bail
Review Board Disposition Hearings
Review Board Hearing Procedure
Review Board Publication Bans
Review of Review Board
Revocation or Variation of a Proceeds Restraint Order
Revoking, Terminating, or Replacing Bail or Remand Orders
Right Against Self-Crimination
Right of Appeal by Accused of Verdicts or Sentences for Indictable Offences
Right of Appeal by Crown of Verdicts or Sentences for Indictable Offences
Right of Appeal of Verdicts or Sentences for Summary Offences
Right of Appeal of a Summary Conviction Appeal Decision
Right of Youth to Notify Parents
Right to Additional Opportunities to Consult with Counsel
Right to Choice of Counsel
Right to Counsel on Detention or Arrest
Right to Make Full Answer and Defence
Right to Self-Representation
Right to a Representative Jury
Right to a Trial Within a Reasonable Time
Right to be Informed of Charges
Right to be Informed of Reasons for Arrest or Detention
Rights Against Search and Seizure
Robbery (Offence)
Robbery (Sentencing Cases)
Role of Court Administration
Role of Law Enforcement
Role of the Crown
Role of the Defence Counsel
Role of the Trial Judge
Role of the Victim and Third Parties
Rule Against Collateral Attacks on Court Orders
Rules of Court
Rules of Evidence for a Qualified Expert
SOIRA Designated Offences
SOIRA Notice Convictions Outside Canada
SOIRA Notice Convictions Pre-December 15, 2004
SOIRA Orders
Screening for Drugs or Alcohol
Sealing and Unsealing Judicial Authorizations
Search Incident to Arrest
Search Incident to Investigative Detention
Search Warrant Evidence
Searches Intruding on Solicitor-Client Privilege
Searches at an International Border
Second Degree Murder (Sentencing Cases)
Secret Commissions (Offence)
Secret Commissions (Sentencing Cases)
Section 161 Orders
Section 469 Offences
Section 487.05 Seizure Warrant of DNA Samples
Section 487 Search Warrants
Section 525 Detention Review
Seduction (Repealed Offence)
Seizure and Detention of Property under CDSA
Seizure and Forfeiture of Firearms for Public Safety
Seizure and Forfeiture of Obscene or Child Pornographic Materials
Seizure of Bodily Samples
Seizure of Firearms
Seizure of Proceeds of Crime
Seizure of Property
Selecting Additional and Alternate Jurors
Selecting Jurors From Panel
Self-Defence and Defence of Another
Sentencing Brief (Generic)
Sentencing Checklists
Sentencing Circles
Sentencing Evidence
Sentencing Factors Relating to the Criminal Proceedings
Sentencing Factors Relating to the Offence
Sentencing Factors Relating to the Offender
Sentencing Fraud
Sentencing Introduction
Sentencing Judgement
Sentencing Procedure
Sentencing Ranges
Sentencing Starting Points
Sentencing Table
Sentencing Young Offenders
Sentencing for Child Sexual Offences
Sentencing for Drug Offences
Sentencing for Fraud Over $5,000 Brief
Sentencing for Legal Profession Offences
Sentencing for Luring Brief
Sentencing for Murder
Sentencing for Sexual Offences
Sentencing of Organizations
Serious Personal Injury Offences
Serving Sentences
Settlement Privilege
Sexual Assault, Weapons or Injuries (Sentencing Cases)
Sexual Assault (Offence)
Sexual Assault (Sentencing Cases)
Sexual Assault (Sentencing Cases) (2000 to 2019)
Sexual Assault (Sentencing Cases) (2020 to present)
Sexual Assault (Sentencing Cases) (Prior to 2000)
Sexual Assault of Person Under 16 (Sentencing Cases) (Post-Friesen)
Sexual Assault of Person Under 16 (Sentencing Cases) (Pre-Friesen)
Sexual Assault with a Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm (Offence)
Sexual Exploitation (Offence)
Sexual Exploitation (Sentencing Cases)
Sexual Intercourse with Feeble-Minded Persons (Repealed Offence)
Sexual Intercourse with Step-Daughter (Repealed Offence)
Sexual Interference (Offence)
Sexual Offences
Similar Fact Evidence
Sitting Position of the Accused at Trial
Solicitation (Offence)
Solicitor-Client Privilege
Sources of Criminal Law
Special Disclosure Issues
Special Issues Relating to Jurors
Special Issues for Seizure of Property
Special Issues with Right to Counsel
Special Jurisdiction for Offences Committed on Aircrafts or Spacecrafts
Special Jurisdiction for Offences Over Water
Special Search Issues
Spousal Immunity
Spousal Immunity (Prior to July 23, 2015)
Standard of Appellate Review
Standard of Proof
Stare Decisis
State and Police Misconduct as a Sentencing Factor
Statement of Issues and Witnesses Under Section 536.3
Statements Against Interest Exception
Statutory Hearsay Exception for Victims, Children and Disabled
Statutory Interpretation of the Charter
Statutory Interpretation of the Criminal Code
Statutory Maximum Penalties
Statutory Publication Ban on Evidence
Statutory Publication Ban on Identity Information
Statutory Warrantless Search Powers
Stay of Proceedings
Stay of Proceedings by Crown
Street Racing (Repealed Offence)
Strict Bail Conditions Credit
Sufficiency of Reasons
Summary Dismissal Applications
Superior Court of Ontario
Superior Court of Ontario (Historical)
Support Person Assisted Testimony
Supreme Court of British Columbia
Supreme Court of British Columbia (Historical)
Supreme Court of Canada
Supreme Court of Canada (Historical)
Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador
Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador (Court of Appeal)
Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador (Court of Appeal) (Historical)
Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador (Historical)
Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island
Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island (Historical)
Sworn Testimony Exception to Hearsay
Table of Concordance (Criminal Code)
Taking Photographs and Fingerprints of Accused Persons
Taking of Sample of DNA Under Section 487.056
Telecommunication Offences (Offence)
Telecommunication Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Terms and Conditions of Probation
Terms and Conditions of Probation (British Columbia)
Terms and Conditions of a Conditional Sentence Order
Terms of Release
Territorial Courts
Territorial Courts (Historical)
Terrorism Definitions
Terrorism Forfeiture Orders
Terrorism Offences
Terrorism Offences (Sentencing)
Terrorism Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Testimonial Aids for Witnesses at Risk of Harm
Testimonial Aids for Young, Disabled or Vulnerable Witnesses
Testimonial Evidence
Theft, Use and Forgery of a Credit Card (Offence)
Theft, Use and Forgery of a Credit Card (Sentencing Cases)
Theft (Offence)
Theft and Fraud (Sentencing Cases)
Theft and Fraud Between $100k and $1,000k (Sentencing Cases)
Theft and Fraud Between $5k and $100k (Sentencing Cases)
Theft and Fraud Not Exceeding $5,000 (Sentencing Cases)
Theft and Fraud Over $1,000,000 (Sentencing Cases)
Third Party Wiretaps
Time and Place
Topic Index
Totality Principle
Trace Specified Communications Production Orders
Tracking Warrants
Traditional Exceptions to Hearsay
Trafficking in Persons (Offence)
Trafficking in Persons (Sentencing Cases)
Trafficking in Stolen Property (Offence)
Trafficking in Stolen Property (Sentencing Cases)
Transfer of Matters to Other Provinces or Territories
Transmission Data Production Orders
Treatment of an Accused Unfit to Stand Trial
Trespassing at Night (Offence)
Trespassing at Night (Sentencing Cases)
Trial Judgement
Trial Process
Trial Verdicts
Types of First-Party Disclosable Materials
Types of Offences
Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm (Offence)
Unauthorized Use of Computer (Offence)
Unauthorized Use of Computer (Sentencing Cases)
Unlawful Assembly and Rioting (Offence)
Unlawful Assembly and Rioting (Sentencing Cases)
Unlawfully in a Dwelling (Offence)
Unlawfully in a Dwelling (Sentencing Cases)
Unreasonable Verdict
Use of Firearm in Commission of an Offence (Offence)
Use of Firearms Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Use of Weapons Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Use or Possession of Explosives (Offence)
Use or Possession of Explosives (Sentencing Cases)
Uttering Threats (Offence)
Uttering Threats (Sentencing Cases)
Variation of Probation Orders
Victim Fine Surcharge
Victim Impact Statements
Victims as a Factor in Sentencing
Violence Against Children (Sentencing Cases)
Voir Dire
Voir Dire Decision
Voyeurism (Offence)
Voyeurism (Sentencing Cases)
Waiver of Charter Rights
Waiver of Solicitor-Client Privilege
Warrant Arrests
Warrant for Transmission Data Recorder
Warrant for Transmission Data Recorder (Repealed)
Warrant to Seize Terrorist Propaganda Publications
Warrantless Arrests
Warrantless Entry into Dwellings in Exigent Circumstances
Warrantless Overseizure Under Section 489
Warrantless Search in Exigent Circumstances
Warrantless Search of Abandoned Property
Warrantless Searches
Warrantless Wiretaps
Warrants to Seize Explosives
Weapons Offences (Sentencing)
Weapons Prohibition Orders
Weapons Trafficking (Offence)
Weapons and Firearms Offences
Weapons and Firearms Offences (Sentencing Cases)
Weighing Testimony of the Accused
Withdraw and Dismissal of Charges
Witness Screen and Closed-Circuit Video Testimony
Writ of Certiorari
Writ of Mandamus
Young Offenders (Sentencing Cases)
Youth Criminal Justice
Youth Pre-Sentence Reports
Youth Probation Orders
Youth Serving Custody Sentences